new thread edition
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Please fix the servers lolbabs
>You finally live up to your name
Who does he say this to?
>tfw no qt petite gf
Of course you should.
>Best ass
>Best thighs
>Best legs
>Best voice
>Will never grow old and die
How can she be so perfect
xth for breast metal waifu
Why are you here?
Miss Fortune
Yeah that skin looks weird and is garbage
Pentakill only worth skin
How many people here play off-meta? Do you have success with it?
I'm so bored.
Why do I keep winning lane against Gnar as Urgot?
I love Riven! My cute and perfect wife!
>you will never be so assblasted about losing a game that you beat your girlfriend on stream
Because you're up against some really bad gnars
fuck now I want to play urgot
>kicks Commissioner Garen
Answer him!
holy shit
Is Yasuo off meta? I play him all the time regardless if he's considered viable or not. I just dislike playing something just because it's good.
max Q or W on urgot
Just give in, user.
Always W, Q isn't very good for poking
Dr.Singed i'm MIA retard
>lose hard
>enemy says gg ez
>report them out of spite
makes losing less frustrating when you get the notification that they got punished. i'm considering making another account and losing intentionally just to bait gg ez and get them banned desu.
Remember boys and girls, if a foxy woman comes up to you and tells you to touch her. You must stop what you're doing and find an adult. We'll Touch her for you.
holy shit does anyone have as many quotes as urgot? he has a taunt for a whole shitload of invidividual champions, 1 for each stage of his ult for again a shitload of champions (and others depending on what faction or race they are), and voicelines for when an enemy fucking USES A POT or RECALLS. I haven't really played in years but isn't this totally unique? Cursos MEXICO? is urgot supposed to be the lord of banterbury or something
Is saying "ggez" a bannable offence?? I say it all the time and nothing happens. Damn, people, like you, are such pussies.
Just won a game on Illaoi support. That champ is way too fun.
Hello, Yuropoor.
Not since Lyte has fucked off
I think Kayn has more or maybe Kindred.
So I was kicking this one guys ass at a game just now and all I said was "gg ez" and now I've been reported like wtf?!?!
Is it possible to climb to gold with Urgot?
A best!
I do. My main supports currently are off meta and I main support. Veigar and Pantheon support. Max E > W > Q on Veigar and build like you would someone like Braum or Blitz with spellthief instead of relic. Pantheon max Q > W > E and build like you would Tahm with an optional ghostblade first item for extra damage and speed. Also dirk + relic is pretty good.
post waifu tiddies
Do you think we will get a cinematic trailer with the Swain vgu? It's the most hyped vgu in a while Maybe they will finally finish that Jarvan vs Swain cinematic.
You've gotta be joking. Lamb has been knotted several times already and you know it.
Like how I smash that game for that one guy?
>masturbation makes a girl defiled
w e w
Just to suffer
What champion should I play to make gold?
"stop hitting yourself" the champ is so fun wtf
>have always had every skin for anivia because she's my main since before season 1
>been putting off getting festival queen for the longest time because it looks just ok and I'm currently poor and Blackfrost is pretty tight
>just realized it plays samba music while in troll egg form
I spammed Gnar and nothing but Gnar unless I was against shit like Irelia or Riven in which case I played Garen. Always banned Fiora because she's a whore.
Ban all yordle poster when?
Urgot is borderline overpowered but he is still a top laner and top lane has the least impact on the game
man wtf ive been dc'd from this game for an hour now
>deathsworn kat's butt
why is it so good
How long between teaser hitting PBE (like Kindred marks. I know there were other ones, but I forget what.) and champion reveals?
I dont even care when she hits PBE, I just want to know her name and passive and see that ass
We havent had a burst mage in 1,268 (4.5 years!) days and we havent had a loli since 2009
Your waifu's smile should be your main motivation in life.
same senpai, I've given up for tonight. Hope it's all good by tomorrow morning.
i got gold with old urgot
They might be one being but they are still two completely different entities so it doesn't count as masturbation.
Question, Who has the best side boobs and why is it Soraka?
>we havent had a loli since 2009
good let's keep that trash in the past along with all yordles
what should i do with this? i dont play annie or trist btw
>Mallet man
>Gnar in general not deciding the entire game based on whether he's shit or not
goat boobs best boobs
Are there already lewds of it?
My man
Delete Them
what should i do with this? i dont play annie or trist btw
the splash art was lewd enough to splash my art
>tfw no spellreflect champ
I'm ready for another katana champion.
>Urgot VGU
>Pretty decent champion if you just take the time to aim ahead, and not fuck up your moves
>Peons S T I L L complain, saying that they can't play him
>Riot buffs the fuck out of him
Ohhhh boy, here we go...
>no more mediation mastery next season
I'm going to miss that mastery so much, it's the only thing that keeps me from being perma-oom, I don't know if manaflow band will be good enough to replace it
why did they mana regen so difficult to get? it's like they slowly removed the stat from items over the years
I want to mindbreak this vastayan.
Lee sin buffs and Urgot nerfs
get fucked urgot fags
Hey lolg. I have been playing nier automata for the first time and I am really liking it. What champion let's me be a kick ass android with a good ass?
Camille is probably the closest you'll get. She's a cyborg with THICC legs
Please link that site that has worlds pickban stats neatly on one screen.
dust everything
Orianna has been one of the best mid laners for years.
Hard to play though.
>Q slow reduced
imo this isn't much of a nerf; I barely notice the slow outside of laning phase (though to be fair I'm rarely on the receiving end)
>hard to play
hahahahahaha, good one homie
Considering the amount of ori ults and shit whiffed even at diamond level I'm going to have to agree. People go full retard when they play her.
Will check her out. Does she have a good ass?
But she is neither qt nor the owner of a good ass.
Fiora but buy Project.
she's got the granny ass
>Urgot nerfs
>Hard to play though.
What a cute girl (male)
On second thought I'll pass.
I guess that counts. Thanks user.
Fiora with project skin. Maybe camille but shes too clunky. Kat with project fits too but shes shit dont play her.
I'm okay with this since its so fast and reliable now
delusional lonely faggot go
sticc soraka > thicc soraka
Anyone play a game with Ornn that lasted long enough that his special items actually mattered?
I feel like they need to make his items slightly more gold efficient cuz those items are 99.9% useless
>scarf covers her sweet ass
if you sell the account with that annie you can get some pocket cash, otherwise what everyone else said, DISENCHANT
>Still allows him to land his E no issue