/alg/ - Azur Lane General #17

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ignore gbfg posters and hide gbfg posts

Portland retrofit on JP fucking when.

>no greentext OP
>reroll memes
>muh belfast
just let this general die

I really want to fuck a boat

I love Warspaito

The problem with /gbfg/ posters is that they come from a very highly P2W game. Its a game where people run reroll bots for hundreds of accounts and pick the one that has the most SSRs or the rarest SSRs because if you dont reroll for them then you're sure as hell never going to get it. The game is built upon a foundation of "SSR characters or bust" and currency gain is pretty slow and even slower now that they cut out big sources of crystals like kirin crystals so its even more important to reroll in there.

This is the same game where people spend close to a thousand dollars "sparking" to obtain a single SSR character of their choice and routinely spend $30 every time the game tells them its time to spend money to buy a SSR character/item so they can be more useful during guild wars and shitpost about how they're so esports so of course that when you put this community on a game where you're pretty much handed everything on a silver platter and even 1* characters can be great and worth leveling too then this is the result.

And all that without mentioning that misinformation and shitposting are the lifeblood of the general so its no wonder those people are doing the same here.

/alg/ is rightful /gbfg/ clay.

Portland Kai is pretty fucking great, 5k hp gunboat that gets even more retarded when powered by her sister.

what does that even mean


get help

Too bad she's ugly.


/gbfg/ here. Pic related is what I want to do to /alg/

/ksg/ posters should be the first ones to get help before telling anyone to

>tfw haven't spent a cent on GBF in two years and have mediocre luck
>have exactly zero problems keeping up with the game

She doesn't even need her sister, she's still the literal best CA in the game without her.

ur ugly

>SEAnigger can't read english

Marrying your aniki. Enjoy life being shamed by society


sorry la

just play with you user, I'm SEA too ^^;

>Best CA in the game while her hands are busy masturbating to indie-chan

Imagine if she had both hands free to actually use weapons


Wtf no elite ships are dropping for me. What is their drop rate?

Honestly wouldn't mind if I got to fuck that cute boy (girl) every night.


Wedding dress Cleveland fucking when

But he'll be the one fucking you.

>Four ears
>tfw your hearing will never be as good as hers


Does anyone has a cap of getting Enterpraise? i need it to make a friend mad

Not trying to shitpost but what's the reasoning behind /gbfg/ shitting up the place? I don't see any update worthy of them throwing their toys out of the pram.


What the fuck is a reroll, actually?

Everyone in /gbfg/ got into Azur lane and most of their crews got into the game so a good chunk of their cancerous fanbase is here importing their memes and brand of misinformation

When you roll again

The reasoning is that it isn't /gbfg/. This board has a good number of granblue players on it but pointing fingers at /gbfg/ is a free ticket to shitpost unchecked.

You have some shitty humor. I'm glad I'm not your friend.

Basically starting over by deleting your game data and making a new account until you get a drop you want on your first gacha roll

It's the AL discord that existed since CN shitting this place up.


That discord is filled with carebears that would never fling misinfo like its the funniest meme though so nice try

>admitting you're from there and instantly defending it
Heh, nice one.

Sounds like the most time-consuming and aggravating thing ever

If calling them carebears is defending them then whatever you say /gbfg/-kun

Gacha games encourage autistic behavior like that, stay away from them.

So where's everyone playing on? cn or jp?

Wtf how you guys farm 3-4

hit them until they die
don't get hit

Pretty much Autism is a pre-requirement to play granblue fantasy and to enter any crew that takes themselves seriously. You'll need that autism to take yourself seriously.

Pre-historic meme that nobody here is old enough to actually understand.

What it means here is to create a new account because you didn't like what you got from your free draws or whatever.

What it actually MEANT was an old school D&D reference- when you created a character you rolled dice to see what their stats were. Which meant, of course, that some people got very overpowered characters, and others got really weak ones. More lenient game masters would let you 're-roll' one of the dice, or possibly even the entire character, if your rolls were particularly shitty.

Eventually this spilled over into MMOs, despite most of those games using more balanced stat systems, and from there into basically any online game where there might be a random effect you want to game.

>3 minutes for 3 large crafts
>this suggests 15 minutes for a SSR
>the only real challenge is not getting San Diego when it happens
You're telling me you wouldn't grind a location that gave you an SSR every 15 minutes until the end of time? And better yet, it can give you SSRs that are only in the crafts?

Using auto though I hate playing manually.

3 lvl70 1* DDs, Ranger in tbe back, Cleveland + 1 to handle the boss. Easy autos.

Grinding a location is very different from autistically rerolling for all the gold ships you can get then not use them because fielding all gold shit for your fleets is actually pretty retarded and a giant waste of fuel.

At least the people smart enough to read the OP resources wont fall for /gbfg/'s epic misinfo memes

Idiots that rely on the thread for spoonfeeding are fucked though

>spend all your time farming for ships you won't use
>best ships are 1 and 2* because they don't bankrupt you clearing a single map

Really makes you think.

>tehee I put misinfo in an OP dump so now everyone's fucked
absolutely epic my friend

Entreprise + Waifuland

Will the event improve thread quality?

Look at /gbfg/ and ask that again

But unless you're autisticly grinding all day long fuel is just meme.

No, it'll give people even more reason to shitpost about optimal fleets.

>ships you won't use
You won't be clearing worlds nor events using that cheap farming fleet.

You won't be clearing them with level 15 ships that never see the light of day except for commissions either. How exactly are you going to level these ships up if you don't use them?

user, who is your shipfu? What do you like about her? You did marry her, right?

Holy shit it's annoying trying to swap equipment from my main fleet onto my cheap farming fleet. Saved equipment sets doesn't do shit when it won't let you pull the equipment off someone else and you have to do it manually

I don't have one

>Level 15 ships

I have 3 rows of 80+ ships that were leveled purely through comissions

>1k every 8-9 hours for the long commision
>food for the backyard
>left with enough for a few missions but I can't even call it grinding

It's Ranger, but I have been playing for 3 days so I haven't married her yet

Yeah, it would be nice if it would just take the equipment off other ships. Having to scrap equipment often is annoying, too.

Her design, her eyes, and her lines. I'm weak for "This is the only thing that drives me... so let's do it together."

No, she's not in the game yet.

Do ships with 3 triangles give better drops?

>use main fleet, get them to a decent level
>work on cheap farming fleet on the side, use main fleet ships to carry when needed
>cheap farming fleet now can farm lower worlds on their own
>meanwhile main fleet ships farm World 6~8
The world isn't black and white my man. You don't have to use one or the other.

That's really annoying. They should just let you put the same equipment on different ships as long as they aren't in the same mission together.

CN got an update that gives you a prompt to automatically scrap equipment of ships you scrap, JP didnt get that or something?

Mutsuki! She's the cutest!

I don't think I've seen anything like that, is it in the scrapping screen or the options one?

I married my shipfu today because she's the cutest

Trying to marry Sims, but it seems like affection won't go beyond 90 just by setting as secretary? About to start getting her some MVPs now.

Officers, draw swords and arrest this pedo!

This popup appears with the equipment of the girls you just sent to the smelter and asks if you want to burn their equips too. Then you proceed to tick that checkbox and press the yellow button to burn it all.

I'm gonna marry Hammann soon enough.

Grinding 1-4 was a pain but worth it for that 100 affection

/alg/ server ptAMYPf

Nope, doesn't show up.

But she's not here yet

I can't choose, but I am no filthy polygamist either so that ring will sit there gathering dust for now.

Don't have one. Cleveland gets the closest, but she's not American enough to get the ring.

2 days playing and already married Cleveland, couldn't resist her cool glasses.

Are there any particular rules for how ship drops work? As far as I can tell, dropping rank doesn't stop you from getting a ship, but might reduce the odds of getting a good one, and the upper limit is determined by what you see in the available loot list for engaging an enemy fleet.

Anything else?

Are you on JP?
That guy's on CN

just grind more

We don't know.

Pudding! She's definitely much different from KC Pudding, but her teasing personality, her desire to be happy and her design made me fall for her at first sight.

I did specifically mention I was on CN

JP didnt get that super nice and needed QoL update then, sucks to be you people.

I forgot about Prinz and for some reason thought you were talking about burins for a second.

>burin with a teasing personality
Oh my