/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

One -Eyed Dragon edition.



Captain MP mode gamplay :

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OLDER BANNERLORD INFO/VIDEOS: See Pastebin/the sub-forum

PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/ZesXLTP3

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV

>user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New Modules :
>Custom Troop Trees
>CTT for Dickplomacy+Polygamy Bugfix

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

Other urls found in this thread:



Swadia is the one true rightful ruler of calradia!

post rare art

Release at christmas this year.

I tried to find something autistic on deviant art but it was all pretty decent surprisingly



There needs to be some kind of perma-death state
>lose a battle
>all your soldiers you put effort into are gone
>lose your expensive equipment
>lose everything
>now your fucked with no way make enough money to get going again
Might as well die and start again

This is Katrin.

Say something nice about her.

just delete your save if you lose a battle

Then try a mod that does that
Original M&B had plenty such mods, don't remember any on warband though

Do I get to bring friends?

>N-nice face...

what the fuck is wrong with her face


Bannerlord: never coming out or only for immortals?

Yes, but only if they are not Disliked by her.

Like Matheld.

Lezalit is ok, as long as he is not sent as emmisary.

The man himself.

>want to have Matheld in my party
>Lezalit dislikes her
Bros before hos though
Lezalit+Artimenner over Jeremus and Matheld every day

This is why CHA is great.

Can have all the hoes without them leaving cause of infighting.

Artimmener the Architect (and half-time Siege Engineer).

I don't mind the infighting, I just wish that there were ways or situations were they grow to become friends after all those battles together. Not every time, just a possibility of it would be interesting

Do heroes in Viking Conquest always start their own hosts if I leave them to their own devices?

Ailchu is now leading 100+ men roaming around doing whatever the fuck he wants.


I'm posting The Humungus, The Lord Humungus, The Warrior of the Wasteland, The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla in honour of the original Humungus poster until we get a good post-apocalyptic mod.

have you tried that zombie mod?


whats wrong with that zombie mod tho?

This is pretty cool, I hope companions in Bannerlord have unique models

I'm trying to see if there's more but can't figure out where they are.

Ugly, but not in the endearing way
The fucking Highschool of the Dead mod is more fun than that shit


>literally over a thousand people have died waiting for Bannerlord

Is there a way to keep all companions in VC without them bitching about religion?



>Jamal Base

>it could be one of us next
>you might not ever see Bannerlord in your lifetime

No one will anyway

This is Rhodok soil

my knigga


This is Rhodok soil!

t. butternigger

>this is what swadians actually believe

>When your party goes near Culmarr Castle, Artimenner will tell you that the castle was built in the old Imperial Calradic style, and the castle is located in a strategic mountain pass out of the highlands. He also adds that after the Rhodoks won their independence, a Rhodok chieftain set himself up in Culmarr Castle, called himself "Count", and imposed a toll on the pass for the merchants to pay to get their velvet to the rest of Calradia. More chieftains followed his example, and set themselves up in castles overlooking mountain passes and imposed tolls. To control the counts, Artimenner states that you need a king as well, and the Rhodoks turned into yet another monarchy, which is why he shows some dislike towards the Kingdom of Rhodoks and you should too.

>not even having a legitimate dynasty
fucking poordoks, stg.



>Letting your blurry background detract you fro conquering the soild that rightfully belongs to you.

Someone has never conquered Calradia as their own Master.

Rhodoks = Swadians

10 days

hah, you might run out of frogs first

My integrated toaster can run every module on the "High" preset with a playable frame rate but Viking Conquest is like 10 FPS on High and medium is fucking awful.

Is there some specific feature(s) shitting on everything that I need to turn off for a decent FPS on a passable setting?

try the settings detailed here.

you know this is a lie.
bannerlord will "come out" and you will keep on frog posting just like that other guy will keep caca and humongous posting.

Kill yourself gweilo

That actually helped quite a bit. Thanks user-shi

page 10

Post your kniggas or screenshots, since this thread is dead as fuck otherwise.

I really like this banner so I'mma post my knigga with it

What is the default blood_stain value in the rgl_config?



Why is this game so enraging?

I don't think it is

wife me please

I get a kick out of bringing along this delicate highborn girl and slowly turning her into a machine of war.


Do any of you guys play the Warhammer mod?

It's pretty hard and has tons of annoying bugs, but I love the fantasy setting and have an intense desire to rid the world of the OP Brettonians.

>Squire daughteru
Same, gives me the same feeling from Clementine in the walking dead when she knocks the fuck out of a count I hate like despin
I'm hoping Bannerlord let's me raise my daughter into a qt warrior princess, couldn't give a shit about the family shit otherwise

>Your squire daughteru will not be immune to death in Bannerlord.
How long until user's start crying about their waifus and daughterfus dying?

The first day

>Your squire daughteru will not be immune to death in Bannerlord.
Fuck you that's not confirmed

hell guy trying out gekokujo daimyo edition do you have a report yet

Fucking kek I really hope this is implemented

How can I force a war?

I want Laithlind (my faction) to go to war with Mide again so we can conquer their lands and I can get something more than a shitty village on Scotland's west coast. Is it doable by just raiding the shit out of their villages or something?

>Lose your squire in battle to Lord Haringoth
>Slaughter every last man, burn down his villages, slaughter his patrolman
>Hunt down Lord Haringoth to his keep
>Starve them until they sally out, slaughter every last man and set his fief on fire
>Knock him unconcious and stick him in your dungeon
>Murder his entire family excpet his daughter
>Raise her as your new squire
>Release Haringoth and have her kill him in the field

t. reddit

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

What about the shitty Dynasty Warriors one?


whats so great about romance of the three kingdoms

Watch the show and you will understand

play dynasty warriors you will understand

Suck dick and you will understand.

Play the zombie mod and you will understand

Did they change the way couched lances work in Floris? I fucking swear I can't hit anything anymore

what a lovely creature

nope, sorry, still don't get it

Can someone run this through an angry red filter



i just want someone to tell m,e

It's just a timeperiod that interests some people, like the dark ages or the roman republic.

i might try and play that tomorrow. got fuck all else to do.

Which part of the Viking Conquest mod contains Brainybots? I love all the features added by user's mod, but Brainybots drives me fucking crazy with its NPCs kicking three times a second and zeroing in on you like terminators even when you have plenty of allies around

Nevermind I was too hotheaded to realise there was a menu where you can disable it (F11 while not on map for anyone wondering)

VC's boss battles are pretty ridiculous. That nigga on Ulf's farmstead took me like 20 minutes to kill using CTRL+H like I'm playing Skyrim because everything that doesn't hit his head is 0 damage and his shield never breaks even though he breaks mine in 2-3 hits.

You pretty much have to take advantage of thrusts with speed bonus in those situations, i.e. backpedal+suddenly go forward+thrust and hope it penetrates their plot armour