is she bringing lewd outfits for her and widowmaker to wear?
Angel Cook
>60%+ pick rate pre-buff >people think reverting her will solve anything
Christopher Jenkins
cool finishing with Cultist on Halloween would probs be appropriate, since Lovecraftian shit always looks nice with dark and heavy lines. FGor a matter of fact, McHelsing and DragonSymm would look nice inked
Nice quads, not unnoticed
Mason Ross
It doesn't really put you in a better position user
Adrian Brown
60% is better than 90-100%. She should be reverted and nerfed.
John Brown
I really don't get why they decided that it was mercy that needed a change the most. He playrate, while not great, seemed at least fine across the levels. I would rather they put effort into making weaker heroes like the defense heroes more viable instead of making her better.
Jaxon Watson
Liam Moore
Can't wait for all those weird ass comments on a world cup.
Carter Thompson
Fuck off liar, Sombra isn't polyamorous
Luke Williams
>revert mercy >she as to manually resurrect people during ultimate >she is no longer invulnerable whilst resurrecting Done, fixed.
Sebastian Richardson
Defense heroes shouldn't be buffed since their playstyles are inherently annoying. The Junkrat buff proves it. They are gimped intentionally because Torb's turret right now behind an Orisa shield is already considered annoying as fuck, now imagine if Torb could have level 3 turret all the time or give it armor or whatever. At best they could use a tiny nudge but I don't trust Blizzard since they don't seem to know what nuance even means.
Jaxon Barnes
Literally >Revert change >Make Rez LoS Bam, now she's in a better spot than current and it addresses the problem the devs had with her where she would hide away when with ult
Cooper Cox
The endless whining on the blizz forums that "AOE res is unfair" and the justification that it was 1 ult that undid 2+ and could also reverse a teamwipe.
Res was bullshit but all it needed was a smaller AOE/line-of-sight only and a nerf to ult charge rate. Their idea was to get rid of the mercy-hide-and-seek minigame but instead turned it into the stale mess that is Mercywatch.
Tyler Garcia
>The endless whining on the blizz forums that "AOE res is unfair"
Well, it is. Do you really think an incredibly passive character who never has to fire her gun once in an FPS, having an ult that charges in 40 seconds, being able to hit 2 buttons to immediately fly towards her team of dead niggas and then invincibly resurrect them all with no skill required and no chance of counterplay, is fair? They should have doubled the charge time, made it LoS only, capped it at 3, or made Mercy unable to fly towards dead people.
Robert Morgan
No, I know that, if they were buffed they would be crazy. What I meant was giving them a rework so they would be more fun to play and play against, instead of just shifting some numbers.
Andrew Jackson
>or You spelt 'and' wrong user. Pretty basic mistake on your end
Angel Wright
>Torb turret behind orisa shield is annoying >Not acknowledging that every hero with a gun behind orisa shield is annoying. Orisa is the problem, her shield was fine where it was before the buff.
Logan Sullivan
have ghoul, horus, and pirate ana
what to use?
Evan Thomas
>triple tank with a mercy soloheal just plat things
Kevin Gutierrez
Pirate whilst the event is one, then Horus/your favourite when the event is off.
Camden Morris
William Edwards
That's actually viable though.
Jonathan Jackson
David Collins
Ian Martinez
Carter Ross
Remember when everyone used to complain that no one picked a healer?
The size is fine after the buff, the cooldown is just ridiculous. She can block more damage per second than Rein now, and has the flexibility of shooting/moving/HALT while the shield is up.
Cooldown should have been kept at what it was before.
Jeremiah Cox
Zachary Ward
Pro players can't shoot down Mercy consistently.
The shield needed a larger size just because Orisa is so large she got shot even when she was behind it. The CD and how long the shield lasts is annoying as fuck. If I flank and kill Orisa the shield still sticks around for so long that unless it's focused down it's actually still there by the time she respawns and walks back. Fucking absurd.
Michael Anderson
>Whines that the team needs support >Has the full capability to pick support What is this hugbox reddit shit
Ryder Gonzalez
Nothing much has changed, the amount of people who want to pick a healer hasn't changed, the amount of people who have to has increased. Honestly a shitty way to make people play support, just make some supports that people will want to play instead of making them mandatory.
Matthew Walker
Who wants to bet that the next team (or one of the next teams) has Reaper has their mascot and they become "rivals" with Boston Uprising. All of which is a not so clever hook for getting people interested in the teams completing with each other. I'm calling it now. The team pages on twitter will do nothing but go back and forth making shitty puns at each other.
Isaac Kelly
>there are people in this thread RIGHT now complaining about Orisa of all fucking heroes
We gonna nerf Symm yet. No wait, McCree is waaaaaaaay to OP-near Torb tier OP
Joseph Perry
>make a mercy balance thread on the official forums >Suggest how her Rez is broken af and how the should put it instead behind a resource meter, like zaryas bubble charge >Get thread locked by a mod and redirected to the mercy "official thread" >Post my suggestion >Not even 15 mins later, 29 downvotes >"Mercy is alright you DPS main, just kill her!" How fucking self entitled, dumbs and fanatic fanbase mercy has, I've never ever seen such an echo chamber hive mind mentality that cries :"OMG BUFF MERCY MORE, 99% PICKRATE AMONG ALL THE TIERS? ITS BECAUSE THE OTHER HEALERS ARE SHIT, DON'T DARE TO NERF MERCY OR I'LL EAT MY FAMILY!" seriously, Jeff, I know you lurks this place, stop listening to mercy mains
Landon Wood
>Everyone starts dying at round 10/12 because they stop targeting blue robots
How to I communicate this to the primates i get queued with?
Adrian Gomez
Would anyone care if mercy's wings got a hitbox?
they don't have one
Hunter Moore
mcrees hat has a hitbox so yes
Kevin Hill
Torb is the only defense hero that actually needs buffing. His DPS is kinda piss poor from a distance and up close unles syou hit it perfectly. His armor doesnt do a whole lot and only gives issues to Hog, Winston, and Tracer, maybe sombra. His turret is paper fucking thin and can be 1 clipped by tracers. Pros scream that he's anti-dive because "Muh armur" "Muh Turret" and these arguments would be valid if they posed a threat at all. Everything for him needs either a cleanslate rework or minor numbers tweaking.
This is how much Mercy mains were crying before the latest patch. The one that did nothing but give her 2 rez charges in ult and let her do her GA momentum superjump thing for free. Literally any change or suggestion of change to Mercy is met with hostility and terror and outrage.
Josiah Rogers
The only buff Torb needs is for them to remove his hitbox from out of his chest. He has a giant head and the hitbox for it is in his torso, and his torso is a massive ball. So he is the easiest to headshot character in the entire game. He is basically a 100 HP character. His armor doesn't stop Hog at all because Torb is so fat he absorbs every bullet 100% and takes super crit damage because his critbox is eating the pellets dead center.
Aside from that the only thing I could think of that Torb NEEDS would be to make him able to build the turret while it's being damaged or to just make it take 1 whack less to upgrade.
Joseph Johnson
Well the Bongs have Tracey and the Gooks have D.Va for their mascot, leaving Houston (Probs McCree because Texas) and Philly.
tbqh Reaper should have been Los Angeles because that's his fucking hometown, but I guess reddit memes come before the writing in this game
Joshua Russell
I remember playing 3 hours ago.
Liam Adams
Also take away his 2 second reload
Levi Anderson
I meant defense in general could use something more than just number tweaking and maybe some rework to make them overall more fun to play and play against.
Christian Gonzalez
All gengus are cute
Easton Adams
LA got mercy because their logo is literally a Valkyrie. They probably did that because they wanted Mercy so badly.
David White
Anyone on eu wanna team up for Junk PvE event to farm crates with bonus exp?
add me: Sayonara#2335
Blake Jenkins
Nah, it (and Orisa's) should be regenerative, in the way you do a startup animation and start to refill your ammo, maxing out when the animation is fully done. That way it prevents you for doing 1.999999seconds of reload, having to cancel for whatever reason and then initiating again
Isaiah Martin
aren't there 2 LA teams?
Jaxson Phillips
Link? the forums are cancer in general. People bitched about D.Va being unplayable and not being able to counter anything and shout down anyone who say anything else.
James Thomas
Nope, just the one. It's one per city mate, didn't you know?
Jordan Walker
What a great idea. It would make sense too since you can actually see Orisa's reload charging but then you have to interrupt it and suddenly it's back at 30 bullets or whatever.
Noah Gutierrez
Yup. LA Gladiators and LA Valiant.
Nathan Cooper
And find people to play the game with. This is solely for teaming up. The more who join the easier it will be to make groups.
there should be a pro version and a shitter version
only e-"sports" on the pro version, and it has the stuff that shitters complain about, like junkrat's 2 mines, mercy 2.0, etc
the shitter version is like normal, but bastion, genji, hanzo, and torb are removed, old mercy, old junk, and 250 hp roadhog
Jeremiah Reyes
>Playing Tracer >Zarya on my team has grav >Save pulse bomb to combo with her >Play conservatively to ensure that I'm alive when she uses it >She never fucking uses it >We lose >Could have had at least 3 more pulse bombs in that time
Michael Richardson
white awoo
Sebastian Peterson
I know, basic idea/obvious concept, but obviously too much to handle for the small minds at BLizz HQ
Brayden Harris
>only e-"sports" on the pro version, and it has the stuff that shitters complain about, like junkrat's 2 mines, mercy 2.0, etc
lol "only shitters complain about Mercy 2.0"
Carson Rodriguez
the awoo one
Jaxson Kelly
So which is it? I remember in the overwatch league intro they said one team per city, but it being los angeles I can see them making an exception.
Robert King
jesus, does anyone have the meta report when ana was still main healer? I just want to know how it compares to right now.
Matthew Ortiz
There's two LA teams because LA is an exception
Brayden Parker
>It is in this spirit that we present the Los Angeles Valiant, one of two Overwatch League™ teams based in LA for the inaugural season.
Thanks, but I meant comp in general. I found it myself however. Here's tank wars (season 3)
Levi Mitchell
And here's season 4.
This, it seems completely arbitrary what heroes get what city.
Eli Peterson
FFA without junkers when
Samuel Thomas
i really like mei.
Michael Powell
In what universe is this acceptable?
David Gray
so when are we going to be able to get the league skins?
Bentley Bell
And season 5 (PC). Overall looking at them, I wonder even more what they were hoping to achieve, True, mercy was a low skill hero, but her usage in comparison to ana was at least close to each other. Why shake it up so much?
Jason Robinson
>dindufist that low
Good job Geoff
Cameron Peterson
What if instead of rez, mercy had a 2s ubercharge on a similar cooldown
Adrian Miller
>Do 3v3 >Game goes well >Teammate all of the sudden only picks Genj, Hanzo, Widow >They die at the start >Lose game >They leave party