"It's not a lulu thread" edition
last episode of "waifu faggotry and blogposts":
"It's not a lulu thread" edition
last episode of "waifu faggotry and blogposts":
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no qt petite gf
life sux
>15 posts early
>no "lolg" in title
Fucking retard
I'll never get out of Diamond
Fifth for Fiora
Diamond is comfy as fuck though, why would you leave?
Never make a general again
>honoor 4
Have you tried the protobelt - Ludens start on Ahri?
What champion pisses you off the most?
I've always wondered why this general doesn't have a pasta
We could add some useful websites like op.gg, surrenderat20, lolwiki, etc
ok :^)
People have tried to in the past but others complain about it
Holy shit they gutted the shit out of Lucian
>Cull tickles the enemy
>E cooldown of 20 seconds
>Gets outscaled by every crit adc
>Your early all in is useless with shield support meta
I just want to make cool plays rito
>not Morello>Lich Bane
Girls loving girls!
this was posted yesterday
>smurfing in silver
why do low elo players even play this game? how is this fun for anyone, including themselves
didn't know caitlyn and yasuo were supposed to do less damage than lee sin hehe
animu shit
why do you post this every thread?
At least change the webm
no contest
>stands off screen entire laning phase
>can't kill her carry because she peels with w/q/r
>ardent censer abuser
>retarded movement speed
>wins teamfights with one button
>shield gives AD
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Old thread: Fiora Edition
This is how you do it ;)
should I just be power farming to 6 as eve? Are there any champs I can actually duel or gank in the early levels?
It looks meh. Riot really did blew all their load out on the SG skins and Blood Moon Jhin, huh. Well, at least the splash looks nice.
Oh, I missed it.
That's really cool
Post your score
>Magyar Telekom
>smurfs in silver
>willingly giving your data to botnet
what's the most important lane?
The site is owned by Riot and they collect this information about you every game anyway
Tits is the patrician choice
>sitting in train
>some highschool children start talking about league of legos behind me
>unironically rooting for c9 and fnc
t. tsm fan
Blitzcrank. He's out of meta because of ardent, but he'll be back
>''just juke the hook xD''
Yeah any good blitzcrank player moves up with his W and moby boots to a certain range where you literally can't dodge the hook because of ur huge hitbox, and you're forced to use flash. On top of that it's just a gamble because he might predict ur flash to the left or right.
>Replying to threadly bait
Got promoted to Bronze 3 :D
but if I had to choose probably ass
I'm just using the bait to start a discussion about something else then e-sports or tits/asses.
just left my season 1 eune account to go level up on euw, life is suffering
I'm in promos for gold 1 now. I think I can hit plat lolg! I've already played with some plat 5s in my game and they all seemed oddly terrible, even worse than my other gold teammates, is that normal? It feels like the plats don't care at all since they can't demote and just play like garbage
Argentina whiter than USA confirmed
>Its a you're team gets cocky trying to pad KDA and feeds away a won game episode
it's better this way, people wanting to 'make cool plays' rather than 'smart plays' is the problem after all.
>disagreeing with iceland
hello monkeyman
>they all seemed oddly terrible
My friend you're gonna have fun in plat 5
yes plats are shit. Hell, even diamonds are shit
who gives a fuck
>the adc that got carried by his support and jungle goes from 5/0 to 5/5 because he has no map awereness while farming
When should you take Cleanse as a mid laner instead of TP/Ignite/Exhaust?
these are all the boosted ones huh? It feels that way. There was a random plat 3 hecarim in my last game, and he did well, but the enemy had a plat 5 teemo and he was like half the cs of our top laner and went 0/4
Be honest, /lolg/. How likely would it be that your league waifu would CHEAT on you?
I always liked this image. I'm neither an ireliafag nor a syndrafag, nor particularly even a footfag, but just how much she seems to like it makes me happy, and especially the little "ah!" from syndra meaning she likes it too. It's just really cute and I'm happy for them.
same. I'm mid gold 1 and just want to get back to p5. And yeah, the 5th division of every elo is the worst, since it's all the boosted people, all the people who have stopped caring, and all the people who are stuck and bad enough to stop climbing but not quite bad enough to just get demoted.
I generally stop and don't play after getting to g5 or p5 or whatever color my goal was.
you are up against a mage with cancerous cc like annie and you instalocked something retarded like ryze or god forbid yasuo and need a way to escape but cant be bothered to build qss because god forbid you slow down your scaling
If your enemy laner and atleast 1 other champion on their team has a strong CC.
Unlikely. She rejected the marriage proposal of many nobles
Also if the enemy jungle has a strong cc ability like Sej/Rammus, cleanse can be worth it even if your lane opponent doesn't have any cc.
She'd cheat me for a girl, but I don't mind.
Complaining about a century old pubstomp champion isn't exactly discussion. He's intended to make you play differently. If you're a good player, you're not going to treat him just like any other champion and play unnecessarily safe. Any misstep or second not paying attention can ruin you completely.
The hook is also really predictable too. If you're actually just fucking letting him walk up to you, that's your or your team's fault for not respecting the Blitzcrank. Also you literally can dodge it. Blitzcrank fires from his right hand, putting a noticable offset on the right side. If you walk to his left (your right), then it becomes easy to juke. This is an ancient tip that literally everyone except you seems to know.
Again, if he's literally in your face for a 96% chance to hit, you've already made a huge mistake so that has no bearing on the hitbox or how le unfair Blitzcrank is. Also flashing when you're only anticipating the hook is fucking stupid. There is an astronomically low chance that he will have predicted which way you were going to flash unless you're standing next to a wall. But there is a high chance that you flash too early and before he even presses the button at all, just letting him reposition against you while you have no flash. This is a game where you need a reaction time so use it and flash only 100% sure he's going to pull and you're too movement/mentally impaired to try to dodge it. If you do choose to flash, don't just flash backwards since it might end up with more range than you anticipated. Ff you flash to your left (his right, the same side as his hand) there is literally no way it can hit you unless he aimed absolutely nowhere near where you were before, predicted your flash, or aimed at you but favored more to that side (He'd still have to predict it) The safest bet is to flash diagonally away from him, so you get out of both the Y and X axis of the hitbox so no accidents can occur unless you mistime.
BLitzcrank fucking destroyed skt on the worlds stage a few days ago and made them look stupid. Just dodge le hook lol you played bad just be a better player idiots missed this I guess.
The champ is strong.
the hitbox is bullshit though
>my adc picks sivir
>literally 4v5, because she wont even get in auto-attack range
Pretty unlikely I guess.
I love her and care about her and would devote myself to being a good boyfriend and supplying for her emotionally, practically, and if she wants sexually too. I would encourage her and offer her unconditional love and I would be affectionate every single day. Nothing in the world would be more important to me than making her happy, and nothing in the world would be more valuable to me than her smile.
But, if something in me was unsatisfactory to her, then she might. But she wouldn't need to, if I wasn't satisfactory, she wouldn't need any qualms about leaving me.
So I would make her happy so she wouldn't want or need to, and even if I failed, she can just leave me instead of sneaking around and cheating and I wouldn't hold it against her since my end goal is her happiness. If I can't provide that then maybe someone else can. I'm confident I can though.
>Being so set on complaining about something you refuse to accept any logic at all
>"One champ/item/build does well in the pro scene so that makes that champ/item/build absolute cancer"
Why aren't we complaining about Heimerdinger right now then?
>jhin manly
hes basically a girl
>be silver surfer on LoL
>get the whole spectrum from bronze 3 to plat 2 in my games
>be silver surfer on Rocket League
>get matched with only Silvers and worst case scenario Gold 1s
really activates my almonds
It is, to some extent. I don't really like blitz.
I'm not the first user who brought him up. I chimed in saying all the stuff about "you just made a mistake if you get hooked" is demonstrably false, since we all witnessed mere days ago faker getting hooked like a bronzie even with flash and stuff, and a blitz just running over what is supposed to be the best team in the world.
That was the long and the short of my point, not saying anything about other champions.
>Faker, the infallible god of skill who is unable to make any mistakes ever, gets hooked and dies
>That means it's okay for you to get hooked too since Blitzcrank is broken
>to some extent
>pick healslut with ardent censer
Feels good abusing the meta
these are both strawmen
xth for my wife Syndra
Yeah they need to fix the hitbox
stop playing flex queue
There is absolutely no strawmen here. Something doing well in the hands of pros facing other pros doesn't make it broken. Something doing well against the most revered player doesn't make it broken either. The most revered player making a mistake doesn't make it okay for you to make the same mistake and excuse it as a result of a broken champion. None of these are viable arguments but they're the only arguments you have to use when you complain about a pubstomp champion.
I honestly don't really care who I'm replying to anymore. I typed up a 2000 character post giving you tips on how to not get pulled and no one even reads it because they're far too convinced that there's literally nothing that they can do against Blitzcrank.
>game goes on for over an hour because my team can't finish and the other team won't surrender despite being 30+ kills behind
>Lee Sin is a useless fuck all game and tries to surrender even when we're winning
>eventually he AFKs and there's no one to stop the enemy Jinx from taking our open nexus
Gas Lee Sin mains.
>have no waifu
>fap to everyone else's waifu
>cucking everyone in lolg
u mad, cucks?
is mobilytics to be trusted?
or is there algorithmic way off?
>In an ARAM.
>Team is shit talking about who made it to Gold 5 and who didn't.
Gosh this is too cute.
you're still doing it. Within the post where you claim you didn't strawman, you argue against a point that was not made.
n-no sir... you can please Ahri far better than I ever could
Realistically speaking its useless noise meant to sell their premium service. It wont help you at all because you don't know what you're doing wrong and some algorithm saying you on average are more agressive or ward more than people your elo normally do won't magically help you win more games even if you work on skills you supposedly lack. The real trick is to learn proper wave control. Everything else is second to it
more like manchildren
This is the best and most canon pairing in the game!
So today rito reveal the new champ ?
according to the algorithym I'm fucking trash
looked badass til i saw his walk cycle
sorry, that goofy shit will ruin any attempt to make blitzcrank look 'cool'
You still haven't presented any examples of anything or made any argument of your own. You're only dismissing all of my posts as as "strawman" and saying nothing else.
There's no other reason to say "faker" "best team in the world" or "worlds stage" if you're not trying to make the claim that "It does well against pros so that makes it good". If I'm strawmanning, then explain to me why or else your accusation has no credibility.
they don't have a premium service. at least from what i can see
me too.