Asymmetrical Slasher Series General /assg/

Fixing Survivors Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Holy shit, is that a dead thread?!:

Other urls found in this thread:


I was planning on using all those offerings I had on killers I never touched but it's such a chore to play them, specially myers and trapper.

Couple that with how long it takes to find killer matches and it's a fucking shitshow. Just burning streamers on survivros until the fad passes.

I ship the new survivor with Nea, a cute junkie couple

>takes ages to find a game
>finally 4 people in the lobby
>faggot still waiting till the last second to switch to flashlight

Foot faces ride together
Foot faces die together


not a big movie guy. someone explain?

and look at me, the actual retard

To be fair he's got some lack of sleep goin on...

Sleepy Meg

>Grab someone as freddy
>Enemy SWF sprints up and body blocks hook, just waits right next to hook
>Can't sleep people while carrying someone
>33% penalty on drop is too punishing unless the hook is right next to you
>Will auto target people not in sleep world when you swing so they can block hits for free

This is pure fucking cancer against groups.

shhh, meg is sleeping

Sleep tight Meggers.

And you'd have an order of magnitude harder time winning as Wraith.

>mid game
>guy with new survivor starts teabagging
>okay dude...
>hook 2
>he doesn't come for the unhook
>waits at the door to epic teabag me again
what did he mean?

Freddy is fantastic against sub 10 groups, but I can already tell he's unplayable against 1-5s. I had fun playing him tonight, but he's probably another killer I level for teachables and then don't play. Not the best use of $7.

You weren’t able to kill him so he felt that you deserved to be bm’d for it I guess?

when will jason join his bros? he feels left out

Teachables that surely gets nerf coming soon

>watch dev stream since I missed it earlier
>Dave officially says no to 2V8

Hope is dead.

bbqc still hasn't been nerfed despite the constant crying, so hopefully freddy's survive the chopping block

What DLC should I get? I don't have any of it.

I'm not playing trapper/wraith/Myers till they get a rework, right now they are super boring

>2 quitters
>bill is the last survivor
>doesnt act like a fuckbag
>down him and take him to the hook, he doesnt struggle
>drop him and let him take the hatch
quitters ruin the game for everyone

>we got this Caitlyn Jenner instead of puffy hair qt Nancy.

Trapper is at least effective. Myers is enjoyable to play as. Wraith, however, is outright a worse Freddy at present.
>Freddy is entirely invisible unlike Wraith
>Instead of coming out of hiding, he drags people into seeing him
>Which also reduces their action speed by 50%
>The triggering of this effect is INSTANT, but takes like 7 seconds to undo or a failed Skill Check, which alerts him to you as well
>And if you're far away, he can always see you
>Actually good perks
>Actually good Add-ons

Fuck d/cers.

I always reward the last person.

>can't get a single death
>everyone says GG and stay to chat
fucking why

>207 hours
>already thinking about uninstalling
is it over for me? I can't seem to get any fun out of playing this game.

Because if survivors win it's killer sucks and they have fun, if killer wins then he's a camping faggot gg get gud type stuff..

Not bad, except you can't get a bloody beanie


game of note starts at 40 minutes. just watch it Freddy just all recycled Hag animations...?

Pretty much

He feels kind of broken so far but I guess I'll just have to keep playing and see if there's some strategy to beating him that I'm missing. So far I havent seen a freddy take less than 2 survivors though.

>4 man swf squads with BT, SB, SC, and DS and 3 bnps
Yeah, you're so good at the game.

Those are the same groups the cry if you kill them in low scoring games because
>Its x2 weekend, come on man...

Does freddy have a high chance of getting NOED in his web or something? I just got each level almost in a row, and I'm just on level 13
Same with whispers as well, for some reason

What does everyone think of the new map?

I've only played on it once, but I really like it so far.
Haddonfield is one of my favourites, so this is just more for me to like.

That was really boring.

Only played on it twice but I really liked it. The different terrain and layers was nice, it's a surprisingly big and vertical map with just enough grass to hint freddy's movements
Haddonfield is too square and symmetrical, this new map definitely feels nicer with the different buildings

is the new map anything like haddonfield? cause I hate it to death

Feels the opposite of haddonfield. Really compact, feels like killers can check every generator pretty quickly. Chases are a lot more fun on that map though.


what's the /assg/edict on freddy so far?
Kinda fun to play aganst and he's not spooky at all once you see his model in game.

I've been sitting in a killer lobby waiting for people to join for almost 50 minutes.

I wish I could play him to see

It is a pain when the freddy just tunnels you and then camps you when all the gens pop but that's nothing new. The problem is you can't really lose him so if you do get found you just gotta keep the chase going until there's an open exit gate for you to use. I've started running adrenaline and it's been doing me good so far.

overall I'd say he's basically a better wraith

Sometimes it just happens.

It took what I liked about Haddonfield and Asylum and put them both together.

Not really.
I more so meant the over all look of it.
I like the 'regular everyday place' theme to the maps.

objectively a better wraith, and built for end-game with his perks.
Him being a better wraith is probably the reason for the wraith cube coming up

It's Myers all over again.

Why does this even happen?

You have the right to remain sexy, /assg/

How do you move while dancing?

I'd love to buy F13 now that it's down to a reasonable price, but I still have no idea how any of those character stats comes into play.

Kenny is a qt

You want the rundown on the 7 attributes?

Deb was pushing me while I was giving her a lapdance. In last update they made it where counselors can push each other a little bit out of the way to prevent door blocking.

Well, everyone wants to try out the new killer. But I still feel like it shouldn't be THIS bad. I almost feel like something else is also up.

Sucks because I just wanna play killer. Not necessarily freddie, I just wanna main killer a bit.

Like, I know stealth/composure has something to do with Jason's ability to detect you via RNG, but that's about it

>Playing Savini Jason
>Counselors are a bunch of idiots, don't even work on objectives
>Fall for my "Stalk" tricks easily
>Pick them off one by one with little effort
>Don't even have rage yet, and only Tommy is left
>Tommy turns out to be a worthy adversary
>Avoids detection until I get rage
>Chase is one
>We go from cabin to cabin, him using well timed window jumps, shift dodges, and weapons to fend me off
>Two minute mark comes up
>Finally get him about 30 seconds later, regretfully having to use heart punch instead of a cooler kill to confirm the deed
>As he dies, tell him I salute him for his efforts and that he was a worthy opponent
>Instant the match goes to score screen, one of the shitters who died early goes "That took too long" in an annoyed tone
Well excuse me mister, we were having a terrific bout of strategy and strength. Maybe suck less next time.

>830k BP
>forget it's double BP event
>clear my daily of escaping that gives me 130k
>everyone uses party streamers
>end up making 230k bp in one game

Reduces the rate at which your fear increases, which makes it take longer for Jason to sense you and makes hiding spots more viable. Also increases your ability to break out of Jason's grab but that will only matter in narrow areas where many kills can't be performed.
Affects noise made, and thus determines from how far Jason will get sound pings, and nothing else. At certain breakpoints you make far less noise - anyone with 9 stealth or higher makes no noise while jogging.
Your movement speed. Simple.
Your stamina reserve. Simple.
How much damage you do, and some irrelevant stuff like how much stamina you lose when you do things like dodge. Damage is needed to demask Jason which is a step in killing him.
The ease and speed of repair QTEs.
The most important thing it determines is your character's weapon durability, but it also does things like determine how fast you can start a car, and reduces damage taken from going through broken windows. It increases the amount of stamina you get when you break free from Jason's grasp or hit him. It does a ton of minor things on top of the weapon durability and is a solid stat.

Did you tip your fedora to him too you raging numale cuck?

threadly reminder

The dream effect the game gets is honestly really cool.

>edge to pass the time waiting for the lobbies to fill up
>Get close
>people finally join
>start again
I'm sure spider mom will let me cum one of these times.

just to be clear, stealth is simply not an option against freddy and I'm better off running during the entire game?

what happened?

Absolutely yes. You CAN stealth before he finds you IF you're lucky because any decision you make stealth wise will be garbage thanks to having next to no info. But once he finds you just run literally as long as you can. He's got more chase handholding than the doctor.

>2 killers out of 10 "counter" stealth
>People act like this is a big deal
If you can't handle playing against freddy every game give it a few days.

I'm just asking mr retard since I don't even know how freddy gimmick works.

Stealth is already counterable by general killer gameplay, needing a killer designed to find survivors for you is idiotic. But y'know, easy killers get you kills, which translates to fun, which translates to "balanced"

Why are they not doing something about what people actually have gripes about like looping? In fact they made looping stronger this patch. Go figure. Nobody complains about stealth because it takes actual skill and effort to do.

>4 man claudette with black shirt is okay
>killers saying fuck that is a bad thing
It's hurts my eyes to play against claudette

>In fact they made looping stronger this patch
how so?

Just treat him like Huntress.

Leave your gen the moment you hear the little girls humming.
Try to keep yourself hidden from as many angles as you can while you do this.

They nerfed Bloodlust, which was their answer to looping.

Also side note: Alert only works against Freddy if you're dreaming, so it's useless don't bother.

>0 dev posts
That said they're trying to add killers that change how you play from game to game instead of just letting you go from game to game with the same strat and mindset.
God forbid survivors have to try

>we as a community aren't a problem.
>the devs are the problem
I'm sure these guys aren't d/c abusers, but lets be real. That's why franklins was made, to make sure those assholes got punished.

>I blame the devs

I love it but dislike that as much as it would literally never happen, it means we'll never get a SH killer because Freddy's whole gimmick is basically what it would be like.

>wait forever to get into a lobby just for a SWF to meme on you.
This sure is "fun"

>Can't find people once they get ~8 meters from you
>Also can't hit people

4 swings. One was behind me at the start on the way out the door, I didn't even do anything for that one. It's a shame these people just get free hooks

devs were the ones that didn't make dcing lose your items in the first place so he's actually 100% correct here

The problem is that Freddy renders stealth moot and makes juking him and escaping almost pointless since he'll just find you again immediately with the dream aura. If he chooses to focus on you all you can really do is waste his time with things like pallet loops, which I think is the opposite of what should be encouraged. I don't play survivor much though, so it could just be that I'm bad, but that's what I've observed so far.

They were planning on using the map and key together to get everyone out the hatch, so that's probably why they were so mad.

What are you even talking about?

When will survivors get their own version of BBQ&C? I like playing survivor but killers get 100% more bloodpoints.

>When will survivors get their own version of BBQ&C
are you literally fucking retarded?


Subhuman nigger couldn't catch anyone so he to resort to lag switching.
Kills me and then tries to lie about it in the post game chat.

Fuck off with that.


Agreed, but at the same time, it gives Freddy a massive advantage over other Killers.
>Can see clear as day 100% of the time unless you Flashlight him

>losing to rusty
unlucky m8

>renders stealth moot
Just like Doc. That seems to be their thing lately.

I'm poking at the fact that it is impossible to lose someone as Freddy unless you purposely let them go. He's easy. And it shows in that I, a stealth player who rarely does this kind of forever running shit can do this to people playing him because "they're bad"

That's the joke anyway.

The free hooks thing also refers to them having a probably 99% chance of downing someone after pulling them into the dream world, unless they don't want to.

He's not a fun killer to play against. I was on the killer's side when it came to pallet looping and never actually trying to lose a killer, but Freddy gives you no choice but to loop as best you can.

>Just like Doc.
Nah, you can still hide from Doc, especially since you can see him coming, sneak around, and run out of his terror radius. Doc makes stealth hard, but Freddy makes it impossible to hide consistently.

Freddy makes stealth, but also getting objectives done, impossible. It's very much possible to stealth by him.

just loop freddy while your team does gens, he sucks dick

Off the top of my head
>No One Left Behind
>We'll Make It

Yeah, I honestly don't know what the fuck the Devs are thinking.

If you actually manage to sneak away, you'll light right back up again.

>Sole Survivor doesn't work against BBQ&Chili
>Sole Survivor doesn't work against Dreamworld aura

Why not?
Why not give people options that are appealing besides the meta?
