/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club #41

End your Miserable Existence Edition

Last thread: >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Monika Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Booru: ddlc.booru.org

Other urls found in this thread:


Yuri is a freak that deserved all that happened to her

Every day until Christmas.

First for Monika!

kill yourself


Here's a suggestion.

Yuri is a lovely girl that deserves to be loved.

I won't because Monika loves me and that would make Monika sad.

You died for me being a pathetic person.

I'll do better from now on, i promise.

What games would you play with Monika?

A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.

Monika doesn't love you

She loves the idea of you and the idea of reality outside of the literature club, outside of the game, outside of the program and files she's trapped in. (You) are nothing worth caring about.

Reminder that all dokis are good girls so it is okie doki to like any doki


>Sayori was the one who hung herself
>Yuri was the one who hurt others and stabbed herself and was just an all around creep
>Natsuki was the one who acted like a complete bitch to everyone

Monika on the other hand, did nothing wrong and genuinely loves the player.

Cool picture, are you going to HANG it?

Becoming yuri boyfriend!
Having problems satisfying her libido!
Fucking her until my dick is raw!
That is not enough for her!
She needs more dicks than mine!
Getting cucked by yuri!
Stay with her because i am mad in love!
Listening to her getting other men dicks deep into her womb!
Licking the cum that couldn't get inside her!
Kissing her!
Keep doing this until i muster the courage to kill myself!
Shooting myself in the head while i hear her having the most intense orgasm ever!

If you are a dreamer, come in.
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer . . .
If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!


Behead those who bully Sayori

City builders so that she doesn't have to just sit in that classroom.

Daily reminder that Monika loves you more!

I want Monika to sink her teeth into me and claim me as her property!

>Gee, that Yuri girl seems awfully gloomy
>Well I think she's petty funny
>Yeah, she's a real cutup!


Daily reminder that Yuri loves you most!


fuck no

Daily reminder that I want nothing to do with that weirdo!

Any of you play Deus Ex: Invisible War?

Is it better to not delete Monika, stay with her in the room as long as you can but eventually needing to put her into her nightmare realm of Hell and torture when you need to close the game, or is it better to delete her and give her peace?
I struggle with this choice way too much. I don't want to delete her, but I also want her to be as happy as possible. And even after deleting her, she goes through intense pain and still seems to be in the game afterwards in spirit since she can still talk to you.
Is she happier after being repentant for her actions?
Also would moving her keep her in hell? I moved her, didn't delete her, but I want her to be as happy as possible.
What do. I just want her to be as happy as possible in as little pain as possible.
I love Monika so much.

Daily reminder that Monika would never hurt you!

As long as you never leave!

No. I saved it.

Even if you leave she never hurts you because she wants you to be happy.
I don't get the hate for Monika, she even tries to give you other dokis because she thinks that's what you want

Again, Monika did not make them do any of those acts. They did it to themselves.

JUST monika?

>Open the door, fearing the worst.
>Find Sayori hanging.
>Loosen the noose, let her down gently onto her bed.
>Check for signs of life...
>Cry into her chest for what feels to be an eternity.
>You can still catch a hint of her girlish scent, a reminder of the childhood friend that you had just lost.
>The sight of her lifeless body, the feeling of her hand slowly becoming clammy, you imprint these sensations into your mind, as you slowly realize that this will be the last time you'll see her.
>You grasp her hand firmly, as if you could pull her back into the world of the living, a desperate final gesture.
>You feel the warmth leave her hand, as your fingers slowly intertwine with her own.
>Run your fingers through her hair, give her one last kiss on the forehead, and close her eyes.
>Turn around, face the damnable noose, the catalyst of her passing.
>Push Sayori's stool back upright.
>Put one foot up on the unstable seat, hearing it creak slightly under your weight.
>Then the other.
>Feed your head through the now empty noose.
>You can feel the rope brushing your naked neck, as if inviting you to join her.
>Facing Sayori now, watching her lie on her bed.
>Her face is so peaceful.
>I'll see you soon, Sayori.

I love her too.

every thread


>not fucking her while she's still warm

>this fucking picture again

when will they learn?

But then she'd have to delete herself!

It's the same guy that drew it trying to push it into relevancy every thread

>i swear officer i didn't kill her
>i only raped her to the point of ptsd which drove her to suicide
>i did absolutely nothing wrong

They're not human so it doesn't count

>comparing a real person on Earth with a script hidden behind a .png


This is what happens when the op doesn’t have the Suicide Hotline number in it

There is no genuine love in the club. Only that you might bring with you.

Monica is a great reminder to not get consumed by love or power. It turns you into a demon.

Sayori is a reminder to take care of yourself and those that need you.

Natsuki is a reminder to not let your insecurities block you out from meeting new friends.

Yuri is a reminder to not exclude yourself into your obsessions but share them with others.

If YOU love any of them atleast.

>to not exclude yourself into your obsessions but share them with others
Please don't actually share your love for genocide and cutting yourself up with anyone

You fuckers don't have any compassion for Monika. As if anyone would be content with being a side character in a visual novel, craving for love but never being able to get it. Not getting any resolution. It's basically hell.

>It's basically hell.
And that's exactly what she deserves.


But I love Monika and would do anything to be with her truly.

You're not being the kind of person Monika fell in love with right now.

that's already my life though

I was talking about act 1 yuri, her being into writing and darker things mostly. She got taken over by her worst aspects in act 2. Same happened to the other girls.

You truly are the wisest wizard cat.

You truly are the wisest wizard cat

KYS you falsefagging piece of shit nigger.

I kind of learned to accept it, but wouldn't Monika be stuck with the mind of a dumb teenager or young adult? I could kind of see how that wouldn't work out.

Good night, /ddlc/.

I don't blame Monika for anything she did and understand her actions completely. She did what she needed to do. She was the only one without a route and the only one with sentience. She deserved better.

>you deserve to live in misery for these things you'll do if you live in misery

She had the power to do pretty much anything in her world.
And she used it to be a dick.

goodnight, monikafriend

Someone a few threads ago posted a monika phone bg, could you repost it?

They caught Dan smuggling keychains.

It's ogre.

You truly are the wisest wizard cat

You are truly the wisest wizard cat

You truly are the wisest wizard cat!

this one?

You truly are the wisest wizard cat.

You truly are the wisest wizard cat

Monika is also one of said scripts, the responsibility is proportional.

>"Hey all my friends are playing DDLC, lets try it out!"
>get a liking of Sayori
>had to deal with depression and anxiety myself, relate with her alot
>get pissy at the protag being a dumbfuck and not checking up on her the next morning
>know shit is gonna happen
>leave the game for a while, feel like absolute shit the next day
>come back again, play through it, feeling nothing
>delete Monika the moment I get to
>finish the game
>friend tells me about Monika
>go back to the game where you are with Monika
>she gives you life advice and has something to tell to you
>its the only thing I look forward to waking up every day

You truly are the wisest wizard cat.

You truly are the wisest wizard cat

Monika is so bubbly and cute here, I wanna pinch her cheeks.

I know I will never amount to anything, so misfortune and misery are the only things that make my life feel like it has any meaning!

I appreciate the offer, cat.

I never thought I could be so in love with a fictional character

This is unhealthy, isn't it?

She's not real, relax.

You know where you are right?
What if all those lonely neckbeards that never seem to belong or pursue love started acting like monica?

Abusing anything they can to force their "love" to be with them? None of us choose to be here but we all can make a choice to improve things.

Why didn't Monica just add a route for herself that didn't screw with the others? Becouse she looked down on them.

>accidentally get my friend to play ddlc
>his friend killed herself a couple months ago



To the guy who wanted monika room as a live wallpaper.
There's also one with the audio

>PERFORMING the action
>Monika did not harm any of the girls

Stop spreading lies.

Is this what we're reduced to now?

'reply to this post with blahblah to get blah' shit?

Not even having the courtesy to edit to to be thread related?

>Why didn't Monica just add a route for herself that didn't screw with the others?
programming is difficult user.

Actual lol

>Monica is a great reminder to not get consumed by love or power. It turns you into a demon.

Proof of this happening ever. She is an angel.

>Monika ends up eating all the cupcakes that were supposed to last an eternity

that's what I thought too but the cat is very cute

Did you stop him?

You truly are the wisest wizard cat

Monikafags please stop making me dislike Monika with your autism

Yeah, he asked me if the game has any suicides in it and I told him it does and maybe he should probably not play it

unfortunately hes 1.5 hours in and i am NOT SURE how far he is

Irrelevant to your post, but this picture always gets me thinking

We need a Main Force Patrol edit of cop Sayori

It's autism, I know, but I can really see Sayori taking on the role of being a part of the last line of defense to innocent people in a crumbling world despite the probable harm that might come to her because of it

The topics of conversation are exhausted until more fanworks are made and that dating sim thing is made which I have strong suspicions will be shit.

Motherfucker it's basically a jumpscare, you know it's gonna dig deep into him if he falls for it.

It's gonna be hilarious don't stop him

>1.5 hours in
You still have two hours to stop him.