/scg/ /edg/ Elite Citizen: Star Dangerous General #217

ED info:

Elite Dangerous v2.4 is online with improvements to base game and dlc content.
Frontier announced a new expansion called "Beyond" and will offer it for free to everyone who bought horizon.
Season three will focus on refining core gameplay and introducing new content.

Retaliation Trailer*

>Frontier Official YT

*Not actual game footage
Star Citizen Information:
After many delays 3.0 is in the hands of evocati for final testing before releasing it to the public.
>Evocati Q&A

>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.

Last thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

vault.fbi.gov/nikola-tesla/Nikola Tesla Part 01 of 03/view
vault.fbi.gov/nikola-tesla/Nikola Tesla Part 02 of 03/view
vault.fbi.gov/nikola-tesla/Nikola Tesla Part 03 of 03/view

First for unbalanced rocket pod genocide



Green or Blue?


As a subscriber I demand access to Evocati.

debate me if you think otherwise.

This is the thing I regret most in trading up my Gladiator. I may end up missing out on the rocketpod shenanigans as they will almost certainly be OP as fuck when first added and then nerfed into uselessness for a while shortly after.


Gladius is superior for taking advantage of that, for sure.

Amazing landscape detailing.

Nah, Gladiator can rock the pods while also still having a huge missile load, and the Gladiator has much better tank to get in close and stay there to consistently hit with rockets, the gladius can get in and out fast and make use of rocket alpha sure, but It's the Gladiator thats really gonna shine with them since it get just get in close and unload while weathering return fire.


I can see the meta revolving around
>Extreme stealth setup
>Highest emission, highest performance setup
and everything else being pointless.

>In a future 3.x patch we plan to assign every ship and every item a component class. This means players will only be able to put an item of that class into a ship that can utilize it.


>We’re still in the design phase of this system

They've literally been talking for item 2.0 for over 2 years now.

>Sub-Items live inside components and provide a boost to the base effectiveness in a variety of ways. Currently, they are consumable parts that will wear out much quicker than their host items themselves. Without sub-items the base item still functions as normal, but will find a small boost in performance when sub-items are installed. It’s recommended that players carry spares for longer trips as the need to swap these out over extended duration trips is likely. Not carrying spares (or not having the ability to carry spares) isn’t an impediment to base functionality, but should be seen as a continued maintenance loop necessary to provide an improved-upon and highly proficient system.
Are you looking forward to exchanging subcomponents on your
Power Plants
Shield Generators
Fuel Intakes
Quantum Drives
Jump Drives
Computers (Formerly Avionics Motherboards or Modules)
Fuel Tanks
every hour?

Wow, are you playing on ((Low))? Looks like a shitty No Mans Sky knockoff

I'm looking forward to
subcomponents being loot-box style monetized

Dont worry user, that will never happen.
You'll have to either rent them or pay real money to get them outright, it's a much fairer system :)

1 A-rated component guaranteed!

I just saved from doing bounty missions and grabbed a Dolphin to start running passengers. I was running as many economy cabins as a could and just getting bulk passenger missions (5 protestors seeking transport to...) because you can fill every slot with them. If you have a cabin, and select a passenger that says "Dr Douchefist seeking transport to Anal Academy" and he only has 3 passengers, you lose the other slots in the passenger cabin because the faggot doesn't like strangers. Unfortunately, this means switching between open and solo play over and over again until your cabins are full, as there aren't usually enough passenger in any given instance.

As for that build, I would store the fuel scoop, AFMU, and DSS and replace them with econo-class cabins. You'll not need any of that if you're running short-range passenger missions, especially the ones like I described in the previous post regarding 1-jump destinations.


i agree
this shit should have been set in stone by now

quick, how do we use tesla's notes to build a constellation?

vault.fbi.gov/nikola-tesla/Nikola Tesla Part 01 of 03/view
vault.fbi.gov/nikola-tesla/Nikola Tesla Part 02 of 03/view
vault.fbi.gov/nikola-tesla/Nikola Tesla Part 03 of 03/view

Thanks for the input. I'll try out the build later today.

how do i delete dormient bounties?
is anyone willing to kill me in a sidewinder?

>C = The standard item for most ships be default, average performance.
>D = Lower grade, generally makes up the NPC/AI populace, good for emergency use to get through troubles.

and you? cultist or just bored?

Go to the system that you have the dormant bounty, get to the local station, wait till a cop scans you, wallah

The success of Minecraft despite the odds is proof that SC don't need Steam. It's the opposite Steam need SC to oppose Origin and other platforms.
To insist on how little SC need publisher: THEY ALREADY HAVE THE MONEY.
Classic game development follow the pattern we know because they are indebted and need to break even with sales.

SC already did, even is it sold poorly after release -assuming the niche market already bought during alpha- they'll still have millions to spares.



Highest efficiency of operation ship for freighters and explorers.

Highest preformance/cost ratio in combat using expendable ships to win a drawn out conflict by attrition.

Why the angsty overreaction? I'm just implying that it looks like shit which it does.

And it's the same barren perlin noise landscapes on PC too btw.

Has the meme of intentionally misspelling "voila" progressed to the point where pretending to not get that it's a meme is a meme?

Like how people pretending to not understand "turn 360 degrees and walk away" meme is a meme?

It's a doggy dog world out there and those people are a diamond dozen my friend

Niggers posting honeymoon screenshots with ASP in front of things, "never seen before" coriolises with arms, OMG GRABOIDS or after X hours of grinding Y ship is finally mine need to fuck off back to r/elitedangerous pronto, amirite?

>Jesse Fuchs
>Unfazed by danger, hardass
>Time sensitive, he's got important shit to do
>Low value target, keeps a low profile, sticks to the shadows
>Secretive, his business is his own
>Criminal, does whatever he wants

Alpha as fuch

Very funni post, upboated!

Gib gold pls

>rebel leader
>low value target

He's an Antifa chapter leader

i have already seen the wallah meme around, but i actually thought the guy was spelling "et voila" "wallah" unironically

>check this Supergaff redditor channel
>it's fucking full of boring ass garbage vids with zero views
>not even reddit wants this shit
Kill yourself my man.

Yeah, I can't tell who is memeing anymore

I never got the >asp meme, it's a good cheap all-doer



I agree. Elite is an actual. tangible game.

Star Citizen is the most expensive vaporware ever produced. /SCam/ when?

You literally can play SC right now tho.

I just think that a promising but unfinished game with high production values has to be separated from released low quality, low effort second job simulator alreafy in life support mode with no future.

>Elite is an actual. tangible game.

can you all stop shiposting and just play wathever you wanna play?

What I want to play doesn't exist so what now mr. law man?

no regerts

Of course you have no regrets, YOU'RE A FUCKING FORUM DAD!

you can literally play sc right now
t. go play it, stop shitting up the thread with dumb arguments

i guess I'm irritable, I'm playing right now and I'm encountering a very annoying python build

>forum dad

I am unfamiliar with your new-age lingo

2.6.3 isn't what SC is intending to be nor what I want it to be, so no. I can't play what I want.

E:D would have been a good option, but its been dragged down to the lowest form of asinine trucker gameplay, so I can't play that.


Whenever I get the dormant bounty I go to the system in which it was accrued, then get blown up by spess cop. It sometimes take multiple tires. I make sure to fly around and dodge a little bit to ensure whatever bullshit calculations the game has to run to fix the shit work

i'll try, until now i just got there and waited for a cop scan

Space is fun
No mans sky is fun
Sean Murray is fun

I would love to be able to set up my own station out here in the inky black to let travelers have a bit of respite before heading out again.


So here's a genuine NeuGaf refugee dad.

Forumdad means an easily amused low standards middle aged shiteater who dislikes actual video games but happily consumes low quality busywork sims or wallpaper staring software to zone out and crack open a cold one to after a hard day of full of menial tasks.

Aka cancer that has killed ED, aka (You).

>Aka cancer that has killed ED

I am new to ED, was it different before?

for reference, another interpretation of that "dad" problem

But does it have RGB?


It didn't evolve past single cell gameplay because it's creators gauged that fanbase consisting of balding white males is alredy satisfied with it it as it is in all it's space forklift sim 2015 glory.

I sometimes wonder why they keep updating it at all but then I remember that Beyond season of "updates" is them actually stopping working on it and just keeping goldfish brained life washouts engaged by releasing new skins or new dick shaped meme ships.

Ah, in that case, I don't really fit that description. I love PvP and the experience of multiplayer. I open trade in CGs for the fun of being interdicted and dodging full-speed cutters rocketing out of the mailslot at full throttle

>trading and dodging is PvP
>rocketing out of the mailslot at full throttle

Holy shit you reek of Reddit, kill yourself.

>trading and dodging is PvP

It's certainly part of it, but I wasn't implying it was the same as dogfighting

i fail to see how dads are ruining the game, is it the grind?

>i fail to see how an army of cock gobbling retards consuming low quality content, shilling low quality content, defending low quality content and asking for more can make a video game company to not try at all and by that make the end product a boring turd

Well you're either one of them or you are clinically retarded.

The implication is that the reason the game does not progress in fields related to combat or player activity is because the "dads" are telling the devs that business as usual (spess truckin) is the way to go, and that everything else is secondary to the experience of cruising around the big empty

what direction should the game have gone then?

Is there a sale on ED going somewhere? Why so many of those dad mongoloids crawled out of the woodwork and into this thread out of a sudden?

One even shills his JUST youtube profile itt wtf.

I seriously hope that's an evolved form of ironic dadposting nor real human garbage.

We exaggerate a few things but "they love grind" isn't enough to describe them.
They are the kind who dislike features complex enough to make look stupid, so they'll encourage anything that can be simplified into highly repetitive task. And because of their old reference (first Elite), they also confuse immersion with boring & repetitive.

have another meme typical of dadism


trucking (in my corner of space anyways) has been nerfed, and assassinations have picked up


I think ED people come here a lot, but since there's such little discussion they don't say much. I'm glad I could help change that by talking a lot about ED, which I just bought last month.

It's easy to disseminate from my posts that direction that leads away from minimally viable second job skybox staring relaxation aid sim, realistic tedium, grind and MUH IMMURSION is the one they should've took.

A path from single player MMO to an actual multiplayer game whit all those feature modern multiplayer games have. A path from low quality spaghetti code product to a high quality product.

I guess you're indeed not very smart but I'll give you the benefit of doubt and consider you're acting deliberately obtuse.

LMAO good one
emersion seems to be in debate on the frontier forums with warp gates and cr exploits coming up. i have to say there needs to be a less grueling way to progress than the way it is now
reviving CQC would be great

They could have put some sand in the sandbox for people to play with, but the dads endlessly defend the lack of sand, pay for the lack of sands and express their approval for the lack of sand and voice opposition to the addition of sand, saying that the children wishing for sand in the sandbox should use their imaginations to pretend there is sand and that if they spend many hours playing in the lack of sand they will realize that playing in a sandbox with no sand in it is basically the same as playing in a sandbox full of sand and they should have just as much fun without sand as they might with it, and asking for sand is a tremendous burden to the people we paid to construct this sandbox for us and we need to stop acting so entitled, stupid entitled kids, expecting sand in a sandbox.

calm down dad you'll get an aneurysm from capslock posting

i was asking for an actual suggestion(s). i agree that the 'second job' bs they got going has to change but how would they do that?
Mission unlock
travel this distance for this ship, mod or weapon.

How can i post in the E:D frontier forums in order to create the maximum bitterness and "toxicity", as ledditors love to call it?
it might be more entertaining than the game itself

To be fair, immersion can go wrong in different ways.
Star Citizen problem of immersion is fidelity, unlike ED they want it fun, but they want it fun in every meticulous ways. As a result instead of suffering for G-force you'll suffer of G-force, jerk, impact, stamina, food-poisoning (probably), heat or cold surrounding
Result: it won't matter if you just wanted to fly spaceship with some FPS. You get the full ARMA 3 suite.

> i have to say there needs to be a less grueling way to progress than the way it is now
I don't see them reducing the grind before adding several season-pass of content, because grind is the only way for them to claim the content last a while.

>reviving CQC would be great
Please set yourself on fire and die at your earliest convenience.
ED is even worse shaped than SC for Arena style combat. Nothing is balanced right for that.

lol good shit

i should go on the frontier forums more often


>i was asking for an actual suggestion
>pls design a game you paid for
>you can only criticize food if you're a pro cook yourself
Why are you asking for actual suggestions, are you in power to actually implement them? If not then there's no sense in typing them to you because it's just a waste of time and already been done in gulag and reddit countless times.

Pay me fucking 6 millions on Kickstarter and I give you a full design doc faggot. Until then the cues I've already gave you are enough.

>Mission unlock
>travel this distance for this ship, mod or weapon
Are you using google translate or what?

Sabre cockpit for comparison.

yea you should go and stay there assclown

Well no, they don't. They had to take a loan.

>ED is even worse shaped than SC for Arena style combat. Nothing is balanced right for that
if they had better matchmaking it would have been half decent but NNNOOOooooOOO
>Please set yourself on fire and die at your earliest convenience
gawd... emersion probs
i like emersion but whats the point if your breaking that to track shit down on the net?

Technically you can already own them, you just have to cry to Frontier to let you in.

More importantly, Squadrons when? I hope they won't lock you the fuck out of buying a fleet carrier if you don't have the DLC.

chill plax you went full retard

>Technically you can already own them, you just have to cry to Frontier to let you in.
Wait what?

something tells me this picture might be fake
r u a time traveler