How do I get a real life stepford wife?
How do I get a real life stepford wife?
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Wait 20+ years. Supposedly sex robots are getting a lot of talk in the valley these days.
Make a stupid amount of money that girls raised to be a "stepford wife" can't ignore.
Generally dumb and docile, rarely any substance.
I have no problem with this.
I'm okay with this.
What kind of assets/income we talkin G
You need to be upper middle class to get a Stepford wife. That kind of income would be in the $150k/year range minimum.
as user stated above 150K a year is the starting point you're looking at realistically.
And the quality of how submissive and "loyal" she'll be will be based purely on her upbringing and the amount of money you make.
IF you were a millionaire you wouldn't have any problems finding one.
Girls are just trying to eat dinners, lounge by lavish pools, drive an expensive mercedes benz, and be able to show off their "disney princess" life
It doesn't matter who you are as long as you have the net worth/lifestyle to back it up.
A lot of people who make money never let go of the idea of finding a "soul mate"
But that's always based off selfish ideas of what their ideal 'woman' is
so they never find her and they're surrounded by women who just want their money
You on the other hand are on the team of smart motherfuckers who understand the principles of human nature
so this won't effect you
If you make enough money you'll literally be able to choose the wife you want based on all the women scrambling over themselves to meet you.
Gauge her level of maintenance and you can keep her for a long time.
>sexbots becoming real
I fucking hope so, but where did you hear that?
Get a woman from a 3rd country. Groom her to be your servant.
Desu I've been to china twice, if I'm still single by mid 30s I'll import one.
>example of a guy who is going to get cheated on
I hope you guys realize that women are just as varied in their desires and crutches as men are. Many women are motivated into relationships by money. Many. Not all.
A friend of mine (who is ultimately a boring person but has connections I like) has dated several legitimate millionaires in the past year or two. She mentions the nice things they do, she mentions that they can do fun stuff with their money, but what she actually spends the most time talking about is who they are as people. How attractive they are. How tall they are. How confident, how intelligent, how funny they are. She has chosen, multiple times, not to date millionaires because she wasn't interested in them as a person. Keep in mind this girl is fucking shallow, and she *still* doesn't care that much about their money.
tl;dr if you go out looking for a girl who will only marry you because of your money, you're going to get cucked, raise a kid that probably isn't yours, and eventually get divorced once she's tired of putting up with your shit
If you want what amounts to a live-in prostitute, by all means, go ahead. But don't tell me you want love and then try to pick up girls in your shitty M3 by buying them expensive drinks.
>If you want what amounts to a live-in prostitute, by all means, go ahead. But don't tell me you want love and then try to pick up girls in your shitty M3 by buying them expensive drinks.
This. This this this.
Alto of guys seem jaded with what's going on with the Feminism cancer so they turned to TRP and MGTOW for answers. But these too are cancers in their own right.
TRP/MGTOW has unyielding rules and makes everything into black and white, and makes wild claims that women only look for money/status in partners, which is half true. They do, but its much more than that.
If you want a live in prostitute, you are going to get one.
However, if you want a real connection, then you are going to get one as well - regardless of how much money you make (unless you are dirt poor).
It comes down to what you want. The law of attraction does work. when you really look at things, most women are content if you have a steady middle class income ($50k-$100k), keep yourself healthy, fit, you don't act like a pussy, and you give her the attention she wants and needs.
Unfortunately I fear alot of men have not been given the guidance and encouragement to tap into their masculine energy, which is why we have the disparity in the dating market.
And keep in mind that in terms of long term relationships people of the same status generally congregate together.
A future "stepford wife" in modern day terms, is a girl that is raised upper middle class, went to college, probably part of the snooty rich girl sorority (in my campus' case it was ZTA) and she has the looks to boot.
This kind of girl most likely isnt going to hook up with Joe the plumber. She's going to want the doctor, the lawyer, etc.
This whole thing of status is really just a natural thing that has occurred throughout humanity and will continue to occur.
Who the fuck is talking about love homie!?
We ARE talking about a live-in prostitute.
OP asked for a step ford wife. I'd tell him to convert to Islam and marry a muslim woman but I'm assuming that's out of the question.
Call me triggered, but you guys are fucking stupid for being offended over this mentality.
Yeah if you want a decent relationship, be a decent person and you'll find a woman who's not just walking ass and tits and won't stare out the window in despair that her life has no meaning because she married a degenerate with a million dollars to only bear his child and be his arm candy.
On the other hand if you want exactly that, then do whatever the fuck you want.
I'm talking about "buying" women who live their whole lives knowing they can be bought.
Not about finding women who have even a quarter of a brain to know that they're worth more than being a live-in prostitute.
I said my piece.
I recommend mail order brides
Filipinas are the best for the money/effort for an english speaker money can buy, but a lot of them look kind of funny.
>Call me triggered, but you guys are fucking stupid for being offended over this mentality.
The only offended person here is you because how dare some guys stray from Red Pill theology. We just see through the bullshit of TRP/MGTOW because let's face it, that's where its coming from. Let's not beat around the bush.
Hey if you want a live in prostitute be my guest. It is your choice over a real fulfilling relationship.
But don't go posting on /adv/ 5 years later when she fucking divorces your sorry sociopathic, autistic neckbeard ass and complain that she told you that "there is no connection" between the two of you. And then you'll go cry on the pathetic MGTOW forums and the cycle will repeat.
>I'm talking about "buying" women who live their whole lives knowing they can be bought.
You realize you're being bought as well?
I think you're just projecting you're own insecurity and autism on here.
okay these terms TRP/MGTOW I have no idea what they mean so please enlighten me because clearly you've labeled me as something that only holds value to you and you've decided to identify as the other. You've already failed. I identify with nothing else besides myself.
That being said you're projecting your sheltered superiority. I had valid points, in your mind you're probably thinking "I would never want my mother/sister/girlfriend treated that way." and in effect suppressing a more decisive attitude and allowing segregated psyche to instill within you.
You've put value on having a "meaningful" relationship as fulfilling your path in this life.
And I've put value in constant growth, being uninhibited, and freely expressing my desires. All my desires. Am I to pursue OP's path?
Who the fuck knows.
Am I to pursue the path that you for whatever reason decided to argue with me about?
I really don't give a shit.
Life presents different opportunities and you're either ready or you're not.
I know who I am friend. Do you know who you are?
Years from now when you're relying on alcohol and prescription drugs to make it through the day thinking 'what's missing?' Having a false sense of security in the tasks you've accomplished, the wife you've built a meaningful relationship with, and the kids who are growing in front of your eyes won't mean shit because YOU were never HONEST with YOURSELF.
Try harder.
You guys in here are so fucking autistic,
I mean I realize it is the subject of this thread but really now,
Do your genetically successful ancestors a favor and stop being a pussy beta male who has to buy his women, rather than finding an actual intellectually stimulating wife
Go to whole foods or other upscale grocery store and start talking to the girl who actually has raw ingredients in her cart and not processed food.
This is the sign of a woman who can cook and increases odds of being stepford material
>We ARE talking about a live-in prostitute.
my bad, carry on
>Peter Thiel told me about a friend of his who says that the only reason people tolerate Silicon Valley is that no one there seems to be having any sex or any fun. But there are reports of sex robots on the way that come with apps that can control their moods and even have a pulse. The Valley is skittish when it comes to female sex robots—an obsession in Japan—because of its notoriously male-dominated culture and its much-publicized issues with sexual harassment and discrimination. But when I asked Musk about this, he replied matter-of-factly, “Sex robots? I think those are quite likely.”
Yeah MAN UP and marry that 37 yr old roastie lawyer!
Go to Eastern Europe and bring her father a bottle of vodka.
He'll make you drink it with him right there, so choose the quality of vodka accordingly.
Reminded me of a real story about my friends dad who is a Truck Driver from Hungary.
He was travelling through Russia around 10 years ago, stopped off to get some coffe/food at a place.
Because he was fat, one guy assumed he was riched and offered his daughter to him there and then, no introduction.
I'd imagine if you had some connections or some sort of guide, this is definitely still true today.
Holy shit hahaha
what a world
You work in marketing don't you? Maybe a psychologist.
Isn't Theil gay? Maybe he's just like "fucking hetro fratboys would fuck a robot if they could"
Probably true but story he probably neglects to mention is the daughter was missing a tooth or two and could best be euphemistically described as "reubenesque"
Although having said that, if you're poor they probably have a litter of kids and really just want to send the daughter off to a better life
>That being said you're projecting your sheltered superiority. I had valid points, in your mind you're probably thinking "I would never want my mother/sister/girlfriend treated that way." and in effect suppressing a more decisive attitude and allowing segregated psyche to instill within you.
>You've put value on having a "meaningful" relationship as fulfilling your path in this life.
And I've put value in constant growth, being uninhibited, and freely expressing my desires. All my desires. Am I to pursue OP's path?
Who says it can't be mutually exclusive?
>Years from now when you're relying on alcohol and prescription drugs to make it through the day thinking 'what's missing?' Having a false sense of security in the tasks you've accomplished, the wife you've built a meaningful relationship with, and the kids who are growing in front of your eyes won't mean shit because YOU were never HONEST with YOURSELF.
Projection, kek
.Try harder.
Project harder
Your long rants about fulfillment and your "valid points", just show that you are clearly insecure about the "path" that you have chosen.
Go for it bro. But you are projecting your autism hard on here. Can smell it a mile away. You are desperate to try to convince me and yourself that this is the right path for you.
But what do I care? Go for it.
>Isn't Theil gay?
I believe so. Which is why it was fucking hilarious when he was sitting at the same table as VP Pence in that business meeting with the POTUS a few months back.
Women are poor.
You can go as cheap aas 50,000 if your in a low cost of living area.
Mothers have offered their daughters to me a couple times when I was younger (24-25) in China.
Filipinas often offer their young to potential suitors as well (if there not married by like 26, their old hags).
tfw parents don't set you up with girls
in china they do
they do in china
1 v 1 me on Quake