Etrian Odyssey General

>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)

>EOV guild cards

>EOV undub
US Luma:
US to EU patch for both:

>EOV DLC cia
EU (what's out so far):


EOV released October 17th for NA (Digital for EU), November 3rd for EU.

Previous Thread:

I forgot to mark the stone monument that the council wants, where is it again?

So what the fuck does Miasma Armor even do? I just started and some skills do something if I have it on, but does it do SHIT by itself? Harbinger is the best looking class imo but I don't get that part.

12th floor, E3.

speed bonus

It gives speed up, I'm just unsure if the level of miasma armor affects the speed up of auto and endless shroud. Does anyone know?

What's the point of NG+ if I've already 100%'d the game? I explicitly want there to still be postgame content so I feel incentivized to replay the game. That's what I did in EOIV, I avoided touching Warped Saviour until I was 99r99 because I knew that even if I could do nochem WS before 99r99, as soon as I did it I'd lose the drive to keep playing and autistically reach the absolute maximum.

In fact, I've got to say that I'm sad that 30F's boss in EOV sounds weak. I was really hoping we'd get a boss that pushed us for 99r99's again.

Again, no spoilers please.

It gives you a speed boost while it's active and later on there are some passives that give you more stuff while it's active.
Since many of the Harbinger's skills are pretty slow and they are on the supporty side of things it's useful for them to be fast.

Yes, it does.

when has anything in an eo game ever needed you to be maxed out

are we counting u2 dlc

To carry over the once per playthrough items.

Nochem WS is sufficiently difficult that 99r99 is suggested, I've heard that EO1U's Primevil requires 99 if not 99r99, and I've heard that Ur-Devil requires 99r99.

Stop going through 2 threads per day

I should probably finish the untold games sometime, I stopped cause I hated the idea of stuff being locked behind story and grimoires

Weak is an understatement, you can basically one-shot him at level 70 with the proper setup.
They could have given us some DLC (even if I hate the idea of it) like in 2U.

I see, and good to know it's more of a support class, I was kinda aiming to make it my main phys damage dealer. Probably gonna restart though, not a huge fan of my party right now.

Nice of the prince to invite us over for a picnic.
Eh, Luigi?

Nice autism
Food prince best prince

Pitch a dungeon theme for Etrian Odyssey VI.

Why the fuck would anyone make a earthlain masurao? I've seen multiple people today say they did

>Find deer at a dead end
>Nobody is adept at hunting though so your party wastes two hours chasing the deer
Racial skills were a mistake.

>finally beat Hippo after six tries
>unlock titles
F-fuck. Send help, I don't wanna use the generics.
I don't even know which title to use for my Pug or Necro.
My other three are Deathbringer, Poisoner, and Cannon

Brainlets were a mistake.

You could do the same in 3 with WM, U1 with action boost, and U2 with a couple gunners or survivalists. Massive burst strategies have never stopped being a thing.

In any case, I'm more fond of V's superboss design, where it's less just "know exactly what this guy's pattern is or get fucked lmao" and more reactive to the current situation. He's legitimately challenging if you try to go through it normally.

Broker and Combo

Not sure if you heard about it (it's on the official side but in-game they only tell you very late that it exists) but there are later on class specialisations.
Harbinger can either go towards support via debuffs with a Heal and one awkward damage skills or towards damage and ailments with one ok damage skills and some awkward ones.

When it comes to damage they get outclassed by many classes and Earthlain (with the LUC needed for ailments and the STR to deal STR-based damage) have low TP which can be a problem.
Not an easy class to use but an interesting one.

>not wanting free STR

space station

Try save scumming.

A forest.
Maybe even a green forest.

A school.

ghost town

kys personafag

Maybe, and I know this is crazy, little lakes and rivers everywhere?

Cherry tree bridge aesthetics except the stratum is actually enjoyable beyond that.

Dilapidated farmland. It could be the first stratum and was used, well, farming, but was overrun with monsters and abandoned.

Cannon : Dulle Griet (a medevial cannon)
Poisoner : Rosary Pea (a poisonous flower)
Deathbringer : Wing of Azrael

Go Barrage for Pugilist and Evoker for Necromancer
Evoker : Hel Summoner
Barrage : Unlimited Binds

>I admit, I was watching. Couldn't help but ogle at the size of those things...
What a slut.

The one time I don't start up NTR with the game I miss an opportunity to get this dialogue captured.


Underground vault/bunker with survivors and autistic AI overlord

a brothel

Can you guys add me? I can't remember if this was before or after I did the rest

so gladsheim

Maybe an abandoned prison. With guard FOEs still patrolling the halls.
I really liked stratum 3 in V, so I'd like to see more spooky stratums.

>he doesn't know

Nene and Teach team kicked sorry ass of enemies in Stranger of Sword City and returned home!

But still two weeks remain until my EO V copy will arrive ;_;

>a month into the game release counting the lsak
>people still giving bad advice or misinfo for parties
Has it always been this bad or is it just the casuals from /v/?

He changes modes the turn after his slaves are killed. In the case of his grounded form, he takes an extra turn to activate them. But that phase makes skeletons explode in your face so even if you survive it will be over soon - and back to his flying form in the back row.

A castle with moats and armored knights and horseman as FOEs with the gimmick being that you have to push switches to lower and raise draw bridges over moats of crocodile FOE infested waters

I want to give Lili my wood

What about a castle in the sky

>a month

So, how does multiplayer works in EO VI? If you scan somebody else guild card, you can use his first party member but they dont get exp like in V or it got expanded?

There has always been bad advice, even for games that have been out for years.

For example, some people claim EOII is actually a game you should ever play.

>still using ntr

She doesn't want your tiny branch, she wants wood! Wood!


Spooky stratums are best stratums.

the hell is this

What else do you use for in game screenshots?

People think they're helping.
Honestly I don't even know why spoonfeeding is tolerated here.
Does anyone even know the point of the game?
No, it isn't to have fun.

>I really liked stratum 3 in V
how do you live with such a shit taste?


The actual insides of the fucking tree.
Walls made of wood with mana/science stuff flowing through them for a prettier look.
Enemies are insect themed with FOEs that can eat through walls.

Eat your pancakes, warlock.

Secret level of EO.

Just kidding, its Stranger of Sword City, another dungeon crawler where I added custom portraits from EO.

wait what

luma has a service menu with screenshot option

>Skeleton monsters
>Different problems to solve depending on the time of day
>Nice music
>Connection to the game's backstory
>Cute necrololi joins you for the boss
>You get second names right at the start so you can experiment with different builds and new skills throughout the stratum
I'd take it over Stratum 4's teleport mazes.

NTR is easier

Spooky gothic castle

>pressing 3 buttons is hard
>harder thatn launching some shit softwware

II is the purest EO experience.

That takes far too long to actually be use-able normally.

Don't worry, we are going to hit ded threds in 2 weeks from now on

EU physical release will keep us alive a week longer.

>luma takes a screenshot every half a minute( it even says "slow" in the menu)
>ntr just works

>tfw you reach end-game and have a question but generalis dead again


>some people claim EOII is actually a game you should ever play
I'd rather play EOII than godawful EOI. I can't believe anyone recommends playing that game anything other than for series completion.

It just means your questions might actually get an answer to keep the thread alive.
Right now threads move so fast, much gets completely ignored.

EO has the most soul

But first EO is superior to II, user.

II was all about "nuke or die" as well, making it less fun and more frustrating.

But you still have all the post game bosses.

both games are excellent dungeon crawlers, fuck you

Today I woke up from a dream where I was in my back yard
A monkey and it's kid were sneaking around my house
The adult monkey was medium sized
It noticed me, becomes hostile, and before I even have time to react it ran towards me and climed on my back
Then I woke up

Wild animals are scary, the dream made me realize how weak Normal people are even a tiny monkey could just climb on you and rip your throat off if it wanted to and you wouln't be able to do anything

These fucking hex steeds and their lightning bolts.

That could work too, just interchange some things here and there like instead of horseman go with pegasus knights ala fire emblem. And instead of a moat just have it be open air leading to falling out of the sky

EOI would be entirely fine with a slight rebalance and better mapping tools
>Mapping shortcuts
>Mapping one way shortcuts
>Mapping that one floor that's all one way shortcuts

bind it's arms

>Different problems to solve depending on the time of day
There's literally like no reason ever to enter this stratum at night unless you do upper part of floor 12 or gather, guard sole lasts forever and entirely negates all damage, materials for it are extremely common
>Nice music
No it's not, especially that annoying howling in background. This game has leagues better tracks.
>Connection to the game's backstory
Literally none, it's the same shit but now you carry two scrubs through the easiest boss in the game because evoker and debuff harbinger is shit party
>Cute necrololi joins you for the boss
Corpsefucker begone
>You get second names right at the start so you can experiment with different builds and new skills throughout the stratum
>experimenting in the stratum with great spriggan, fire wheel, flame temptress and ghosts
Epic bait
It also looks like absolute shit, cave is such a godsend right after with crystals and second best track in the game

I agree. There's no way to 100% complete EOI without a Paladin in your party at least once, while I've defeated Ur-Child with three different setups.
They're both broken messes, but EOI is the hotter mess.

>The trees are all combining together to make a cocoon which may or may not birth Unicron

EU exp dungeon QR or .cia where?

I'm pretty sure there was a rebalance rom out there somewhere

Not until next week unless someone who bought it legally dumps it directly as I mentioned in the last thread.


What exactly would you consider bad advice?

eo2 is fun because it's broken as fuck

stuff like using dodge fencer, necro being useful pre second names or minmaxers going full autism about few skillpoints