>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Links and Resources
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I want to fuck Arvis
Don't let that Butterfly FLUTTER BY
The FEH killer
Why is Ishtar crying?
tears of joy
literally nothing
Next banner is Animal Crossing
My mother-in-law is ISIS personal whore
Worst FE "pairing" ever.
FEH killed itself with no content you DUMB cuck
Dancing lessons with best friend
How so?
Thats NA FGO, FEH still get contents.
>Hey guys, it's me. Donnel
>Why are ya'll still playing lame old Fire Emblem Heroes
>You should be playing this cool new game Animal Crossing mobile instead!
>tfw im an ontime cuck and i got wreckded
t. Reinhardt.
>They only interact with the OCs because gacha laws
What a waste
>Invoke is added as a new assist skill for Staff units
>costs 10HP to summon 1-2 units at a time
>the summoned units have low stats and serve only as a distraction
>not available to troubadours
>Thats NA FGO
Not true, NA FGO finally got an update like a week or two ago!
Banners are content.
Alexis Tipton is fine as Lucina, and be glad they didn't cast Ashley Burch as her VA like they did Chun-Li.
Why are Michalis and Ilyana having sex?
I want Donnel to sell me things with his cute country bumpkin accent!
Therja pls.
>Every time a unit with this skill appears Reinhardt fucking dies
How would we use that assist skill is the question here, otherwise that sounds pretty neat.
Who is more jew Anna or Tom Nook?
>no vandalized pastebins
Good job user.
>My mother-in-law is ISIS personal whore
Your mother in law is Ayra?
>tfw Halloween banner in 5 days and only 3 orbs
no Halloween Scarecrow Donnel, damn it ISIS
What was his name again?
What's the next best seal to upgrade after Distant Def? I've got a lot of Sacred Coins burning a hole in my pocket
>people are playing and enjoying FE4 after some of the more important characters came out in Heroes, some for the first time even
I'm happy. For all the shit Heroes puts this place through, it does have benefits for the fanbase as a whole.
FEH gets content all the time. You haven't played very many mobile games if you expect them to put out a new game mode every month or something.
There's no halloween banner.
What's with Fire Emblem, incest and cucks?
Reddit Man.
brash assault for some desperation memes
>still thinking there will be a halloween banner
As much as I want one to happen dude it wont.
Good night feg
>he plays FGO
Panic Ploy and Guidance. Brash Assault if you wanna desperation memes on slower characters.
Speed +3 aka Squad Ace D, that or one of the Deflect Badges or Brash Assault if you're into meme builds.
>can only talk about Heroes because there's nothing but casuals here
>soon you won't be able to talk about AC because it will just be phone shit too
STFU Donnell you don't even know how to use a smart phone
Anna, tom nook goves you plenty of time to pay off your debts. Anna wouldnt
The Marth is +2 and Cecilia +6.
Rinehart with his special tome DaimThndr
Someone asked for the source last thread:
Maybe no one talks about the older games here because no one ever tries to start a conversation about them? You can't whine about something you're not even willing to try and start.
The Cock
You wanna start somethin bitch?
*saves staffs*
The second coming of Turd
There's been quite a bit of FE4 discussion since the banner, actually.
I wouldn't even be mad.
>implying IS will let an old man save staves instead of a nuFE waifu
and just like anything else it will be gone in roughly a week
>implying Athos won't be a red mage with Forblaze
Or poorfags, I still bought FEW but I still haven't got a chance to play it
>one of the eight heroes
>wielder of one of the 8 most powerful weapons in the series that make Ragnell look like a sharp stick
My rage would be unending
Who is the best staff imouto in the series?
People talk about older games when they actually post their playthroughs and don't bitch about people not talking about other things. Heroes is an ongoing mobile game, so fucking deal with it.
Do you promote ASAP in Thracia 776? I have a unit who already capped speed at level 14
Didn't we just have a gauntlet to scientifically answer the question?
I forget who won, but them.
>Got Echoes today for Genny
>Still have 20ish hours on my starter hero fest
>Going to cram as many orbs together as I can and, once I recruit Genny in Echoes, blow the lot in one last attempt at getting one without -atk
Has anyone here S supported Lancina and invested unique/rare skills onto her (doesn't have to be Steady Breath or DC but something at least a bit more interesting than Fury + Renewal/Desperation/Breaker)? I'm interested in seeing what people have done with her, or is everyone just leaving her as a buffbot
Strengthening quests when? With so much powercreep and uninheritable skills happening lately there are way too many old units that are just plain shit right now. ISIS really needs to make a way for us to buff these units and make them at least usable for the people that enjoy these characters.
We have a ton of sword units who are just complete shit right now, not to mention the Askr units who have completely fallen to the wayside, we need ways to make them decent and usable
>those small eyes
>manfaces on most of his girls
Why does Kozaki try so hard to be western?
What did he mean by this?
Serious question, FE has been around for decades, how come there is literally no good foot art?
just rename this place /fehg/ already
They won't do strengthening quests. They'll release new versions of old characters.
And? These are games from 90s that have been talked to death by a small group of nerds due to being a niche product unlike say FEH which has both mass appeal and still gets constant new content, not to mention having online interactivity which further keeps driving various discussions. What do you want, non-stop Q and A that's on the level of "Remember when Lex got his axe from a lake?" "YEAH!" on a loop or just straight up kill any and all discussions for the game?
Elise won
next thread
Stats cap at 20 even for promoted classes, so expect everybody to ram caps no matter what.
I love you /feg/. For real, never die, you're the best place to talk FE with.
Good luck Gennybro! Enjoy the game, maps are a bit wonky but the rest is really fun.
*unsheathes dime thunder*
It means Reinhardt is an unimportant nobody who's only popular because he's strong in a mobile game. Nobody gave a shit about him as a character or otherwise before SI.