/twg/ - Total War General

Deleted Edition

Mortal Empires is OUT

Blood and Gore:

How the Combined Map works

>FAQs and General Info
pastebin.com/uGj4AUHR (embed) (embed)
pastebin.com/gZ1T9VCN (embed) (embed)

>History information:
Saga title is a spiritual successor to Rome 2. Some are guessing the map will be Britannia.
Campaign pack coming up for a past history title, probably Rome 2.
Next big history game is a setting they've never done before. Will feature "important character relations that occur between the major personalities in the game."

Why the FUCK did the mod delete the last thread? The other one is on page 10 for fuck sake


>now on 6th or 7th crash when trying to alt tab
This shit is getting annoying, I refuse to spend the whole end turn time watching nothing happen in game

they do it for free

>He doesn't have two speeds

Who forgot to make the monthly tribute of hotpockets and vaseline to the mods?

How do I avoid micromanaging my entire fucking empire when I start to get a shit ton of provinces? That drags the game down for me near the end.

I have no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to do with this shit.

Each turn Norsca somehow produces 10 units at Pack Ice Bay and then the next turn makes a complete stack before sending it off down to me. You can actually see the turn distribution between each of these stacks. Each turn the AI does the exact same thing too. They send a full stack to the sloped area they can walk on in front of Gorsell. Then I have to run over from Marienburg with my one and only pitiful stack of 14 units (18). I can't fight them because I don't have the range, so I am forced to go and march into Gorssel. If I don't do this it'll raze Gorsell. And then the second stack (which at this point has just gotten on the shore) will join it and I'll have to fight both stacks with my 14 (18) units. I only was able to beat that once in several tries without losing too many units to recover.

Assuming I check the AI, it marches down to Marienburg and stops right where you can see the stack is currently. This is because it runs out of energy. At which point I can embark my partial stack into the water and then walk to Marienburg from the port side and defend the city.

If you've been paying attention at this point the next stack (the one that was originally at Pack Ice) has just stopped in the water next to Gorssel (pictured), given my victory over the stack at Marienburg and I have yet to end the turn I pick up four Men-at-Arms to make up my losses (the Men-at-Arms die every time despite going full Melee Defense/Leadership for them in Louen's tree), and then end the turn.

At which point the stack at Gorssel stops right before it after making landfall because of its reduced range from the disembark. I force march back to Gorssel and end turn. The AI sees this, checks me and goes down to Marienburg and on and on and on.

I can't stop this, I tested it. If I let the Norsca take Gorssel and Marienburg they send four stacks to me in just as many turns. And I lose.

>Mods have ended their non-aggression pact with you.

What the FUCK

I wrote a huge wall of text all for nothing.

The power disparity between the old and new factions is kinda... weird isn't it? Like Teclis is insane. Isn't Gelt suppose to be a really good mage too? But he sucks dick compared to Teclis.

Play Chaos/Beastmemes

nth for Lahmia soon

teclis is one of the if not the best mages in the world - gelt is good at metal n shiet but he isn't anywhere near teclis' power level

Why is blue skill line considered bad for LL? Dont you want lightning strike?

Also how does Vlad and Iss reinforcement bonus work? Does everyone need to lead their own army or you can have both in one army to get bonus?

He'll be better once he gets his foundation update skill tree. Same with franz desu


>another VC faction

>uploaded the thumb

Thanks Veeky Forums.

It's not they're bad, battle skills just take precedence

It's basically Battle > Uniques/Mounts > Campaign > Personal (depending on lord/faction)

got a better one for you



They're both among the best mages alive in the world, but Teclis is also one of the best mages in the history of the world. Gelt is good, but he's not that good.

Unless you're Malekith then it's,

>Lmao fuck my army nigga, all points into me so I become invincible and murder everything

Can't put multiple lords in one army so they have to lead their own armies. I gave Vlad the tar pit units such as skeletons and grave guard, as well as cavalry. Then gave Izzy nothing but vampire heroes, flyers and varghulfs since she buffs the fuck out of those. Their mechanic is pretty weird compared to the tabletop. Not only is it impossible for them to be in the same army but on the tabletop the big bonus was that when one died the other become a murder machine. Kinda odd they didn't add that since we now have rampage mechanics.

Oh fuck off, its in the 800s

Don't forget about

>kroq gar

Teclis is in the GOD Tier section if there was power levels chart

Gelt is good (for a human)

Franz and Louen are the only LL’s I prioritize Red Skills

How new are you?

rollan a dawi campaign anyone want to recommend some mods? specifically a balanced skill point one for ME

having the link to prior threads is pretty nice when youre trying to find something in the archives or some shit

So when playing as Queek can you destroy the "Clan Mors" HQ building and build it Karak-Eight-Peaks?

Is it better to just sack and loot your way to the mountains as soon as possible rather than trying to fight everything on the way?

Oh, I didn't read the OP. Apologies.

>implying CA will ever stop adding Vampire content
There's no getting off Mr Bones wild ride

yeah well blame the faggot that deleted the last thread

>most legendary lords
>most starting positions
>most good characters
>most best faction

you'r dreaming if you thinkg they aren't added another vampire faction

Quick, someone convince me to play anything other than Delfs for my first ME campaign.

Nope, Mors HQ isn't going anywhere.

I think there's two ways to do Queek. Either you take your province and take Karak Zorn, before going east to kill Kroq and seize his pasture having capital, or you go full migration and go find a pasture province that is in less terrible territory. (Brettonia would probably be a pretty fun place to raise hell).

I will impale myself if they add more vampire shit
They're not that fun or interesting, they're one of the more generic factions in the setting, they only have 3 interesting lords.

Fuck off CA

>add Kangz which is just desert VC
>add more VC already with The Silver Host

Who the fuck over at CA loves them so god damn much?

Joey stated to be a dark elf and vamprie fan.

Unexpected trades?

I wasn't expecting Temple Guard to beat Ironbreakers, although I don't think they got their satchels off.

>I will impale myself if they add more vampire shit
just fucking do it already you pussy

You need to keep fighting them and build up enough economy to have another army

Kangz are basically the anti-vampires so calling them that is kind of dumb


>darren got blackmailed out of the company after he uncovered a vamp conspiracy at CA

>MFW more vampire content and more butthurt mortals

I don't have a sharp enough pike you faggot

He must have loved 7th Ed excluding Daemons.


excuses excuses

>the empire has almost none of its knightly orders


I know someone who can hook you up.

did they tone down the ocean treasure shit?
i can't get 100k gold in 5 turns anymore

say it with me:

>Didn't even bother to shop in fangs


So if the vamps didnt have the blood thirst would there be any reason to not have nearly every human on earth become a vamp?

>wanting more competition
Asinine mortal.

thats a fat fuckin cat

>just desert vc

i take it you never played tabletop, because the factions are less similar than VC and Empire.

Man I wish we could touch models and not just skins, Morathi just turned out so ugly.

Mortal Empires gives me a really weird feeling. There's just something tickling my brain about seeing all these old places I saw for 200+ hours with a fresh coat of paint and maybe as a different faction.

>thanquol made teclis feel like he needed to practice his spells more

same. it feels all wrong

Im kinnda surprised there hasnt been at least one vamp that didnt go fuck it and gave the red kiss to like several villages for shits and giggles.

>karak ziflin kicking the shit out of bretonnia
mortal empires is fun.

>looking at radious
>witch elf archers

those vamps get whacked by the lahmians for the sake of all vamps everywhere

Is this new or have I not noticed this yet?

>Faction destroyed: Wissenburg
>it's Crooked fucking Moon who did it

Normally easy to take them out since they have nowhere to grow but now they have all that Empire land. It's fun

Dilution of the Bloodline. Isabella is weaker then Vlad because Vlad is one of the first 5 vampires who drank the elixir of life, and Isabella was given the blood kiss by him, sharing his blood. Isabella's handmaiden, Elize von Carstein is weaker then Isabella and Vlad because she was given the blood kiss by Isabella who was given the blood kiss by Vlad who was drank from the elixir of life. Anyone Elize gives the blood kiss to would be even further weaker. Turning every human would just result in humans not improving very much as the bloodline dilutes. Not to much a side effect of the "curse" is being insanely proud and ambitious. Also giving the Blood Kiss is implied to be a draining process.

Battle skills are the ones that buff certain units?

Thanks user

Vampires typically view humans with arrogant distain, as no more than meek cattle to feast upon. Only individual humans with covetous sex appeal or a ferocious fighting spirit invite their sympathies because in them they sense a small glimmer of their former selves.

Anons I think I'm starting to turn into a High Elf fag

>Mousillon and Bordeleaux take over the Artois and Lyonesse
>Skaeling send out 3 stacks of Marauders to Marienburg so my invasion of Moussillon has to wait
The lady doesn’t will this

Its same for no legendary lords?

that is the white tower's base

I thought it would be no real issue if you got the kiss from an orignial like vlad. So like even if vlad gave it to a thousand humans they would all be rougly issabella levels of strong.
I know its just an amusing thought that one vamp didnt go nuts and decide everyone should be a vamp.

same happened to me. i was fucking disgusted with myself

You can't turn into that but you were always a fag.

>>most starting positions
Literally 2

Special (Mounts, unique stuff, quest rewards, etc.)
Personal (Yellow line)
Battle (Red line)
Campaign (Blue line)

Top to bottom. WH2 lords have special, characterized skills too which aren't available from level one like the other lines.

>Humans find it AOK to live in waterless deserts
>Ulthuan is a bit to nice for their tastes
What the fuck was CA thinking.

>The Silver Host

What is it

We literally live in deserts IRL, how many elf infested islands have we conquered?

fucking snowniggers

By that logic everywere should be ok for humies to live excluding chaos wastes.

jesus christ

No need to be so harsh on yourself, user.

Well it took longer then I had hoped an elf faction DOWed me the second he saw me off his coast so I had to burn him to the ground but ive made it to the new world and look the colonists are still here. Welp time to spread the good word.

Vampiric bloodlines are susceptible to degeneracy. That's why your get Strigoi Ghoul Kings and Varghulfs (which are vampires that have been imprisoned and starved so that they devolved into a bestial form).

Vampires are extremely careful only to select the best of the best for the blood kiss, a tradition that is of great symbolic importance to them, similar to a marriage and childbirth combined. Giving it away to just anybody would be to piss away their heritage.

>migrating as the Empire when there isn't another Empire faction to watch over Altdorf and unite the provinces in your absence

You should be ashamed.

Vampires who do decide to turn mass amounts of humans are generally killed by other vampires for drawing too much attention. Also as I said the blood kiss is implied to be a draining process (the vampire is literally giving the human their blood) so it's only given to for very rare reasons, such as the human being extremely powerful and a worthy addition to the bloodline (Necrarchs almost exclusively give the blood kiss to one worthy apprentice), reminding the vampire of themselves (Vlad turned mannfred for that reason), or simply for love as Vlad did to Isabella. All are quite rare reasons, and some vampires (strigoi especially) never even give the blood kiss.

If CA werent lazy shits who sent out empires without unique starting positions I wouldnt have to. I still own Altdorf and toddbringer took over the rest of Reikland.

tyrant or warleader?

we all know you are just running from chaos


Queen Bee of the vamps, Neferata, the first vapire, took over a dwarfhold called the Silver Spire and rules over a sect of vampires called the Lamians from there. While the Strigoi rely on brute force, the von Carsteins on guile, and the blood knights on knightly organization, the Lahmians rely on seduction and intermingling with their human hosts. Her military is called the Silver Host.

"In the innermost chambers, which are lit by torches, she has rebuilt the splendour of that ancient city. The scents of burning incense and perfumed oils fill the air. The walls are covered in hieroglyphics picked out with gemstones and gold. Statues with lapis lazuli eyes stare down at beautiful Vampire handmaidens wearing the clothes of Nehekhara. Purebred cats of ancient breeds walk where they will and have free reign of the palace. Here, Neferata idly pulls the strings that change history, whilst she drinks the blood of beautiful youths and listens to the music her Undead children make."