>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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I wanna suck off Arvis
I love Tharja!
How many people even remember that you exist, Aida?
>Try to get Arden some SP by autobattling in Tempest
>Sigurd consumes every single enemy like a black hole while Arden gets left in the dust
Is this what playing FE4 is like?
Beasts when?
>Sigurd is literally voiced by the main character from Uncharted
What would Squad Ace F-Z be clones of?
pretty much just dont use sidgurd.
Oliver reveal in less than an hour.
Who is the KD6-3.7 of Fire Emblem?
Mfw when I become a shitter and had to use the f2p guide to clear infernal. At least it's a free 2k feathers and extra Ursula.
Lucina, I know you are jealous that even Elise is less flat then you, but yelling at children isn't going to make people like you.
What's the best DLC class for a Strong Femui in CQ?
Lethe's sexier sister when
The feathers are Micaiah in a heron costume
>had to use all 3 of my items in AA
I don't deserve my 4920 score, /feg/. I'm a fraud.
>Sexy witch costume Oliver
I had to unequip Valflame from my Arvis and Quick Riposte from my Black Knight in order to not get totally screwed by the Wings of Mercy.
It really caught me off guard.
>[email protected]
What did he mean by this
this seems to be a daily occurrence at this point.
+Mag and make her a Witch
he was just on a /v/ thread, nothing important lad.
Elise actually might have a bigger chest then Lucina, how sad.
It's very hard to argue with Dread Fighter. Good caps, access to best physical weapon class, decent Skills, and cool animations.
Why would you not use the items in AA?
> flying dancer
>4920 score
Perhaps I really should start merging heroes. I am kind of jealous.
The idea of merging heroes kind of disgusts me though. I want a huge army. I'd rather have four fully SI:d level 40 5*s than one 5* that's +3.
Will we ever get a good green cav to replace Roy's wife?
I finished without using my Cock. Step it up senpai desu.
Chrom Wife
I've officially seen it all.
>People shitting on the ruler of Valentia... In due course
why would you ever need more than one of a given unit. Every game mode that requires you to have big armies only let you use one of a given unit.
I hope not since I just I promoted that turd to 5* a few hours ago.
Green Cav Lilina
>keep losing arena matches since got matched with high merge horses/dancers more often than usual
>burn about 4 duelling crests and half an hour getting perfect run
>look at score
>realize I was in tier 20 and I didn't have to try this week
Makes you feel like a shitter desu.
You can get that score with an armor team with high SP skills. No merges needed. I run Hector, BK, Bike, and Lucina for a high score team.
Top tier taste my friend
Maybe some day, but even after that, she still hard counters blyn and rein, so she will at least be useful for AA.
>The ruler of Valentia
But you can stay?
That's my wife
That's Donnel's cum dumpster!
30 more minutes until halloween banner reveal!
get hypu!
Raventome+ fodder is always useful, at the very least.
Duessel with Garm
With all the bullshit AA throws at you I don't feel bad about doing it one bit
Cum inside Water!
Not with 0 merges I can't.
Hopefully soon. I haven't upgraded her because she's just a Palla waiting for her Elincia
So what the fuck do I do with my level 30 Snack since she's shit?
Your wife canon gets impregnated by Gaius, cuck.
autistic post.
you eat the snack before it goes bad
There may be a time you'll need her in AA so bring her to lvl 40. At the very least she's TA fodder
She looks like she’s about to get a facial
Her mom is hotter.
Sanaki is only good for TA3 fodder.
Trade her to me for my shitty delthea.
How so? Unless she's -Res, I would argue that it's pretty much impossible to make Sanaki into something irredeemable. Her job is to tank magic, and she does it remarkably well.
Just use her
Give her a blade tome and turn her into a super nuke. Tharja is shit anyways.
how's bing bing wahoo?
My -ATK Snack has 1 job. Take a fully buffed Blade Cecilia to the face and counterkill in AA.
As a cum dump?
Pair her up with some dancers and one of the incest twins.
>another 25 minutes of being nervous as fuck hoping the Halloween banner has no one important
The trailer better drop tonight.
Not enough to get a score of 4920.
Like a solo +0 Black Knight only gives you scores of like 650-700~ something, varying a lot depending on RNG. But even under the assumption that you get 700~ each and every time 700 times 7 is still under 4920.
Perhaps if you had a fully SI:d Amelia you could do it. Otherwise no. You need to merge hit or exceed 4900.
It wont
I hope Tharja is in there and you never get her.
Think they'll have a character you want on the Halloween banner?
You wouldn't roll anyways unless your garbage cuckfu was on it anyways.
I don't know, Henry is pretty important.
I want to make her 5* +10 just for all the service she's done for meーthat and because the way she says "yes?" and "mhmm" when you tap on her is sexy as fuck.
I want all the characters. So, yes.
Important to me I meant. I'm hoping Henry is on it desu
Kill yourself.
Maybe like one but they will be shit tier.
I meant the trailer
Is it a requirement for every mobile game to have a cancerous "stamina" system?
Just buy orbs like usual pathetic whale
I just realized that he's wearing some sort of laurel/crown, I always thought the artist couldn't draw hair