League of Legends General - /lolg/

kill peasant edition


>letting waifufags make the thread

guys pls

technically not a waifufag

>changed from 25 bonus gold and 15% missing hp heal on takedown to 20 bonus gold and 10% missing hp heal for assists, 50 bonus gold, 20% missing hp heal and 1 second CC immunity for kills

[spoilers]supports are motherly doms not disposable cumdumpsters[/spoiler]

>tfw no qt petite gf

how? with fervor I can never outtrade him no matter my champ

Vlad is a fuccboi, he counts as a waifu, not a husbando.

xth for my wife Syndra

xth for getting reported by the int feeding top laner and all his friends and getting banned for "abusive comms" when they cussed you out the entire game and the only thing you responded with was "why are you bad" one single time