/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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And now we use The Reinhardt.


big tits

>Reddit OP

I'll ask again, vantage or QR on Bike? What are you personal preferences?


Hinoka is hotter though


Fuck this thread. The pastebin's been vandalized.

Post your favorite units that are not yet in the game

Non reddit OP with normal pastebin

Ending with 1 chooses I roll for, not a single one last thread
No Sigurd, Olivia or Azura


Leonardo is slow and fucking useless, Edward got rng screwed, Meg and Fiona are utter garbage.
Literally Nolan,Jill and Sothe are the only good thing of it
I might as well reset to whole game and Bench that useless piece of garbage Leonardo


Save your orbs

I prefer vantage to force damage reduction and clutch heals


>This mad his shit OP thread isnt being used



Sad, just sad.

>Meg and Fiona are utter garbage.
Would you please delete your comment? It hurt my feelings.

Trip back on.


>FINALLY roll another Cain for easy WoM fodder

Do I feed him to my Axezura? Or should I be holding off and using him for someone else? I don't know what the hottest meme builds are.

Remember, despite the naysayers, incest will always be the best. FE is proof of that.

Not an argument, sweetie.

Anyone have experience with using sophia? How does she work for you?

>Reintards not only browse reddit but also vandalize OPs.

I’m not staying in am I?


can I get a sauce on that Petrine image

Give me TWO FE's for the next rap battle.

Only doing one more tonight

If Flora comes out as a dagger unit how will they make her different from Felicia

You'd better roll for Lachesis my dude.

>sub 4.8k

you've never been t20 before, have you?

And cuter

Ogma and Navarre

Raul vs /feg/

Lyn vs. Lyn


I like Vantage on tanks, but it's better if he has DC.

I'm thinking about building a Corrin + retainers meme team. How retarded is this build?

Swap and Ward Armor to finish his build? Or does Pivot work better on him? I used Pivot for my Hector and Effie builds but I wonder if Swap and WOM work better than Pivot and WOM would.

Beruka vs Jamal

Either all of those character are getting rng screwed or the other fact.
Fiona got 3 level of only hp in a row

make her felicia with high def instead of high res and ignis

Lucina vs Lyn

Honestly asking, is this good for Arena Assault? I never know what's good for that.

you need like 200 more points to stay in, you new or what?

Give her Flora's Plate as a dagger. It attacks their resistance and it applies dagger debuffs to the target before she attacks them

I just really want my wife to be good. I have 800 orbs saved for her and I'm saving every orb we get until she comes out.

But she's 15

Who would win in a fight, Joshua or his mom?

Is 4896 enough for top 5k in AA?

I don't like mine, but I also didn't put any effort into her.


Always start with your high bst units for the most points per win. And harder enemies

>hone cav on a team with no other cavs


(lol your wife will be shit, cuck.

oboro vs beruka

The perfect run is a bit higher than a perfect regular arena run, assuming you're not scumming crests in the comparison run.

>implying they'll make non seasonal dagger user
They gave up on daggers after jaffar

I didn't bother changing it off default because it's not very important. It'll probably just be a basic hone or spur, I haven't put much thought into it.


that will get you 5k+ score, i barely made it inside the 5k score with 4888 last week, seems like 5k- is whale territory now.

Deal with it, cuckstain.

>Links and Resources
incoming "it's just a letter"

>art of Flora and Mamui
anyone got more, when i was looking around and I had 0 luck

please respond


Who knows? Hey, he managed to appear in Echoes of all things, there's definitely a chance Cipher will be a banner one day


How do they make Veronica a good unit when they release her? Her stats and skillset were good back in the beginning of the game but now with all the powercreep that has happened she just looks mediocre as fuck, how do they salvage her?

>Back in TT1
>Unique tome with a new and interesting effect to fuck up the meta
>Stats don't look too bad
>Not too many good green mages

>Mediocre as fuck stats without TT boost
>Unique tome's effect is worse than Panic Ploy which can be gotten as a Sacred Seal.
>Plenty of good green mages around
>No unique skill/special to make her powerful

Yes, all dancers love WoM

What do you mean by this exactly? Like I was going to give her raoraven, ta, qr and what not. Did you do that or something else?


wom on every dancer, that's how it works

They better not fuck us over with some shared color bullshit.

I don't think so. I think I have every picture of Flora out there. She just wasn't as popular after the game came out so not alot of people drew her.

give her WoM if she's on your defense team

Looks pretty good. Probably score in 10k range with that.

>sent home a -atk boey in rage
>realize my only other source is amelia

Looks like Strong and Tough is gonna have to wait a bit. Reminder to not rage send home anything other than Est and Oboro.

horse cock memes
etc etc

Heavy Thracian bias


Will Cipher ever get localised?

>tfw want them because Emma and Yuzu are QT's and Randall is cool.
>but then that also means Shade and the spic will never shut the fuck up over his new shitfu.

>the only chance we are going to get more Flora art is if she is good in Heroes
I'm scared user

The Askr trio, Bruno, and Veronica are in serious need of a buff / upgraded versions.

How would this Saizo build perform?

>Weapon: Rogue Dagger+
>Special: Ignis
>A: Close Counter
>B: Seal Atk/Spd 3
>C: Speed Smoke 3
>S: Attack Smoke 3

He should be able to attack any unit, subtracting 5 points from their attack and speed stats while boosting his by the same margin. Any nearby enemies get hit with -7 atk and spd. I'd give it a shot, but I don't have Tacomeme and don't have the balls to sac my only Sigurd

Where is raul?

It looks fine, not much else you could do. Are you really going to throw down QR3 on fucking Gunther for a meme build?

Why do people do this? I hope you feel like an idiot - everyone gets screwed once in a while, sometimes we get screwed really often, but what good comes from cucking yourself?

Shade is garbage. Kill yourself.

Warriors portrait rips when? I need this smug face in the highest quality possible