>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Julius is a fucking fag
I hope his downs syndrome sister kills him
t. Reinhardt
When will he powercreep Merric?
New thread when?
wont be too hard
>Granpdas get the best units in the game, the best artists and the most characters added to heroes since release.
>Have the nerve to keep crying over Fateswakening seasonal units
post lyn thighs
With his Thoron+?
You forget they tend to post with non FE related shit posting images that look like they were as old as Kaga as well.
>implying grandpas whale
If they don't even buy games what make you think they buy orbs?
Damn, Arvis' side hoe got some good art.
big tits
Post non-Fateswakening Halloween alts you want and won't get
>Chicken costume Fae
>Witch Faye
>Mummy Jaffar
>Pajamas Chiki
>Berserker Wrys
>Librarian Nino
>Pharaoh Merric
>he builds resistance/distant def on his sigurd
>-4 res only takes extra 2 damage
>g-guys it's worth it i swear
I mean I dislike the Fateswakening seasonals, not because it's Fateswakening but because they keep picking the most boring characters from them.
+Atk -res Fae
+Atk -res Cherche (merge)
+Atk -res Boey
+Atk -res Raven
+Atk -res Frederick
+Atk -res Soren
I assume those are good IVs
What should i work on next with the feathers I have
Prostitute Lachesis
This is why grandpas won't get any alts for their favorite characters unless japs like them
What is the build and merge level of that Henry?
I desperately want that +atk -res boey
Japan voted Geneaology as their favorite game in the series
I wanna tap my best friend!
Hector's wives are so cute.
>Raul too dumb to notice how much money was dropped for Sigurd
What do you have in mind for him ?
There's only one way to build him!
Bad for Fae, Soren, and Boey (if you were to make him a TA3 rein counter)
Good for the rest
Jessica Rabbit Sonya
Vampire Reinhardt
Headless horseman Eldigan
Is +Atk -Def Eldigan alright?
Oh baby that would be a good one
Or Marla or Hestia witch costumes
Fae want's that res, user. -HP +ATK is probably her best IVs. She's in the 4* pool so it's fairly easy to get.
Can someone please help me? Ive tried using every browser and shot and i still cant link my damn account. Ive downloaded the apk from pure since there is none on the appstore(probably since im a poorslav).
My phone is an lg (sporit lepn something).
Any help would be appreciated.
Elvis presley Reinhardt
I'm not Reinhardt.
But if I was then I'd tell Kempf to stop being a little bitch and stay away from my mentally handicapped sister
I like Tharja, she makes my dick happy.
Frankenstein Gonzalez.
>mentally ill
>"likes animals" (furfag)
>high pitched faggot voice
>kills himself
Actually worse than Tharja, holy shit.
Hijab Camilla!
He would literally get a spanking for that. Also that would mean Ishtar never ever
I'm playing FE4 for the first time.
You can still get couples married in Chapter 5, right? Because a few I want to pair up aren't married off yet.
trip back on gorilla
Just leave them next to each other for the entire map and it should work out.
What are some cool but not obviously overpowered skills you'd like to see on seals?
I think Close Counter would be fine since there aren't really any top tier units that would benefit from it. CC works best with tankier mages/archers and almost all of them (other than Innes and Julia/Deidre) are pretty pathetic right now.
I also think Poison Strike/Savage Blow seals might be fun along with Iote's shield.
Post projects that you will complete after this TT, /feg/. I love that most TT seals have been benefitting creative tank builds so far.
>You can still get couples married in Chapter 5, right? Because a few I want to pair up aren't married off yet.
Looks pretty good. You are very dedicated. I wish I could be that dedicated to my husbando, sadly they are a ghb unit. Good work though.
What are you going to do if Henry is a halloween unit?
I'd want to see that, honestly
Yes, the only one who can't is, obviously, Finn
Ride the bike!
How are pajamas or a librarian spooky?
No. You pair him WITH Tharja because
>He's a good father
>Tharja will try her hex shit but he will absolutely fucking wreck her
>Noire will not be abused
>Tharja will become a submissive little bitch to Henry's superior magic and shota cock (yes he's a shota)
Spaceman Chrom.
Yes, it's literally always like that for Tiltyu and Brigid because you get them so late.
>(yes he's a shota)
So only pedophiles like him. Good to know. I'll add it to the list next time
>posts retarded shit
Who's wife is this?
Starve, probably!
But but Gaius is her canon husbando, although if Henry was Tharja's husband he would put her in her place and understand her anyways because of their plegian culture
Alright Magic Hector
Hear me out.
>Close counter
>Panic Ploy
>Deflect magic 3
1. Destroys and baits every Lance and blue mage
2. Can bait+kill both Lyn and Rein at once
3. Panic Ploy for everything else
Close counter destroys blues and greens, vantage baby. With quad 4buffs, he overkills blyn by 2 points, more with Spurs, and overkills rein by a LOT
They're both killed by one hit, so vantage allows you to bait both.
Even if it's one of the rare teams to give Lyn fortify cav buffs, he still has access to panic ploy to ruin her day
His BULKY defense, especially with buffs for the blade, will make him survive any BLyn...no trouble.
And yes it's a gigantic Fate!Archer reference. But it WORKS.
Julius Caesar Marth and Cleopatra Caeda
Sylvia's on accident
How'd that turn out for you?
Also pastel gore fujos like him
Please don't starve.
dunno, soory
They've said I wouldn't get Ayra.
Never ran out of staff uses since he had reduced prices, had pretty competent magic and retarded speed too.
sorry only feet
>dude just use Hector
>dies to the green mage
Would leveling up a Draug for Ward Armor let him survive? I've never bothered with armor buffs before because I never use more than one at a time.
Alright, not really. I really, really don't want to 5* my 3* Subako to give him QR3, and he actually needs panic ploy, and I need to blow the coins on BA3, but fuck man.
This is it, this is most fun softboy until they UNFUCK HIM and give him divine tyrfing.
He does the same shit he did before, but now he gets a free QR kill that ALSO takes him down to BA range. His next hit is also a guaranteed Ignis.
It's fucking gnarly. Eldigan friends : this is also great on lionheart.
Brash assault as a seal also gives him the opportunity to equip the following:
Guard (good idea)
Fuck you.
Is guidance worth the grind?
>gets btfo
>brings up Ishtar for no reason
Typical Kempf retardation
Reinhardt probably doesn't think of you at all
That sounds fun. May give that a try someday.
Where's your fucking tripcode
S-strong and t-tough...
>dragon gauntlet had FCorrin lose to Ninian
What sort of absurd bullshit was needed for an upset of that magnitude?
Why not use LB+ fae at this point ?
The cost is too high for the same effect
This sounds AWESOME
Boey truly is /ourBoey/
Fuck off beaner
guys shes 15 years old
B!Lyn ignores buffs from mages, dummy
I actually have a question. Is -res bad for Boey? I heard that -HP is the best for him but I'm unable to pull -HP/+ATK or + DEF combination and I already have 5 copies of him. Mind that I don't play high tier arena.
t. Finn
Your wife is a whore.
And Rukina's 12, you're point?
aqua-sama aqua-sama aqua-sama aqua-sama
Micaiah is a ____ ___
NuFE fans don't play the game in the same quantities.
It's basic math.