Fighting Games General /fgg/
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One day.
What character does this describe?
Akatsuki in ST
i love sfv
>literally only making costumes for waifus
>acknowledge the fact that only waifus make moneys
>Making only 2(two) waifus in season
What did they mean by this?
play fight games
How could you possibly be upset at the company that gave us the thick thighed school-girl
waifudosh is used to make interesting characters like abigail
Post Zeku winquotes
>Once I have beheld. Maiden of a frozen heart. Saddest sight to see.
This legit confuses me, not just chars but outfits too
Cammy legit wears thongs that COMPLETELY bare her asscheeks
So why the hell are there so many other female outfits with spats or more conservative underwear?
Where are the outfits that completely show Booki or Karin asses? Karin's swimsuit looks like a diaper when compared to the ultra thin strap covering Cammy's asshole in the Cammy Battle and Winter outfits
I don't get all these edgy quotes against Kolin from Menat or Zeku
She clearly still cares about the world since she wants to support Gill to create a paradise for people (or at least the ones worthy) to live in
Woah Chinese Ninja. Warrior, with a heart so. Cold, Sub-Zero-o.
Do you like Urien?
No, I only support female characters. Especially honest and crowd favors like Chunner and Ibuki.
>She clearly still cares about the world
she wants to destroy the current world with Gill to make a new one so no she doesn't care for the people in it
Remember to vote for mommy to show her how much we love her!
I'm in love with Weiss!!!
no injustices 2 beta today
It seems retarded, but a leotard isn't considered underwear, so they get away with it being less conservative. I dunno why Story Cammy, and now Sporty Kolin are allowed to have regular underwear though. Might just be dependant on whom they had working on it.
Destroying the world metaphorically. She hates the current structure snd rules.
It doesn't mean she wants to go The Purge on the whole planet
How does the removing a failed system make her not care about the people that it failed to protect?
>tfw to high iq to separate world from people
No, he is a retard lore wise. He is dumb gameplay wise. He is braindead in sfv. And i know a gay guy who plays him
>11 hours
>153 posts
>most are waifu spam
lol kof
based undercover mother
For trial 10, you gotta start charging as soon as you throw out the Bursting Buffalo.
Kevin's the man
gill's planning to cull the current world (humans and their entire system) and re-seed it with select individuals
What exactly are Gill and Urien
Lab created super humans? Naturally born with powers? Normies who obtained powers somehow?
based gill
Incarnations of ancient godesses
How do we go back?
en or jp voice for zeku?
We can't.
they're the results of selective breeding and lab created super human abilities
to play the shitty fighting games that suck ass
young zeku's run is terrible, lmao
the old form is his primary form
good post
>selective breeding
Who will they breed with next? Are there female counterparts made for breeding?
Surely they can't live forever if they're still humans
bad post
what did he mean by this...
Kolin invites Cammy to join the bliss of their new world.
Powerful evil guy xD
Dude, suit up xD
rude post
who is he talking about?
bet's on cammy
useless post
He's right you know
Lew slut for unreal black things
Cammy maybe, since she's a lab baby clone of a evil dictator with super powers
But Kolin is literally just a normie, even her ice powers are from Gill. There must be a hundred candidates lined up for Gill's seeds before her.
>full of zest
>love of life
nice try goober
what was max's impression of zeku?
How can he say that when he plays dhalsim?
pointless post
What does he say too thotbuki?
Wrong. It's because they are cute blondes obviously.
our goobers dogura and kazunoko are streaming jive
who should i be watching?
redundant post
Are Zeku's win quotes this fucking hilarious
What does he say to Booki?
bros how do i become a ninja? i want to learn the bushinryu and be a sword for the weak
Only if the game gives you good normals for near and far.
SFV feels like you are playing with 75% near
last post
why am I getting so shit on? the guys I play in bronze are all 1k+ games played and they got crazy okizeme and bnb combos.
here I am, not knowing any basic bnb combos (alex doesn't have many to begin with) and I have almost no presence when the opponent is downed
how long does it take to not become an uber shitter?
That's a good way to get the illuminati destroyed.
you guys should REALLY check out Laura's winquote against Zeku
Is it just me or is Zeku's v-trigger just garbage?
Can't wait for his second v-trigger in AE, whatever it will be
>playing alex
you deserve your anguish
muh strider
happy epilogue post
Anyone DOA5LR xbone?
I'm predicting that there'll be a very emotional tearjerker moment in Jive's next story mode involving Balrog and Ed guys
Why does she have hair in her ear? Ewwwww....
reminder that capcom never said there would be another cinematic story
I dunno I kinda like having 2 different cancels I can use
I hope they fug
>that sf3 pic of all the girls being part of gills harem
You do know both Balrog and Ed are men right
I swear, people playing Alex, Kolin, Juri and to an extent Ryu are all masochists
Really? I thought they were gaymen.
Juri won a major
Playing other characters is too boring and automatic tbqh. You are right about Alex players though.
against rashid in a ranking where no one entered so it doesn't count
That's stupid since Menat clearly has a (homosexual) obsession with Rose
So how is that not seeing the present/near
Beast that knows no bounds
Appetite for destruction
Impossible life
Against Kazunoko cammy and the best four rashids (best character according to top players) in the world.
Because capcom.
The street fighter franchise has always been one of the most poignant works of fiction ever created
>oil king
Yeah just 5 capcom cup qualified players entered, no one indeed
>Alex, Kolin
This is online not the top 8 of a major gimmicks characters like Alex and Kolin will be fine online stop conflating tournament tier lists with fucking online, i'm starting to hate Kolin mains desu
Duh, it's because they have a future together
can you all stop