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How much DPS should I be doing as a WW Monk?

first for post you're toon doing this right NOW

>Female panda butt


huns is easily the worst person in this general

oh 920 ilvl btw

pezado more like pezadon't ahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahaha


no? Huns is /our gal/


Would Mok'nathal be a subrace of Orcs?

this is what wowg likes

Reminder that Pezado is Blueno

Argent Dawn Alliance

Hot, do mommy ERP

I'm running a gnome right now. I adore them too, it's just the design is sort of 'ehhh' on the face at times, what with the giant noses and general lack of happy faces. I dunno.

I just don't get why they can't fucking upgrade the engine and the art.

Maybe. If I got paid for it. I'm poor as it is in WoW.

>Upgrade the Engine
But how will all the poor third-worlders play WoW then?

>tfw i think i finally found a guild i like then a retarded sandnigger ruins it all
do i leave now and join a guild when antorus comes out or do i stick around until antorus mythic comes out then guildhop

>Unironically being racist

Maybe the problem lies with you?


>frostmourne is constantly crashing

asmongolds mother?

Pezado more like poz daddy

he's not even a sandnigger, i was just using that term because he's an indian and i really don't like him
fucks up mechanics
wastes time doing shit like guldan runes and swapping people into traps before sisters
does shit dps
pads dps causing wipes
is annoying as fuck on voice
plays a horrible spec

>frostmourne isn't an obtainable artifact for frost DKs


I can't I'm sorry

You're the racist, you're assuming the reason he wants to leave is a race matter. You're a bigot and racist.

>Calling someone the n-word isn't racist

Jesus christ..

It's only a word, racism influences decisions and actions, like making a post bringing up race.


>frost spec is a dualwielding spamlord spec and the only DK spec that can't use two-handers
Is Blizzard literally retarded?

>stop playing for a few months
>tokens are now almost 200k
Anyway, can I buy tokens without having to spend one to actually get gametime? I'm not going to start playing again until December, but blizzcon is probably going to throw wowtoken prices into the atmosphere and I want to get some before that

Are you nervous, Hyrja?

>alternate logic

Whatever keeps you happy at night, racist

If I stub my toe on my coffee table and call it a nigger, that is not indicative of racism, whatsoever.

Who gives a fuck about the fucking third-worlders? Its the people that want these engine changes that are the actual ones that are likely to buy packs/lootboxes etc. And said people would pay extra to play the new version as well.

if you have a character with the gold, you can log in and buy a token via the character select screen

>browns and blacks have been PROVEN to be dumber/less capable than whites
>stating raw facts has become racist now
Probably gonna get deleted because I triggered a nigger mod again.

I wuv the twansmogs

It's lost all meaning and is just now a regular swear like "cunt" or "twat". You shouldn't respond to these "people". They're likely to bring in an army of spammers to shit up the thread, or false flag.


And that won't just use up the token for gametime? I don't want gametime since I can't play right now, I just want to stock up on tokens.

>if I use a racial epithet steeped in hundreds of years of hatred and violence in a negative manner, it is not racist at all
The absolute state of /wowg/.

Racism isn't bad. In fact, denying the differences between people is moronic and unscientific. You can't make me like niggers or accept them if I don't want to. That's forcing your liberal social agendas onto people.

Oh nvm I didn't read thoroughly. Yeah that spends the token


Can I not call people like I see them? Do you want me to deny the truth that dumb niggers are dumb and black because it triggers your white SJW ass? Like that's the one thing I hate the most - retarded brainwashed white people getting offended for thr blacks who are too stupid to care.

>rdf group suddenly stops moving
>anxiety kicks in and i start to imagine they attempt to kick me

No no no, ignoring this bullshit is another part of the problem. Even if its a troll, we have to fight back against these fucking liberal agendas that seek to destabilize the world further and throw it even more into chaos.

whatever triggers you, "person" of colour

Demon Hunters are sexy, I say... SEXY!

I honestly don't know why that exact gimp mask is so popular with demon hunters.

It's fine if you want to be a racist piece of shit, but don't be a little bitch and try to weasel out of it. Own who you are.

>toned navels
The only decent model in the game along with actual nelves and dryads.

hi babe
wanna fuck?

>being a navelfag


I say things like I see them. I'm not afraid to speak my mind, even if it triggers or bothers certain people. If that makes me a racist to you, then so be it. This censorship based on sjws getting triggered needs to stop. They can't dictate my freedom of goddamn speech.

I've never seen anyone else with it, but it fits that outfit pretty well IMO. I haven't used that mog for a while on her though...


Lots of bitches can be fat and have fat asses and tits, but very few can work on and tone their bodies. Like how chicks like dudes with defined muscles. It means the dude worked for it.

>get unique weapon type exclusive to your class
>replace the appearance with swords

your momma loves it

being "toned" is a meme tho

>gets called racist
>cries censorship
Could you be more of a little bitchbaby? It's time to put your big boy pants on, user.

thank god its over, now the rep grind

>make class exclusive to elves
>class seems to be mostly retards

Why are male characters posted here always the coolest motherfuckers, whereas female characters tend to be more "PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ME"

I actually enjoyed WoD loremaster

EK and outland are cancer

If I were to ask for help to complete the shadowmourne infusions, would anyone help? I don't trust rando niggs from general chat

they're all thots!

>EK and outland are cancer
>mfw I'm just finishing off Blasted Lands at lv 60 before moving on to Outland
I hated Burning Steppes, not even the quest where you ride a black drake and burn blackrock orcs can redeem it.

are you a tranny race player?

Because they tend to be cunning linguists.
They would probably make you pay out the ass for it which is why having friends always helps.

>Not using your item appearances you bothered to spend time collecting to their maximum potential
>sticking to only a handful of appearances because reasons

EU (A)
just an hypothetical question, I'm not at home right now
The last friend who still plays this game decided to focus on his horde characters while I was on a break, can't really count on him to help

I need to level that guy up, I have /laugh bound to most of my abilities because I love the male draenei laugh.

well i did that when it mattered, you have no idea how hard it was just to spot the quests

Eh I just used thottbot for the harder quests

Honestly the only part you need help with is the blood infusion which needs roughly 4 other people. 3 if one of them has a battle rez.
Yeah they have a good laugh. Also never get tired of tunak tunak youtube.com/watch?v=vTIIMJ9tUc8

you can duo blood infusion if you're a dk and your partner is a shaman

Yea I know, but it's still an obstacle
And I think I need help for the unholy too, if I recall correctly you had to get on the abomination vehicle and slurp up slime but you need someone else to be there so the boss doesn't reset

Nah, you can do the slime thing solo. I did it earlier today since I was also doing the shadowmourne questline on my paladin. Glitched out the first time I did it which caused him to reset, though second time was fine.

This pic brings back memories

>They can't dictate my freedom of goddamn speech.

Hate speech is not protected by freedom of speech, just so you are aware.

the supreme court says otherwise you pinko fuck

So now this is where we come to a mutual agreement on what is considered hate speech.

post lewd

missed me?

Is Jennifer Proudmoore the Lich Queen?



What should it be called then?


Why are you niggers talking about hate speech on a Malaysian Weaving site?

no shes my gf back off!

We have been infiltrated

Where do I go for Blizzcon leaks?

>playing demon hunters at all

Fixed that for you.
Vengeance Demon Hunter is only okay in rated BGs
>rated bgs

damn bb that ass thicc af tho

>europeans wake up
>thread filled with multiculti sjw shit

Like clockworks