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old bread:

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nth for ignore rudeposters!!

3rd for say neigh to gambling!

3rd for know your post number

Make-all is not canon.

Reminder to be nice to cute animeposters!

1 more day of members left then I'm free!

I wish I was a trust fund baby who could just sit home all day and play Runescape. Having to go to school to study bullshit I don't care about to find a job I don't care about just to be able to live a basic life makes me depressed as shit and Runescape is the only reason I haven't completely succumbed to this depression.

Also, does basic, general-ed math make anyone else suicidal? I'm tremendously passionate about geopolitics, european history, and philosophy, I don't see why I have to study math at all. It's impossible for me to succeed in, and even with tons of tutoring, rigorous homework schedule, and office hours I'm still not sure if I'm going to be able to get the C I need to pass. I feel like a worthless failure when I'm in that class and I'm starting to get to the point where just thinking about math or seeing it online makes me anxious and panicky as fuck because it's practically an alien language to me.

Fuck math so fucking much. Literally if math didn't exist I'd feel so much better about my schooling and my future prospects.

na i love math but everyone has subjects they fuckin hate but still need to get through, when you pass the class you'll never have to worry about it again

what the hell is canon then


they added barb fish spots south of raids and theyre not even near the waterfall



I actually just got one a second ago and sold it since i dont care about the karamja diary....

>not just paying 800k
Good Irongoy. Waste your precious real life time.

Same here. My major is chemistry and we have to take all the way up to Calc 3 even though the only math we ever use is high school algebra. I'm currently two semesters behind on math which is probably going to delay my graduation by a year because I can't get myself to study for it.

Romeo and Juliet

Are you in the midwest US by chance?

I normally wouldn't give a shit either but I've done all the other tasks in the medium diary.

I'm not an ironman. I have the money to buy one but this game never gives me good drops and I've already spent so long trying to get one. I'm too much of a stubborn, autistic prick to let this shit game beat me again. Fuck.

>tfw neet


Do the opportunity cost. How much can you make an hour?
44 rune crafting is 560k. Blast furnace is 700-1.1m/hr. Easy as fuck to get. And your mentally deficient ass sat there trying to beat the game at it's own stupidity, grinding. You've lost. You lost before you started. LEAVE. LEAVE AND GO BUY IT. WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR TIME AND MONEY.


>I wish I was a trust fund baby who could just sit home all day and play Runescape
I'm just a NEET user like everyone else. it's easy, no trust fund needed

Different guy than the one you're replying to. Should I be doing runecrafting/blast furnace over hunter for money? My hunter is 77 and I've been doing red chins instead of black, because I'm a pussy. As you can see, I'm a little clueless.

>slaving real life work labor for my money to go to the game is better, good bondgoy

It's actually very hard to die doing black chins. You're going to be paying attention because it's Hunter so they need to 1 shot you with a Claws spec/etc which is very unlikely. It's annoying getting chased off and needing to bank but it's much better GP/hour and you're actually getting relevant EXP rates unlike other training methods.
It also takes a while but eventually Hunter isn't boring and you kind of get into it.

Hunter is fine. Anything beats hopping worlds when jungle niggers pop out and hacking at bushes for 6+ hours which seems like the average for a tuber.

He could probably banks yews like a chinaman and still waste less time.

Be warned, blast furnace has taken me ~12 hours of mining in MLM to unlock and I'm just now 2 nuggets away from 100. I've leveled from 52-63

I have been enjoying hunter so far. Thanks for the info boys, might go try it out. I'm only worried about dying because of my shitty combat stats. My cb is 61 so I figure a lot of strong players will be able to attack me and maybe one shot me. Especially without protection prayers.

Should I aim for protection prayers first? Or will it be enough to eat and run?

That might actually be a really dangerous level to do Black Chins at and protection prayers won't help when you get rushed. Make sure to bank often.

If you don't know what you're doing just do something that isn't wildy shit. Most people don't do chins until 80 hunter anyway.

this is the best OP I have seen

RS3 gave it to them and I'm jelly. It makes perfect sense also, why can I smith melee weapons and runecraft magic ammos but can't craft my own arrows? If anything Runecrafting should be a member skill since magic is so shit in F2P

buy mems you idiot

F2P players were already given access to fletching. They gave you the ability to buy a bond.

cuz ure f2p lmao

>Buying a bond

but that would devalue my F2P-only account

you cant devalue something with zero value

this 2bh fuck f2p

So would adding fletching.

>Don't even know how to reply

Go back to plebbit, your opinion is irrelevant


can you teach me how

who are you quoting?

Hover over the message and press Ctrl and W then type your reply :)

Yeah I figured being level 60 is probably the worst possible cb bracket for black chins. I'll stick with red chins if I hunt. I gotta check if natures or red chins are better gp per hour.

that closed my tab you idiot

>Greentext is quoting

Holy shit what a fucking newfag kill yourself PLEASE


What is your RC level? You can expect to spend ~5-6 hours getting 44-50 RC. After that you can make 10k every minute or so with decent HP, good mining and fairly high agi

why 50

>revealing yourself to be a newfag by not recognizing the who are you quoting meme

Holy shit what a fucking newfag kill yourself PLEASE

>RS3 treats their F2Ps better
I feel like a prostitute who's about to go back to her old pimp because he promise her something better

At the moment, I only have 38 agility, and 40 mining. But I do have 41 runecrafting already. I only recently picked up the game again.

f2p on osrs blows

>I was just pretending to be retarded, haha TROLLED xdd

kys yourself faggot

Second rune sack ups profit by a fairly large margin

You'd need to train both agi and mining to AT LEAST 50, pref 60 and 70 is even better. You get (1% x level) chance to pass obstacles in the abyss

tfw dont have glories yet on iron but want to rc :(


RS3 has bossing, OSRS has Castle Wars and an active wilderness. If you're a PvE fag go RS3 if you like Pking go OSRS

Don't abyss RC on an Ironman. If you want to make Cosmics use a quest cape, otherwise do ZMI/Lavas.
Don't make other runes.

Agility training is simple enough, even if it's painful. But where should I train mining? Should I be power mining iron or is the new motherlode shit better?
I really appreciate all the help man

or just get members

Do MLM because you'll be able to do blast furnace smithing once you get 100 nuggets and a coal bag. This is loot from the 100 nuggets that I just did so I could start blasting. Literally finished 10 seconds ago. (about 800k value but you can make that much in 1 hour doing efficent blast furnace) Levels are slower but you need the 100 nuggets regardless if you ever plan on leveling smithing

or don't because you're not gay enough to spend real money on a 50 years old grindfest with graphics that looks like cardboard

not if you choose to actually level it efficiently dweeb

>spend 200m on a skill or make 200m on a skill doing it slightly slower

F2p on RS3 blows. Literally every piece of content they added to f2p in RS3 a few days ago was to bait people into membership because they're missing accessory members content.
>can raise cats but can't trade them for runes
>can do shooting star but can't use POH
>can do evil tree but can't use spirit tree
>can fletch but can't disassemble or get daily challenges
>can do Broken Home but can't get the surgeon ring

Alright, I'll check out the mine then. I appreciate the help my man

its three times as fast and only costs 50m from 50 to 99

>Even when it's F2P it's a moneygrab

Oh RS3...

you have to be retarded to refrain from spending money on hobbies you enjoy

>spend 50m
>or make enough to buy prayer/construction

You can always tell someone is shit when they try to profit off every skill in the game.

Exactly so I spend my money on other hobbies while not spending any on a 50 years old grindfest with graphics that looks like cardboard

why are you here if you don't play the game, go away already

>someone is looking for a way to make money
>recommend RC/BF

I play F2P also you can't tell me what to do faggot bitch :)


join us its the new discord for the thread.

super chill

no newfags

i was specifically responding to you saying that you need to get the coal bag to train smithing anyway when the most efficient method of training smithing does not require the coal bag

>no newfags
>everyone who's been here long enough knows not to join this shithole


you're making irrational decisions to remain f2p unless you're the same retard from before complaining about how p2p is too complex for your tiny brain

You need the coal bag to make money smithing, that's for sure and someone so disadvantaged that they're looking for money making methods PROBABLY wants to make money training smithing.

BF is like 500k-1m/hr what do you do for money if that's such a ridiculous way to do it

im not responding to that im responding to your fraudulent claim that "you need the 100 nuggets regardless if you ever plan on leveling smithing"

>"you need the 100 nuggets regardless if you ever plan on leveling smithing" addendum: and make any money doing it
Can you stop now.

im glad you admitted that you gave incorrect information and apologized so sure

Member is boring as shit, every member skill is a joke.
Construction: Money sink, make a shit house and erp with your gay friends
Agility: Click on roofs for 500 hours, run longer wow
Herblore: Make shit potions you'll probably never use
Thieving: Grope a man's ass for hours to get minimal gains
Fletching: If you want arrows buy them at the GE
Slayer: Combat training minigame
Hunter: Literally pokemon GO
Farming: Wait for your shit fruits to grow like an autist, go play farmville while you're at it

Wtf I hate p2p now



But why make money off of smithing when Gold is so much faster? Profit off of other skills for better overall efficiency. You can profit off of Hunter and Agility with no EXP loss.


Poorfag lmao

If you're making decent rates it shouldn't matter how long it takes to actually hit 99 unless your only goal in this game is to max all

are you actually being elitist about what is LITERALLY a free/lite version of a pay-to-play game

what other goal would you have

who are you talking to????

If you don't intend to max why not PVM for much better profit? It makes no sense to do shitty moneymakers like Blast Furnace.

I have enough spare money to buy membership for this whole general, I play this game to kill time when I have nothing to do, I just want shit to click on. I don't care if I'm clicking on trees or rocks but I'm certainly not gonna pay money to be able to click on "premium stuff that is exactly the same as the other things you had for free already"

Enjoy the game, what will you do when you're finished maxing?

You need skills that aren't combat related for diaries, why not make money doing it?

sell my account and start again