PROJECT edition
PROJECT edition
you deserve a slow loss if you can't carry
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
Zed is for shitters
>tfw no qt petite gf to support
Can i actually carry with any role?
Stop shilling the discord you faggot attention whore.
xth for physically abusing my wife Syndra
kill yourself wagecuck britbong, get back to work loser
xth for my wife Syndra
no thank you, get out
this is your mid laner for tonight
Make sure your wife is comfy before posting anons!
>evolves himself to do whatever the fuck he wants
>Fights epic battles against an archrival (he always wins tho)
>Conquers star guardians and takes them as sex slaves
Khazix is truly the most alpha champ
>all this projection
nigga what?
Too late, she's mine now.
You'd have posted faster if you really loved her.
you fucked user
How do I improve?
I feel like I hit my peak 2 seasons ago with ~500lp challenger and now I'm d5 and struggle to beat other d5s . Is my time done?
>people who consistently die more than 6 times a game and have 10+ deaths on half their games
how the fuck do they manage this?
>she's mine now
talk to her like that and you'll be flying off her fortress.
Get out.
You are stunning and beautiful
*teleports behind you*
Xth for hunting soldiers in Guatemala with Caitlyn!
>people who try to defend turrets against impossible odds like 1v4 and 2v5
why do they do it? it makes no fucking sense but I see it all the time
your done kiddo
*Ults your date*
Redpill me on the number 5, /lolg/
Why can't you guys roll it?
So I want to get better with Rhaast, what masteries should I be running, and should I be going Warriors>Merc Treads> Black cleaver> DD>Thornmail or other tanky items?
Xth for PLEASE revert Rengar ty
shouldn't you be jerking off to Kayn pictures?
I was there then took breaks for season then came back.
The game feels shit and very strict and even less despite the more champions and things added since s1. Its forbidden to do anything out of meta, and the game keeps you as a prisoner for 30+ mins even when the vast majority of the games are decided around 10 mins.
I play a few normals then don't give a fuck about it for some days. Its not worth it since the time and effort you put into it doesn't reward you at the slightest. Its kinda the same as retail WoW, the are more things are added the emptier it feels.
reddit plays
I can outplay them! Watch me
I used to be of the mindset that at least trying to defend it was better than just giving it up, so maybe that's what they're thinking.
those urgot buffs pushed him over the edge, I'm curious to see how long it takes people to catch on
I'll gladly pet you
lolg i love brittany!
Let me breed you
What's with riot making a bunch of shitty champions with bad kits and then overbuffing them to retard strength just so people will play them?
>qtpie just used the word "cuck" live on stream
give me ONE, ONE(1!!!) good reason why you're not watching /our guy/ play league RIGHT NOW
The design team and balance team hate each other
>Khazix is truly the most alpha champ
not when Rengar exists and he makes K6 his bitch
These may be retarded but I can't help but love em.
Im a dotard
>yorick's face
cuck is now a normie term
>watching others play instead of playing
why do people do this?
>gain 20 lp
>lose 19 lp
I don't think I can make it to gold if this keeps up, god help me if I ever go on a losing streak
>tfw played shadow assassin kayn for the first time
what the fuck is that damage
I one shotted twitch and janna with WQ
Which champions should I practice for next season?
I just want to play something fun and easy but not too easy like annie or garen and not too complex like Azir or Vel'koz.
I don't have a main lane but I would preffer top, mid, or jungle.
normie is a normalfag term
If dubs, Illaoi
That word is overused and I hate it so much.
Artist name/link?
>encounter 30 skins in matchmade games
this will take a lot of time
fuck these LAN poorfags
Talon is somewhat simple but fun. Good carry potential, one of the few assassins that can still do stuff late game.
>cass, viktor and yorick got new skins
what are we going to complain about now
twitch because apparently he will never get nerfed and is free elo
Taking requests for drawings.
Experimenting with brushes.
That they got shitty skins?
>have to ban galio every time because no one on my team in silver wants to ban him
A cute kitty cat rengar hiding in a brush
>be Shadow Assassin
>doing blue side chickens
>see enemy ADC near red side blue buff
>use shadow step + ghostblade and get there in 6 seconds or less
>pop out of wall
>W > Q > duskblade trigger if needed
>she pops like a zit
This feels like a Dota hero, I shouldn't be allowed to have this much fun in League.
Can you draw Annie clinging to Moo Cow Alistar's leg? Draw Annie with a comfy face too
wtf is with this shity mision?
If only your superior game knowledge of ban choices could help you out of silver~
snug smug soraka hiding in bush while vayne tumbles into trouble
Pantheon shitting on a support's face
He's so fun, doesn't stop him from being played by shitters though, If he's on my team, he feeds his ass off, on the enemy team, he destroys my supports or carry
is silver I high elo
Draven towerdyves 3 people and dies
>Halloween rolls around, hope for 6v6 treeline
>it's doom bots again
Seconding this
>ban him
>not picking him
C'mon son
I love Camille
hexakill is never coming back
why can't people just learn how galio works and use the knawledg against him?
Might as well just say "play the game"
Who let this hobo have TWO FANGS?!
Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!
the funding for my autism therapy has finally been approved
I really really want Jinx to sit on my face
>Wendy's $5 chicken tender combo actually cost me $6.03
Fuck this world. League of legends
Here's my Lux one
whoa... bugs....
This with Ahri or some other slut.