Aside from Marx's view on religion, what is exactly the correlation between atheism & communism?

Aside from Marx's view on religion, what is exactly the correlation between atheism & communism?

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Most countries that followed the Marx-Lenin model of communism tended to take a very negative view on religion to varying degrees.

To be a Communist, it is necessary to be an atheist. But to be an atheist, it is not necessary to be a communist.

Maybe something in the tracks of the tsar being chosen by god to rule?

Most communists were also atheists. Not all, though.

He said that religion was the opiate masses, in other words, it was something that helped enable capitalism and keep the proletariat where they were. Marx hypothesized people would stop clinging to religion when there was no longer a need to cling to religion, and religion would wither away.

Marx saw religion strictly in terms of social utility. It had utility in capitalism, it is useful to people, and useful to the class system. In communism, it would stop being useful, as people would no longer need to seek a divine authority of a being that was supposed to be above the upper classes. And without class distinctions, there would be no need for the upper class to keep religion in place. And therefore in communism, religion would wither away as people discovered real worldly meaning and happiness, rather than in the supernatural.

Leninism thought they could steamroll through socialism and accelerate things by doing things like actively destroying religion and reach communism quickly.

Church is a social institution like race or class. The church was always disparaged by the communists because it was seen as an Opiate for dulling the people's senses. Morality itself was disparaged as a "badge of stupidity".

I like Confucianism and Shintoism, not because I'm a weeb.. I don't really like anime much. The reason I like eastern philosophy, is because it doesn't take on a legalistic approach to our understanding of reality. Western philosophy is very structured and legalistic, stating facts based on semantics, and basing semantics on facts. The reason I bring this up, is because in Eastern philosophy, Confucianism to be exact, there's an idea that ritual in itself is spiritual, political, religious, scientific, and extends beyond every facet of social life.

Ci Gong wanted to stop the ritual sacrifice of the sheep. Confucius said "You love the sheep, I love the ritual". It was to show that practicing ritual is a pleasure in its self. I think what could be added, is that ritual is a social institution. Karl Marx is like Ci Gong; he wants to do away with the ritual, because he sees no point. The point in ritual is not to benefit someone, but to appeal to our social nature, to appeal to group culture.

Anti-social people tend to have an indifferent attitude towards anything ritualistic such as manners, religion, fashion, standards, etc. The image of the fat neckbeard communist/libertarian atheist comes to mind, because he lives to benefit himself because he's ostracized by society. He lives to have pro-choice opinions because his moral sense is lacking social support; he thinks only about himself, not caring of standards, eating till he's fat, not caring what people think, becoming depressed, losing ambition in life, etc.

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Both develop from the rejection of traditional orthodoxy and authoritarianism.

Religion is the natural consequence of "no my ancestor was even taller" and it almost always predicates a typical apish social structure of the strong older man being in charge.

Once you are willing to reject the supposed authority of a deity, you realize maybe you can reject all authority and just work together with your fellow apes.

Then some strong authoritarian ape starts exploiting the social instincts of the masses and your cooperation devolves back into one dictatorship or another.

Pretty much every Marxist-Leninist state suppressed religion and propagated an atheistic, materialistic worldview. This continues to this day in China, where party members are explicitly requested to be atheist, and the government keeps religion under its boot.

Not true. Communism is entirely compatible with a belief in (some) God. One cannot, however, fall into the trap of organized religions that work hand-in-hand with the bourgeoisie (or whatever ruling class one may live under) to oppress the working class.

Their view of politics is based on those in authority vs the oppressed and God is the ultimate symbol of authority. This also explains the high rate of atheism among libertarians.

>what is jonestown

>take pill

When Marx called religion the opiate of the masses he meant that it's something that was socially constructed to control the population and to give them comfort from their daily drudgery and labour. Marx never advocated for violent suppression of religion however. He believed that it would naturally phase out as a communist society is established.

I think he's right..

the big problem with """communists""" (leninists, maoists) was they were fucking arrogant. They assumed they could take backwards 3rd world populations and overnight turn them into a 1st world country...

They couldn't and that's not what marx was proposing in "Capital".

Marx fancied himself something of a scientist and put great store by the supposedly "scientific" nature of his cult.

This guy's got it

Scientific meant something different at the time. It didn't expressly mean according to what we understand to be the scientific method, but instead referred to a thorough and methodical nature being taken to the design of something.

Marx wasn't really anti-religion

Lenin was a staunch atheist and made the whole country play his game

He behaved this way on a lot of issues

ironically, as major trouble arose during the early stages of Soviet involvement second world war, state sponsored atheism was dropped in the Union as party officials realized offering illiterate peasants a chance at heaven if they die fighting rather than eternal nothing meant that orthodox priests were better for morale than commissars generally were.