I hate Camille
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for my wife Syndra
>log on after trying to finish up my green roof site plan
>Illaoi got skin leaked but it's the worst possible one
>also means inevitable Illaoi nerfs the patch after the skin is released
I like Camille. I dare say she's even fun. Also she destroys Ornn in lane right now.
Reminder that champs/skins in tight bodysuits have the tightest pussies
>tfw no qt petite gf
Don't continue your retarded off-topic arguments here, fuck off back to /r9k/
What Masteries should I be running for Rhaast?
xth for Rakan best husbando
I wanna cuddle Jinx and gift her nice stuff
women are an appreciable part of lolg
>People like Rakan but hate Xayah
I'm confused
>what color scheme will the next champ be?
Gee boss idk
Rakan is bill and xayah is hillary
Which skin would you want your wife to wear, Syndrafag?
Just got my pad.
Rate my setup.
rakan is cool while xayah is edgy
>evole to be whatever the fuck he wants
>Cucks renfaggot and took his eye
>Mecha skin is actually cool and not meme
>Conquers star guardian pussy on the reg
Truly the most alpha champ
Xayahs voice and voice lines are fucking annoying and her personality is bland trash made up by some dude wanting to be beat up by a lesbian
I want to spend all day cuddling with Jinx with my dick inside her
>tfw Xayah will never make out with you until your ears bleed.
Xayah is the perfect femdom gf.
Rakan is effeminate and Xayah is an edgy girl
i'm puking
Rakan is the hype black guy while Xayah is the goth
I dunno too, user.
I love every skin of hers equally, wouldn't be my wife otherwise. But probably the cutest are base and SG.
> w10
> weeb figures
> shitty fan
>"Harrowing and all the horrors associated with it (Black Mist, Shadow Isles) are still lurking around, just not from a Halloween-only perspective. We wanted to separate seasonal events from canon lore, so we introduced Tales from the Rift. In other words, the Harrowing is a frightful phenomenon that occurs anytime of the year, directly affecting those within the world of Runeterra. Tales from the Rift is a seasonal event with new and Legacy skins returning from the vault during Halloween time, and every year the story is a little different. 2016 was our first venture with Tales from the Rift: The Teemoing. While The Teemoing was theatrically diabolical, a tale from the Rift can take on any form under the umbrella of horror. So, who knows what this year’s tale will be…"
I don't dislike Xayah, but I like Rakan more he's fun and hot.
??? Typical choke me daddy tumblr personality
Just because Rakan is a support doesn't make him not the dominant one
>Xayah is the perfect femdom gf
>fell from gold to S2 because of a long series of bad teams
>have to litterally pull myself out of silver
>only 14 lp per win because my mmr is so low
end my suffering
>rate my ""setup""
>clearly only wants to show your shitty mouse-pad and weeb figurine
>we're not going to do anything with the shadow isles ever again
Only waifufags dislike xayah because she's annoying. Who cares about those fags though, gameplay-wise she's the most fun adc right behind jhin.
Where to cop that figure?
There it is again. I'm doing it now.
I remember when people thought the universe website was a sign riot was finally being serious about lore
They've already deflated again lmao, not even a year this time
Play only Blitzcrank and Quinn
I want to mind break her.
(I'd post a Xayah lewd here but I'm on mobile).
Holy shit his girlfriend was a fucking bitch to him for no goddamn reason.
My own TEAMMATES in soloq aren't that toxic when we lose games.
>hurr you shouldve farmed more :)
>he was streaming too you looked dumb as fuck xDDD
Bitch deserved to get punched, at least once or so. I hope she's not severely injured but what the fuck who says this TO HER BOYFRIEND???
>Evelynn is basically a Demacian champ
Im fucking livid.
She could have been The Ruined Queen. She could have been some witch from the depths of torment, she could've been made by Thresh or just been his fuck toy.
But no
"I prefer to work at night, because, y'know, the sun? Bright? Yuck!"
"Talking to people makes me want to stab them... so I do."
"The next one to call me 'edgy' is getting choked to death."
She's literally perfect.
>Xayah will never sit on your face and grind her cunt while poking you with her feathers
Sipping hot cocoa in the trenches with Caitlyn
>Bitch deserved to get punched, at least once or so. I hope she's not severely injured but what the fuck who says this TO HER BOYFRIEND???
She probably enjoyed it, who gives a shit
Why is everyone making such a huge deal of it
>thought I was talking to a cute girl (male)
>it's actually a girl pretending to be a trap
>tfw got reverse trapped by a roastie
Guess bitches figured out that traps get more attention and worship than actual females online.
>Evelynn is basically a Demacian champ
What did he mean by this?
Do you want that Graves Skin so bad?
Just chill. I'm in silver too but i don't think i will get the skin so i don't give a fuck
Ruined all your chances of having a semi-tasteful room with that gigantic autismo pad. It doesn't fit by color with anything, too bright. It doesn't fit even literally, fucking gets on monitor's stand, what the fuck? Disgusting.
Suit yourself, you're only punishing you.
and here I am complaining about getting 20 lp per win
Xayah is edgy the same way Kled and Rhaast are. She doesn't have a dark and tormenting past like Varus, Riven, and Yasuo.
She just likes killing.
I like them both, nothing hugely special but CAN'T STOP ME sounds fun.
Xayah's got some dumb lines I will admit to that.
>Getting banned for FREE PALESTINE
Holy shit
I love my cute and perfect wife, Riven!!!
Do you think Riven and Illaoi could be friends?
I think he meant this:
Which is SUPER LEWD and I don't know why is it even in the game.
I hate them both equally. In terms of gameplay and balance Xayah is a 10/10, but the champion design and the voice lines are just horrible. I hate how Rakan and Xayah keep shouting all game, no matter if they're both there or not. The dance interaction is neat, but the audio just makes me want to punch something. Riot managed to make the first canon relationship faggier than Taric.
Is Vastayan pussy better than human pussy?
Well the skin is pure shit, and the only thing that golden border does is it sometimes makes some feeding silvers expecting to be carried by you.
>tfw Ohmwrecker will never be meta
>tfw people forget it even exists
Riven's not in motion
source pls
Watch me fix Ohmwrecker
>Ohmwrecker is a 100g consumable
Perfect for getting tamed by human cock that is.
Rakan: "Why do you never say yes?"
Xayah: "'cause then... I wouldn't get to hear you ask."
Implying she doesn't like to hear you beg for it.
Why is Riven so cute? Not only attractive but i like her personality too.
>people forget it exists
>enemy team erupts int a panic when you dive with ohmwrecker because they forgot about it
If I'm ahead I build it just because I like to watch my enemies freak the fuck out that i dove for a 5v5
Why are riven's thighs so toned?
Are there any CUTE waifufags or do they all have autism and ass cancer?
Illaoi would be impressed by Riven's strength and power but disappointed in her cynical outlook caused by her traumatic experiences as a Noxian soldier,only for Riven to teach Illaoi a valuable lesson about the importance of taking things seriously and that there's a time and a place to discard your hedonism.
Only thing I know about her lore is she murdered Vayne's parents.
So the only region she's associated with is Demacia. Also shes the antithesis to muh virtue and MAGIC SCARY THING :'(
They could've put that new rune on ohmwrecker. The one that fucks up towers
Is it good now?
Xayah is the kind of ambitious, driven woman who needs an emotional yet strong male partner for support and to keep her in check (ie he's the one in control)
Have met many women like this. My own aunt was like this.
>getting free skins will be even harder now
how much more jewish can riot get?
Why do people want to climb to gold (or higher) so bad? Do they think that they will be more respected or something like that?
I'm going to probably be moving soon anyway and so it doesn't matter and I do plan on getting a monitor stand eventually I'm just in the middle of a transition.
Either thunderlords or stormraiders, depends on how much you want to gank early (which is tld). Stormraiders scales much better, plus it negates slows. In some rare cases you can go fervor but only if they have a fuckload of tanks and you expect fights to last forever. Doesn't really matter that much though. Stormraiders is the most fun option and scales best, imo. You'll likely need more damage than warrior-bc-tank though, but I usually get a duskblade or even youmuus sometimes, works well.
You forgot
>lower chances of rolling a skin to start with because of emotes clogging loot now
it is in game, it sometime trigger when there is no rakan on your side
I am very cute
I don't like her personality, but gameplay-wise she's fine.
Fuck. This was riots plan all along with emotes right? To saturate the drops and make skins more rare. No wonder they pushed them so hard when no one wanted them
You forgot
>lower chance of getting champion shards because of emotes
Anything that isn't a champion shard is a win in my opinion.
>old lady glasses
>book for ants
>weeb headphones
I'm austistic as fuck but I think I look kinda cute looking at myself in the mirror sometime
Here we go again with this.
Except Xayah isn't some high power business woman, she's a repressed ethnic minority unga bunga who's also a literal terrorist.
Normal rules do not apply to terrorists.
Plus, she outright says she prefers to sexually tease Rakan until literal physical injury.
Stop projecting.
>No wonder they pushed them so hard when no one wanted them
I-I only want the SG emotes, okay.
>azir is literally freelo now
Feels good putting in all that practice with him even before when he was shit.
>its a great game 4 slit yellow skinned chinks on my team who feed and then ff 4 at 20
fuck you wide screen cunts, i hope you develop eye cancer from all your pollution
I want to play with Tomo's mini cock till she cums.
I miss Jhin.
>Very noticeable improvement in winrate after I started using /mute all at the beginning of every game
What's wrong with me
How do I grow thicker skin
champion shards will be the only way to get blue essence other than leveling up, since you won't get blue essence after a game
>nobody wants them
>literally effortless to create, literally a jpg, can super saturate loot with them because you can make 50 in an afternoon
>implying they won't accommodate emotes by lowering skin shard drops but not lowering champ shard drops
>implying Riot is nice enough to decrease everything by the same amount across the board to accommodate emotes
all riot needs to do is give it relevant stats
300 hp is a bit low, 50 armor is nice but with the HP so low it's shit for effective hp, health regen is kinda useless, 10% CDR is nice but you can get CDR from other places very easily. I bet if they bumped the hp up to like 400-450 people would start to buy it for the stats alone. Also I feel like the active is kinda shitty, 3 second disable, 120 cooldown, very meh, they should make it so you can buff your own turrets with ohmwrecker
I might try building it on ornn for shits and giggles since you can build almost anything on ornn and still be effective. I might leave it for next season when you can turn excess CDR into AD/AP.
I am cute (really), just socially retarded.