>>LIVE EVENTS Gauntlet
Nightfall: The Arms Dealer - Torrent & Zero Hour
Flashpoint: Io
Xur: N/A
Trials: N/A
>>LIVE EVENTS Gauntlet
Nightfall: The Arms Dealer - Torrent & Zero Hour
Flashpoint: Io
Xur: N/A
Trials: N/A
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be my friend!!!!! somebody!!!!!
How is PC?
I just beat the story and am 261, what do I do now?
Grind to 305
>he's STILL posting this skewed narrative
absolutely !TOXIC!
Hope you saved your milestones for powerful gear.
Like token vendors you got from raid and shit?
All I have to do is look at my friends list or clan roaster
do i have to save them all or just the ones that say "powerful gear"? is it okay to complete the ones that just say "rare gear"
Just powerful
reminder that alpha meme is dead and the inner circle rules this thread with an iron but fair fist
So how do you actually join a faction?
Im having a good time, but ive been pretty swamped with school and work. im only lv 17. I didnt realize how much I was going to enjoy adventures and exploring the different planets. The bitching here made me think it was non-existent, but Its nice, just not Skyrim or GTA levels of huge and detailed.
I dont mind the story, and I like Ghaul
tfw no cute bf to cuddle up to and play destiny with
Couple questions:
1: I shouldn't decrypt exotic/legendary engrams until 260, right? If I take them to the cryptarch, why does it tell me what level they are? I assumed that whatever level you decrypt them at, they'll be around that level, is that wrong?
2: Exactly how many tokens/materials does it take to get a rep level with a vendor? Is it the same every time or does it increase?
3: Why is there almost zero Awoken lewds?
>wanted to do prestige raid
>I haven't done shadow realm
>now nobody wants to raid with me
>nobody wants to do normal raid either so I can practice shadow realm
end it bros
Wait for the event to happen, then talk to one of the reps
If you were a boner I'd be willing to help
What's the best faction lore wise?
What's the best faction gear wise?
engrams have a set level.
20 tokens per rep level.
pay a artist.
I didn't play D1, and my friends twisted my arm to play D2 with them. I went hunter because gunslinger style classes make my dick hard, how do I not fuck up the leveling considering I've been reading some shit
you're mom LOL
does nobody use this guided games shit?
Depends on what you like, Dead Orbit is all about how we need to abandon Earth and find a new home elsewhere. Future War Cult is all about preparing, trying to calculate the future and being ready for war at all times eventually taking it to the enemies. New Monarchy is about consolidating power in the city and making it strong, with them ruling of course.
Can't say on armor because I run Iron banana with Skullfort for that 2/5/9 on Titan
fwc > nm > do
fwc > do > nm
nm > do > fwc (aesthetics)
I tried once, it was went about as well as everything else in this game.
So I can safely open any legendary/exotic engrams I get through random play? It's just milestone engrams and such I should wait for?
Any ones to recommend?
It's a toss up. NM lore wise is silly, but they claim to have helped the most people during the red war. FWC has the best armor stats and they were right, but nobody would listen. DO you could see actively helping the farm and regroup people when the others weren't. But their idea to abandon the traveler would simply mean no more guardian powers which is just everybody dies again.
yeah it just takes a while to match up with a group you’ll find one just wait
I want this set.
New Monarchy is the best because aesthetics are the only thing that matter.
anything you pick up is good to go, wait on milestones. Do whatever rep you want for stats or fashion.
>Tfw like the Nessus set
>Can't stand those goofy shoulder pads
>Almost all Titan shoulder pads are goofy
Failsafe is the best girl
just farm edz so you won't have the ugly do logo
That's an odd way of spelling Efrideet
those are weird ways of spelling emissary
Thanks. Earth set looks really good.
Do people really have that much trouble spelling Wei Ning?
do really large pauldrons actually protect the titans from headshots
obviously it would be very marginal because everyone is always moving. But do any of them cover up the side of the head enough to help?
superior, just canceled my ps+ forever
Release date
“Before my Councilors and I could finalize her containment armor, the very presence of the Fulminator assaulted the senses. She was breathtaking.” —Calus, Emperor of the Cabal
Do you mean as in a mechanical in game stand point or a realism stand point?
>with an iron but fair fist
Christ, thats an awful way to put it.You guys complain about bungies writting.
As a rule of thumb, if you use a metaphor for one item in a list, you need to use a metaphor for every item in a list. so you have two options. No metaphor
>Firm but fair
or both metaphor
>...an Iron First and a scholar's Judgement
Thats almost as bad as
>It was
>and then it wasnt
like whether it's intentional or not, in the game if you have really big ones would they protect your head
Only best Titan running best subclass
larger pauldrons irl protected the head/neck more from slices in melee combat
but these goofy balls they wear would impede arm movement so much that they're impractical af
also no peripheral vision anymore
>being this retarded
Not really no, I drop on Titans with bigger pads, and used to have the same, from the side and it never made enough of a difference
So how do I join the clan?
PS4? I might be setting up a run in a bit
>Wei Ning turned into a lesbo
Fuck these writers
i just joined the clan
whats the discord link yall
>Find clan
>Ask for invite
>If they agree check clan tab and the little mail symbol
Uhh how do I join the /dg/ clan?
whats your psn friendo?
There's supposed to be someone you message, I forget the name because I'm a Xbone player but I remember them mentioning it in thread.
How do you farm IO set?
Shhhhh don't remind me, let me dream of better days
are the people posting this legitimately retarded or just shitposting
farm tokens on Io. 20 tokens per rep,, farm until you cry because it'll be months til you get the complete set.
Patrols, chest if you have a ghost that marks caches within 30m and public events
go sperg out elsewhere newfag
Public Events and look for glowing rings around Lost Oasis then kill the Vex there.
I remember when these started coming out, do you think we'll get more one day?
>finally a ps4 raid
whats your username?
nice, i like grind
Why are hunters the best class to play?
>triple jump
>best melee build
>best ranged build
>no weakling caster
>no brutish soldier
>stylish as fuck
considering buying this for PC even tho the reviews and player feedback is shit. Did they stop with free DLC? is the deluxe version worth it?
>im too retarded to read
>less mobility than warlocks
>less damage than titans
>zero utility
they are underpowered as fuck
Lads, im almost 280 on my hunter but skilled the shitty 6-shot void ability. Should I just start a new one?
>Best melee
But Hunters don't get shoulder charge and Skullfort
>basically perma super with 2 deadshots
Yes, put all your decent gear in the vault so your new one can just take it out and use it
Are hunters shit or can I roll one without fear?
If you're decent they're not bad, their biggest weakness is most of their gear is mobility which is garbage at the moment
you get enough ability points for the whole tree of all the subclasses
You should have more ability points than that for other subclasses though
shoulder charge is garbage now
Six shot void super should be avoided at all costs
Wait, I just need to get to lvl 20 and I can use all your old gear?
do the sidequests nigga
you get ability points from em
also how's the 6 shot ability shit?
Yes, so long as you meet the level requirement on gear you can put it on so long as it's for the same class.
regardless of what you think of this below-average campaign that second mission was fucking perfect thanks to this track youtube.com
does anyone know if you buy the russian copy and u live in us can u play it through vpn
How so? Seems to work just fine for me and having a full recharge on a kill and health regen immediately is working out pretty well for me
i put a point into an ability that makes it worse than the default one, thx bungo
>all these shitters taking 6 shooter
Sadly the story goes downhill after you get your light back
This track (Homecoming) fit the scene with Shaxx and the civilians so well
If you mean for PvE, they're okay, but Warlocks and Titans bring more to the table when it comes to contributing to groups.
Nightstalker Hunters are still very good though since they can generate a million orbs if you use your super correctly.