League of Legends General - /lolg/


Definitely a good edition

Please I need opinions on this. I want to get thresh becasue I have the dark star and SSW skin shards for him. But I also want to get Jinx cause she's a qt, Kled because he's fun, and Kayn because he looks fun.

Lulufag thread deleted
god bless


xth for reporting the early lulu thread and btfoing into oblivion twice in a row.



>literally hit the limit with 1 second accuracy
>mod does his shenanigans anyway

>tfw GP is a pantheon tier lane bully but is getting buffed since NA players are too stupid to play his lane like this

>deleting the skin that tries to ruin Lux's personality by giving her a multiple personality disorder.

You lost this time lulufag

I miss old GP. The Barrel mini game bullshit has to go

Lux is canonically a mindbroken Demacian comfort woman, so is it really "ruining" her personality?

Right? More GP players should depend on the enemy laner just blindly walking into barrels

FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST EARS!

>coming at me with that nonsense again

what the fuck is riot thinking
GP as it all for a melee AD
range "poke" is actually a nuke with just fucking sheen
triforce turns that into an assassination tool
barrels and their stupid instant combo interaction +ult make him better than most mages in terms of range aoe damage
on top of that he gets to be fast as fuck and destroy anyone who gets in melee range

>game waits until I'm after a queue AND a p/b to warn me about this bullshit
>remake system still doesn't just pause the game until I'm back, I'll either be forced to take a leaver or will get a lane where I'm several levels behind and with a -20 minion differential
Cool stuff, Riot. What else, are you going to hit me with a leaver punishment for this shit?

>only 1k essence

what a shit

Yes, because in her lore she literally learns to deal with it and gets over the whole "being forced into the military and getting banned from Demacia" thing.
So it's literally taking steps back in her character arc.

What role do you usually play? Also have you ever played thresh kled or kayn on free rotation or never played them before?

You are now aware that lulu is EXTREMELY adorable!

Can you guys recommend a good jungle champ for someone who is shit-tier at the game and wants to improve?

Mecha Rengar's optics made more visible WHEN?

>just dodge the barrel he puts on top of you and instantly detonates
>just don't even farm under tower bro
>just let the level 3 GP rape you
>this is fine

>20 minute low priority queue

>tfw actually like how graves looks
>tfw don't jungle and still mad they actually fucked him enough that he sucks in lane

Why didn't Sonas parents want her?

Was she an ugly baby?

>get autofilled support
>they pick katarina
just fuck my shit up senpai

>rumble, the absolute dream matchup for gp
>on top of that he's playing like a complete retard
>this means gp has a good lane phase!
every good gp player dropped several divisions compared to last season if they didn't switch champions. Tobias Fate was not an isolated incident.

Skarner belongs to the void and Kog'maw!

Jarvan. Good ganks. Can be built full tank, bruiser, or full AD with lethality.

Mid But I can play every other role pretty comfortably. I've played thresh a lot when he was free on multiple free weekends throughout the years. Played Kled a bit on the PBE and he seemed pretty great. Never played Kayn though. And of course I've played Jinx before.

Tobias is shit. Both of those players in that webm are D1 on KR lol

>they still haven't given a good reason to go further than gold


So people say "Enchanter" pretty regularly but has anyone EVER seen anyone else ever call a champion a "catcher"

*presses R on you*

She was just TOO BIG

Do we still do these?

jarvan fuck jarvan hes bullshit
gragas too
once you know how to "jungle" then you can learn how to properly play the role with
lee sin

Is that even a class? That sounds like some gay shit to me

I don't get it how is garen not broken?
I have cinderhulk, locket, and warden's mail and this guy walks up to me, and does 90% of my health while I'm sileneced and he has 300% of my movement speed

No. They just usually say "that champ has good pick potential/can pick off champions well."

*Tips zhonyas*
M' alphite

>Tobias is shit.
no shit, you illiterate retard. I said he wasn't an isolated incident. Neace lost rank on GP, switched champions and got it all back multiple times. Mangki lost rank, every other big GP player last season lost rank or they switched champions. He's not a good champion and you have to work much harder to climb with him than other champions.

inb4 they try to rebrand the role (again) to "picker"

It's because enchanter is an already defined and well accepted term that goes far beyond league. It's also not knew and catcher hasn't been "promoted" or used a lot in any manner.

It's not that catcher is bad, it's just not very good or catchy. It's like marksman vs adc. The establishment of adc itself long before, being easier to say, etc. is why people call bot lane the adc role and not marksman role.

Did he build full damage? Did you even try to cc him? How many levels did he have on you? Were you the villain?

>Have medieval twitch so I'll never use Vandal Twitch
>Archduke Nasus looks retarded
>Road Warrior MF is boring

Give me one reason not to RR

I miss him too. I don't like this idea riot has that every champ needs to have a ton of different mechanics in one kit

you mean an assassin?

I was gragas so I don't do any damage to him.
I don't know the rest.

Don't have one, post results

I was going to say see if you like playing kled because I bought him and ended up not liking him but I guess you do like him. Idk what to say now maybe just do a roll or something lmao

Defending the homeland with Caitlyn!

orange essence from disenchanting will be much lower in pre season. just dust them

No catcher is very very bad. It is a stupid name that not only sounds dumb but has no precedent and isn't even accurate beyond hook supports. Bard is a "catcher" solely because he's a support that can make plays.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

*activate Refresher Orb*

*presses R on you*

Dust to have essence available for a skin shard you want to upgrade instead of getting a random shit skin you don't like.

I'm sure you can look at your match history to check how fed he is. Garen is only effective if he somehow gets fed as fuck or the villain debuff is on the right target.

*unzips Banshee's Veil*

OK, I just picked GP top vs Gnar. Haven't played new GP at all, just in ARAMs.

Tell me what to do.

(god i miss his old voice too)

Having to resort to using non league. I'll take that as my win

hit q

Get shit on

As you can see, the difference between a good vayne and bad vayne are subtle
the difference being which one blames the support (chogath) more usually sucks more dick

however, the proper procedure in handling these events is to report both vaynes since both are cancer and deserve to be removed from this game


I say it's not bad because i personally can't think of anything better

what would be the most broken champ is refresher orb was in this game?

karthus? sejuani?

She's a goddess who was betrayed by a Darkin that was unable to be blessed by her to have a child of her own. Embittered, the Darkin used her powers to curse the people of the goddess, especially where children were concerned.
When the goddess uncovered the slowly creeping plot, she despaired and sealed both of them away in their respective forms, herself turning into a child. Whether out of guilt or simply a longing to be free, Etwhal always returns to Sona's side and guides her in unlocking both of their powers once again.

what do i start? champ.gg says mana crystal + refill? or long sword + refill

or memerang';s ring





catcher makes me think the champs is gay

Corrupting and Grasp

Dorans ring and farm and don't feed

Master Yi would basically have 100% uptimes on his R

my bet is full lethality Caitlyn though

>two un dodgable across the map shots for 70% of your hp
>adc can never split push again

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I would bet money that at least 40% of Yasuo bans are to stop their own team from picking him

>have jinx adc
>azir mid
>yi jungle
>maokai top
>support hovers janna
>changes to lux

Lulu skin when???

watch this~!

Not that user but I genuinely dislike her new lore tbqh.

The whole "socially repressed, highly intelligent and gifted, entally tortured, ticking time bomb girl hiding behind a dumb blonde facade" is what made her so unique to begin with.

Now she's just some hackneyed Disney Princess knockoff. She's basically League's Elsa now. She was one of the more developed older female champions in the game and they actually managed to dumb her down.

The nu-lore team can't write interesting or engaging female champions for shit. Only relatively interesting ones we've gotten in the last 3-4 years have been
>Illaoi (who they might end up Mary Sue-ing if her main writer's comments are anything to go by)
>Lamb (though it's more of a collective mythical sort of lore =-thing shared with Wolf as well. We know jack-shit about the actual character.)

Every other new female champion or champion rework has been a fucking disaster where Riot tries to make them """"deep"""" by forcefully inserting SJW & nu-feminist ideals, only to turn them into laughable stereotyped tropes instead (Fiora, Taliyah; Xayah.)

I suppose Poppy is somewhat of an exception in the rework department, but even then they waifu'd her up by turning her into somewhat of a bubbly and dim-witted tsundere trope.

picking non ardent supports should be a bannable offense

It does no damage to anyone with armor

is it just me or is the game garbage now? (im playing solo queue)

I ban yasuo for 2 reasons

1) if my team pics him he'll be shit and if he's on the enemy team he'll get fed
2) my ult is the slowest, widest projectile in the world and even a bronze level yasuo could block it and fuck me over

Don't walk away from me, slut. We're not done here.

So what is azir's best skin that's worth buying?

Sorry, you can't. She's already swimming WITH me until the end of times!

I want the 5 skins shards that aren't Junkyard Trundle. Even Alien Invader.

what's worse is that the enemy had very good engage and janna basically gave us the free win since if she could stop their first engage with azir we could just counter fight and wipe them

Why is Xerath the poster poke/artillery mage if the only skill he has with remarkable range is his ult?

Why is Velkoz touted as one when poking with Q is barely as important as just comboing and 100-0ing someone?


>Gnars gone mega! now mys time to attack him while he's vulnerable!

Imagine being THIS retarded

good night /lolg/

>that gnar
just how

>get a Ward skin for being a good boy

Where's my honorable skarner skin?

Brand is my favorite champion
Jhin is my second

All of them


gn fag