/rgt/ - Robinhood General Thread

/rgt/ - Robinhood General Thread

AMDowngraded by Goldman Sacks Edition

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> How is it free?
"People" invest your settled funds when you're not using them, just like banks.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, why?
Robinhood graphs are shit and only show you an average, not true real-time prices. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using tradingview.com, stockcharts.com, finviz.com, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

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>he still doesn't own BTX

First for da moon

ARTX DRYS NAKD here. Missed out on selling when DRYS hit 2.00 cause of work NAKD and ARTX are my only hope

Telling myself If I should upgrade my gold tier and buy more AMD

>not buying RNN

Updated CVM pastebin: www.pastebin.com/T4Hb6DGx

Couldn't find any info on the FDA hold, so if anybody could update with info pertaining to that it'd be appreciated.

First for BUY BUY BUY on Japan's population

id help reverse that trend if you know what I mean

Bullish all the way

TNX could be a potential play if you have day trades

Fucking hope today's a better day
130 shares of nmm @ 2.00
4000 cvm @0.076
172 pip @0.78
And of course my good old BANC stocks
1376 @ 13 dollars but that's for a car. I need money for my other ventures in life.
(Anime dollies)


Who else fell for the AMD meme? I feel A-M-Dicked

please do not buy anime dollies they are a terrible investment

im shorting 10k pop.

Goldman Sachs is manipulating prices for more efficient coveting

VII low float daily engulfing all the way back to august 10 2016 get in at open, might open around .7s going over 1 today early

Just bought 80 shares user don't let me down

cmon now

AMD had an incredible run

everyone knows its flying high lately

dont blame GS for your problems. for your reference they have a strong sell rating on TSLA but that is hitting all time highs regardless

it is just time for AMD to come back down to earth thats all

what the fuck you should've waited till the market opened to look for an entry...

I didn't buy the stocks aftermarket I set it to buy on open for the lowest price


spoonfeed me

why did TENX drop ~75% in january

>muh muh muh market makers are making this company that went up 500% in a year go down

Stop spending your parents money on stocks.

>hey goys look how cheap my stock is, I promise we don't have more shares waiting to be dumped on the market at any moment!

>Not mentioning Mr. Kersten has a patent for the potential use of Multikine managing cholesterol

If I get around to it before the weekend rolls around I'll find the FDA articles regarding the hold and partial lift.

If not come Monday or Tuesday I will.

>tell people the stock is only worth $11 the same day as big Xbox announcement
>new processor series releases next week
>not manipulation
Are you pic related?

Im going to be lurking these threads for you. Just because I'm new and havent figured out where to find these things out besides google

So why was there am FDA hold on CVMs drug in the first place?

>buy a a huge stake in a company
>intentionally drive down the price a month later


What price should enter amd?

CelSci realized there was a flaw in their study design (not enough people would die from their cancer -> not enough autopsies to show shrunk tumors and shit.) They wanted to change the parameters to include more people, but any change in a study underway requires special approval, so the study got a partial hold while the FDA could evaluate if the given alteration would invalidate any of the scientific rigor or methodology.

tl;dr Some egghead fucked up because he forgot their medicine actually works.

Right now

who are you referring to

goldman sachs?

they have been lessening their position in AMD
reduced it by 58% last year (i.e. selling as the price rose like any smart investor, not buying at the top like some memelord kids on a mongolian tapestry weaving forum)

they still had about 2 million shares as of 12/31/16 but who knows how much they have now

tell me what they did that you think should be illegal

Is today the day RNN goes to da moon?

I was looking for this information too. Got any sources for that? I can certainly see that over sight happening, but in the pharmaceutical industry those sorts of oversights Conde around less frequently. What was the time line for the original study, the current hold and suggested time line for the new study?

Should I get out of PLUG now or keep riding? In at 2.12.


Dude the xbox is dead on arrival useless console with no games run fast and far.

Anyway whats todays memes?

I find it hard to believe that they wanted patients to die...

they can measure tumor sizes with MRI scans and shit, you know?


VII gonna blow dont say i didnt tell u bros

I'll give you a hint:
it's the fucking Jews

m8 it'll sell like hotcakes to all of the dumb xbox plebs
t. all of my normie friends

youre dumb

normies will still buy it

This is from the company. It's obviously meant to allay investor fears, but they can't (legally) make this shit up.

I haven't dug too deep into this, just a cursory investigation. I only have a small position in CVM and think of them as a long shot - I'm not recommending anything. As you said, if somebody fucked up on a study this vital, what else is the company fucking up?


ARTX good comp

who do you think runs the Fed and Goldman you moron? It sounds extreme but it's factually correct.

you are just really dumb

see you guys on the other side

post memes

relax kid youll make it out of this bind
everyone takes losses time to time

we buying AMD dip?



Added 75 shares already. Dumbest downgrade ever. Clearly manipulating considering the timing.

DA JOOS!!!!11

wah the big mean bankers s-said my m-m-meme stock is overvalued ;~;

fucking jews am I right /pol/ I mean Veeky Forums

I'm not kidding. I'm tried of getting screwed at every corner.

I wish you all the best.

It's dropping like a fucking rock


go away shill

how about you stop trying to get rich quick

find some companies you BELIEVE IN

buy some OWNERSHIP in the company

and hold it long term (years)

Interesting. Thanks for the link.

next person who shills CVM is a Jewish fucking nigger

hurf durf anyone I dont like is jews

>tfw CARA

I finally did something right

Why am I holding (no bags atm) this stock still?That "institutional buy" the other day did nothing for the stock except allow the rich with AH privileges to sell at a slight high.

You are a fucking moron. Jews do run the world but they aren't responsible for every move on the market you dumb fucking moron. Are you purposely being retarded?
Do you just believe what people tell you on the internet without any research?

I wish youd all go back to /pol/ and leave my board alone already

>mad at memes

bought 100 shares of AMD at 13.08. see you guys at 14.67 next week

Yeppers. CARA is gonna get me that down payment on my yacht.

Fwiw, I'm intentionally trying to piddle with small numbers and highly volatile stocks for fun, and to learn the system before I start doing it for real. I've got student loans to pay off before I do any investing for real.

it's like I'm the only one who paid attention to the federal reserve meeting yesterday. god damn.

Because your stupid. Don't say i didn't warn you it was a failed pump and dump.

Implying there isn't an infinite backlog of coincidences during events involving jews. For only 2% of the population they sure do get around.

>bought TENX
>up .01$
stocks are so exciting

URRE Press coverage

I wish you would stop being such a sensitive rustled faggot. I bet your a sniveling kike aren't you.

some people really don't understand the amount of force the global banks (Goldman is one) and the Federal reserve have. they think it's a joke when we say it's run by the jews. It's LITERALLY RUN BY THE JEWS.




Scon bro here, you fellas watching?

wow what a suprise, a bunch of children argueing in the robinhood thread...... again.

cant you guys ever just work together? jesus christ

Im holding URRE in hopes it goes to 3.00. If it was there in january, I dont see why it wouldnt based on this news

Who else love ODP here, easiest swing stock I've seen desu. Too scared to swing gold stocks.

>Stop trying to make money on MY market, goy!

I think that's faulty reasoning friendo
But I do believe that it is good news, thanks for the tip


NMM is a great stock to swing, i traded ODP awhile ago when it was at its bottom never swing traded it though just bought low and sold high

Cvm will be at $10 in 3 weeks

Oh God what happened?


I'm glad everyone is holding stocks that jump up 10% after the market opens.

meanwhile I'm still holding RNN which goes up 5% pre-market then drops instantly on open


In AMD and 13 lets see boys

>CERU up 6% to .72
>tfw sold at $3
keks had

Chill out dude. High volume day, it'll reach past 19 and into 20 by end of day. don't get all jiterry from first half hour of trading.

Just sold scon at 1.82 boys ahahahehehehohohoho straight from 1.45 ahahahehehohoho why didnt you buy likei said ahehehaiohohaoheuhoaheohuyahoh