How hard is to get a job at JP Morgan?

How hard is to get a job at JP Morgan?
>coursing accounting


learn to write really good etherum network code


I don't think it is particularly difficult to get an entry level job at a big bank.

They will work you like a dog, and you will hate the work. And you will only get promoted if you 'know somebody.'

mostly a meme, but jpm will be using eth network at next update "metropolis" this was announced end of march

Gotta be gifted or a jew. Or a gifted jew.

Im neither.

I work at the building in the photo, 270 Park Ave.

It's much easier to get a job at one of the locations outside one of the major financial metros (NYC, LND, HK). This is the case with most big banks.

How do you get there?


I work in Brooklyn, in Compliance, and I think they'll hire anyone for it really.

> Non-target state school
> Dual Majors: Finance, Econ
> Good grades
> Two good summer internships in financial services
> Then got into JPM Intern Program
> Got an offer through that



For a lot of the back/middle office jobs, the 90% i getting in the door. And the starting salaries are still pretty competitive. 55-65K base, minimal bonus. Long term play is pretty good if your able to climb the ranks a bit.

This will also be the same case most of the big banks in a major metro (BoA, ML, MS, Citi, etc)

Yeah. I started as a consultant early of last year. I graduated just prior to that with a Political Science degree and a 3.5 GPA. I had no relevant experience, just some random jobs and a $175 dollar course about money laundering I took online. I became a permanent employee mid last year after doing a decent job as a consultant. Pay is like 50k. I actually know very little about money laundering or banking, I just look the account over and make an argument at the end for whether it looks like typical transaction activity or not. I have a layman level of knowledge honestly. I've met Compliance analysts with law or finance degrees but many others have less substantive backgrounds. When I finish 1 year of employment I'm gonna look for something else inside in the company and I think I have pretty good chances.

My boss hires pretty frequently and for this role you just need to not be a complete idiot.

actually not a bad idea

If you want to get in as an analyst you almost need to be recruited at a target school through on campus recruiting. Talking sales and trading, the big banks hire big classes out of their target schools. These people make ~70k starting plus ~15k bonus in NYC. In two years you'll be evaluated for promotion to associate. It's an "up or out" business - if you don't make associate, you'll be packing your bags. I know firsthand Citi promotes ~60% of analysts. After that you're looking at a healthy raise / much bigger bonuses. Promotion to VP is much more competitive.

Generally you'll need to be at a target school and have above a 3.5 GPA to even get an interview. This is all pertaining to Sales and Trading in NYC. Not sure of other markets or jobs.

Unless you're top of your class from a known university you're not gonna walk in and get a decent job. You'll at best be cuckboy customer service rep unlocking peoples accounts or transferring their call.

gifted at what?

my faggot rommate from college got hired there and he is a stupid fucking chad and i didnt even get an interview.

JP Morgan id pleb tier.