Based Vasilii of many Masculinity
Old: He did nothing wrong Edition
Based Vasilii of many Masculinity
Old: He did nothing wrong Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no qt petite bride
xth for dreamanon learning to fuck his subconsciousfu every night
fuck galio
xth for my wife Syndra
>tfw no Swift bf
Threadly reminder that this is now an A L P H A champions thread. Rengarcucks are not allowed to post in this thread.
xth for ctrl-6
>beat vladfag's thread
Noxians confirmed for fuccbois.
God people in this game are pathetic.
Because these kids are playing this game to feed their pathetic egos. When they win, great, they get their ego fed, though for some it’s still not enough just to win so they still have to act cocky, flame the other team, flame a teammate, and brag about how they carried. But if they lose, well, now they just invested 30+ minutes into something that isn’t giving them what they need, which is to feed their pathetic ego, so they rage and do the next best thing they can think of with their pathetic little minds and start flaming someone they think they can blame to avoid facing the crushing realization that they aren’t actually good enough at the game to save their pathetic ego and they probably never will be. That’s the whole appeal of playing a team game, and it’s why team games are more popular than 1v1 games like Starcraft or fighting games. Even when you lose you can still salvage your ego by blaming a teammate and flaming like a 12 year old psycho. These are kids that are addicted to this game because they have serious psychological problems that they are trying to self medicate away with a video game, when what they really need is for their mother to hug them more, or their father to come back, or their uncle to stop touching them, or whatever the fuck it is. Just feel sorry for them.
Reminder that water can kill you, or even worse, make you a bronze player.
Xth for hunting endangered animals to extinction with Caitlyn
I wanna cuddle Jinx and make her feel loved as my wife
What's the LEWDEST pic of you're waifu that you can post without getting yourself banned or triggering janny into purging the thread?
Any mid Plat Junglers or ADCs want to hop in VOIP to discuss your role?
I've been playing solo lanes and support for too long and want to understand the other roles better from someone near my level.
that's why i only drink irn-bru when i play league so i can be a strong, solid silver v
You're not fooling me janny, I was banned last week not doing that ride again
I want to cuddle Jinx and make her fell my cum shoot inside her
Wish me luck in my endeavors.
Shyvfag is for breeding!
>there are fly-by-night mobile games that put more effort into halloween events than riot
Fuck off
thanks doc
When I stop being a lazy procrastinating fuck most likely
beating a discordfag attention whore is everyones victory my dude
Can't actually feel that.
>date a chad, end up dead
Beta uprising when brothas?
Xth for darpha
didn't read but i can recomend sucking my big smelly dick whore
You will do it user, I know you will
She's waiting for you
mods deleting leaks now. confirmed riot fuccbois
what is the ultimate objectively agreed upon champion to use in order to climb out of lower ranks?
What leaks?
Did this guy go chris brown or something?
>no moth champion
if you are stuck at the lower ranks you dont need a champion you need a brain my dude
>A girl can't feel a guy cumming inside of her
u wot?
That webm is fucking hot though holy shit
These are the biggest breasts in League of Legends
Say something nice to them!
>boss we finally prepared the nerfs for ardent censer on pbe after firing our entire balance team and hiring a new one from jobless NEETS, but we forgot something in the meanwhile, there are no skins for the upcoming halloween event
>okay bring me the list of champions sorted by rentability of skin sales, and the list of champions who hadn't a skin in too long
>okay lads get to work: Zed, Katarina, and Viktor. Something halloween, I don't give a shit what. Reuse the old assets if needed
I wanna get lvl 7 on karma. Should I go support or mid?
galio is perfectly balanced, you casuals just need to learn how to dodge his damage.
leaks from your lose asshole Vladfag
one you're good at and that isn't D tier
you belong to kooba only
I wanna rock my dick all over them titties before getting giving her a pearl necklace.
Can confirm, can't feel even three spoonfuls.
Tiamat or Statikk/PD build?
Karma was shit in Ardent censer pathes. Now she even worse.
>only three spoonfuls
I thought you like virile men, vladfag
some whores need sometimes good old beating
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra Camille Storm Dark
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Xayah Soraka Janna
If you need to ask this you belong in shit tier.
Can sometimes feel dick pulsating but not cum going in there. The only time we feel cum is when it drips out and it's not a nice feeling.
The whole pulsating dick thing can be felt a lot better in the butt tho, since inside of the butt is a lot more sensitive than the inside of vagoo.
Not every girl is Vladfag senpai
xth for Cute Ashe
Sick but i want to play Edition
So go mid?
you have a shit taste
>Using a signature
Enjoy your ban vladfag
>lolg goes apeshit for namefags/tripfags
>constantly calls vladfag "vladfag" essentially giving her a fucking name regardless
you ppl need to kill yourselves, youre so fucking dumb.
>feeling sorry for scum
imo global population should go back under 2m
She's still a better support even tho she's garbage.
>when it drips out and it's not a nice feeling.
Honestly I've always thought that looked gross as fuck
The number of faggots pretending to be girls seems to have increased in this general. What brought this on?
I swear to god this game will bring out the worse in people holy shit
Is it just me or top lane seems less desirable than support these days? In plat elo where I am I can put mid/top and get top like almost every time. I bet if I put support secondary I'd actually get to play mid sometimes lol..
is ddosing really a thing? my whole team was dcing on and off at the dumbest times
If it were up to me to decide how justice should be carried out, people like him wouldn't be allowed to live. You may call him masculine for beating a girl, but you have to realize he plays video games for a living. Also my household had abuse like that while I was growing up and no one should be a victim of it.
Shut the f*ck up
ur autism
>Beta virgins looking for attention from women
Geee user what could possibly be the cause?
from my lurking observations:
brittany some egirl who used to play/post in 2011 is back to posting and playing, so thats 1.
vladfag is still being vladfag
any others im not actually aware of.
I mained top this season and legit got it in like 95% of games while it seemed like everyone else was bitching about autofill constantly screwing them.
Frankly I don't know why, split pushing felt as strong as it ever was.
>Can sometimes feel dick pulsating
Does it still feel good to feel that in the vagoo?
The Galio buffs are preparation for the REAL Halloween event.
On October 31st at 9pm Eastern you won't be able to ban Galio for the rest of the night.
Are you scared?
t. numale
I need a new main
>main top quinn
>most confident champ, most likely to carry on
>If I don't pick quinn last, enemy always goes panteon or a super tank and i just get camped by the jungler.
Lately I've been playing tryndamere and just autistically pushing top lane until the game ends, but that isn't fun
chances are he was like that before the game
but being high elo makes it real challenging to keep one's Ego in check
I know that well
Technically it is but it's still incredibly rare. It's honestly more likely that those dc's were a coincidence.
>Guy beats a grill
He's literally Hitler the most evilest person alive!!1!1
>Girl beats a guy
He had it coming. You go girl
Fucking equality. How about we treat him as an equal and praise him for beating the shit out of that poor girl?
There's a few girls here but most of the time you don't notice them because they don't tripfag or attention whore 24/7.
>1500 ranked games played
>that scuffed fucking audio and explosion noise when he flips the table
>talking to people ever when theyre mad and not just leaving them the fuck alone
>not even turning off your camera before delivering the beatings
Stop strawmanning my post you retard, I did not imply that any kind of abuse is okay.
Sion is the only champion i dind't bored of playing him yet, great desing and you can go with many bulids
I want to HOLD HANDS WITH the femanons who don't draw attention to their genders!!
After winning promo series for how many matches am I protected before I am demoted ?
>Censors himself
Lamo'ing at you. You're bad at league and a fag
If its vladfag, you will notice her without trip
>talking to people ever when theyre mad and not just leaving them the fuck alone
This is the thing I never understand. Humans are psychologically incapable of being rational when they're mad. You have to wait for their amygdala to let go before you're gonna get anywhere.
I wish i was Vasilli and my gf was lewlew
Just think about it. You're as far away from the rest of the players as possible. You're on your own little island with another dude (gay) and you basically have to hope that your bot and mid are decent or the game might just be done without you being able to have any impact. Like let's say your mid but your bot is trash. Shove in that wave, roam bot, kill the overextended enemy bot. Get kills, get your bot lane motivated. Hard to do the same as top. TP is not nearly as strong as simply being able to walk down to bot whenevre you feel like, or if you're abusing Tali/TF, pressing R to make a visit there. So basically, it's the role where you feel the most helpless in a lot of games. And that's frustrating. Additonally there's stuff like palying TP vs ignite which can be tough
Is this THE Udyr build?
It's barely noticeable because inside of vagoo is not actually THAT sensitive. If it was, we'd die from pain during childbirth.
Physically it doesn't feel like anything special but emotionally, yes. Feels very intimate and who doesn't love making their significant other feel good/happy?
all freljord girls belong to the king