/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, and eventually PC. pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳TGS Trailer 9/19: youtube.com/watch?v=xtT5GIViSXo
↳Demo Gameplay 8/22: youtube.com/watch?v=WBg6KnkpaXU
↳Weapons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC

>Quick Reference
-MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4: my.mixtape.moe/glpowg.png
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App: my.mixtape.moe/ezwmnj.png

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

Attempted to cast Meteor on Glavenus

Other urls found in this thread:


First for old monsters are outdated and should be removed.

hyujikiki for worlds!

2nd for worldses will be perfect and real lie animals do not have spikes

You what, mate?


Why the fuck are there random spikes on its face
Fucking frontier

>kushala skeleton
>anime powers
>edgy design
Holy shit alatreon was the first frontier monster


repeating question posted at very end of last thread
-havent played mh since 3u
-playing XX in japanese on switch
-what monster(s) to farm in LR village for decent GS + armor set
-same as above for HR
-looking for weapons that are 'good enough' for every monster, not to craft a ton of different ones.

>kushala skeleton
we've been over this

MHW > MH3U > MH4U > Every other MH ever > X/XX

we've been over this

MHO is behind X/XX, but your list is solid otherwise

No user, it hasn't even begun.

XX should be above 4U.

>XX should be above 4U.

Take your anime shite with you

>this kills the neon poster


Peacock enemy when?
>Eats peas
>Has a cock, but is a bird so its not gay
Fits MH perfectly.

ftfy, GS is still top tier in XX.
Most 4U apologists are IG fags.

I'm okay with this.

so what the fuck is an airplane cockpit to you then?

nah mate GS is a little too brainlet tier for me

Kushy best monster!

>wah anime
4U would've been the best MH game ever made if it had 4 more months in development or got a balance patch.
As it is though, shit is just too fucked. Most of the weapons simply aren't fun, and IG trivializes everything to a comical degree.


Its a pit suspended in the air on a flat plain where you get cock of course

>t.didn't play high rank Tri and only started with P3rd

>kushala skeleton

I never got this argument. Why don't you just ignore the bad weapons and use the good ones? You use something you know is shitty, and you have a shitty time, That should be expected, so how does that detract from the game's quality?

We've been over this.


>MHW above any grank games with that mediocre roster

>the weapons aren't fun
said by the person who thinks shelling on gunlance is a dps gain

Until they overbuffed her in 4U

New monsters > Gen 3 Monsters > Literally an empty field > Gen 1/2 Monsters

>random weird spikes coming out of his head and toes

Now I need to find that pastebin again.

dont respond, just nod and wave. it's one of the mentally ill tritards.
part of their delusions is that somehow monsters in tri are different from their appearances in every other game.
barroth, jho, you name it.

it was all "better in tri"

>shelling on gunlance is a dps gain
You know, if shelling applied a localized damage buff to all hits on that spot, it would actually make the gunlance useful as a utility for DPS. Like it creating a 'hot spot' where if you or your party hits you deal extra damage.

Really need to take shelling from pure DPS to utility somehow.

So, what attacks are verborten to use online?
I use SnS and usually stay well away from my other hunters when we're all beating on a monster so I don't trip them, since I usually just spam the x combo into the a combo and roundslash. What is the approved "combo" for online use of weapons to not get kicked by mad GS users who just had their charge interrupted?

I agree with this very much. 93 days left!

Bulldrome/Jaggi mix set (AuL) and Rathalos (AuS + Weakness Exploit) are decent choices for all of low rank for general-use Blademaster sets, and if you're targeting GS then there's a few early sets with FastCharge on it if you desire it.


For weapons, some early lines aren't hard to upgrade with decent results, though Nargacuga, Tigrex and Seregios offer some nice options.

>have to ignore main features on weapons to make them function in any capacity at all
Yes MH4U is a perfectly fine game


yep, it is a balance black hole as long as it is competing with standard attacks.

shelling is WAY better in frontier and ontop of that scales with raw, but it's still not a dps gain because if it was, the weapon would be 100% shelling

honestly the weapon needs a rework, based on one of the "style" versions. almost every one of these has been a straight upgrade from standard gunlance in terms of gameplay feel

Thanks I got tetanus now.

>G Rank Red Khezu + Rathian
>Fuck up twice on Khezu's stun grenades, cart twice because my cats were being useless pieces of shit that wouldn't slap me out of paralysis in time
>Goes down pretty quick anyways
>All that's left is Rathian
>Going smoothly
>Hovers over me, getting ready for a flip
>Set up a counter like I have a million times before
>Random fucking windpress before the flip triggers my counter early
I'm upset

Hybrid weapons were a mistake

A close range gun would have been better than a gunlance. As would an axe weapon instead of switch axe
>you will never be a halberd hunter


It's alright user, that Red Khezu + Pink Rathian quest is fucking brutal.

I've fought Rathian in G-Rank plenty of times before, I've literally never had that horseshit happen

3U managed it fine. Regular shells were just added onto combos for a little bit of extra damage, or to extend combos by chaining into stabs again, and wyvernfire was a DPS gain when used during big openings.
But 3U also had much lower raw on most weapons compared to 4U. Raw inflation while everything else remains constant is what's truly killing Monster Hunter. And Capcom doesn't playtest their games at the end game so they never really know about these kinds of things. They always just balance around late low to early high rank despite nobody spending more than 5 hours there. It doesn't really matter to them if the endgame falls apart, big inflated numbers look cool.

>edgy powers
Visual effect of the attacks weren't edgy in tri but changed to be more visible in P3rd
>kusha skeleton
Yes but unlike most of the kusha reskin Alatreon its own animations and attacks
Nope, started with F2

>its own animations and attacks
this apparently doesn't matter, neither does it fighting differently from kushala

by his logic, every monster with the skeleton is a literal clone of kushala.
also jho is a great jaggi clone.

we've been over this

That's retarded a lot of monster share the same skeletons even some are completly unrelated like the Chameleos and the leviathans and still don't have the same fight

>Handler: "Hey hunter, we've got an urgent word from the research comittee!"
>Handler: "If you can complete this, you'll get a rank promotion!"

>we will never fight an ancient civilization hunter piloting an equal dragon weapon

XX > 3U > 4U

>nephlol is the chibi poster
My disgust grew ten times stronger

Nigger its a fucking joke don't go full assblasted babby mode

New monster with new skeleton > reskinned new monsters

>everyone that posts the art of a popular MH artist is the same person
>chibiposter uses the higher res versions that don't have "master" in the title
it's like you get dumber every time you post

we get one or two of those a gen, if we're LUCKY.

Do you think it's a game?

>carve fatalis' crotch
>get a horn

Is Bow supposed to be really shit in P3rd? I'm hitting the right hitzones, keeping the crit distance mostly and it still takes me double the time to kill things compared to LS, SA and Hammer.

p3rd is the best pre-power shot game for bow
you're doing something wrong

Fucked if I know what. Just to be sure, crit distance indicator is just a really big hit effect?

yep, what bow are you using and against what monster?

Stop playing 4U.

It's XX or Frontier that we should be playing now.


you mean 4U or frontier

Wroggi Revolver II, it worked like ass against both Royal Ludroth and Great Wroggi.

early p3rd bows are just shit
make the true yukumo bow as soon as you can, i think the nibelsnarf one is good too
later on, make a bow for each element

No there's nothing to do in 4U anymore. XX Super hunts is what we should be doing now.

Jokes on you, I'm playing Grandpa FU right now

I need to crack more Gold Rathian skulls. Thanks for reminding me.

You need fire for the break you fool!

>need 4 of [common material]
>do quest, get 1 of [material]
>do quest, get 1 of [material]
>do quest, get 1 of [material]
>do quest, get 7 of [material]

That's what I'm using right now

Desire sensor


Every fucking time

where can i find motion values for MhXX


Now that we know the game will most likely have microtransactions, and Capcom has openly stated they don't see a problem behind buying broken gear because you're "only helping your teammates", is World confirmed shit?

>is World confirmed shit?
Bot until they confirm microtransactions, grandpa.

If they actually included microtransaction-exclusive gear that was stronger than anything craftable, people would fucking riot. But this is Capcom we're talking about, so.

He wanted to fill you with his evil energies of darkness

If it's just pay to not grind, whatever. I'm not going to play with randoms so I won't be affected anyway.
If it's pay for the best equipment you can't get otherwise? Fuck off.

Let's get this out of the way

>/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

I'm in about early 4 star rank single player quests in MH-X and I've already lost a lot of my motivation to continue playing this game. It's funny, but, I'm not particularly offended by it, I'm just not getting invested: this is actually me trying to give it a second try and around the same point in the game I'm still just getting bored when I shouldn't be.

I've never had this problem before, I'm just finding X to be super fucking dull and tedious.

MHX village is fucking dreadful, I can't blame you. If this is your first Monster Hunter, I'd recommend you start with a different one. 4U tries to be approachable but it's filled with a lot of cringy meme writing, and its balance is completely fucked so as a newcomer you might get frustrated easily if you don't pick one of the good weapons.

Why are you playing X instead of Generation or XX?

>the fucking imbalance meme
poor guy might time out on his 140 solo :(

>just a big lizard that shoots fireballs
>evil energies of darkness