/rgt/ - Robinhood General Thread

/rgt/ - Robinhood General Thread


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- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?
"People" invest your settled funds when you're not using them, just like banks.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, why?
Robinhood graphs are shit and only show you an average, not true real-time prices. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using tradingview.com, stockcharts.com, finviz.com, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

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I forgot the subject

Fuck AMD


NMM trend is your friend

going to $7

>didn't buy AMD on the discount

Buy NMM.
>shipping industry finally bottomed out last month and is on the verge of a rally
>beat earnings by huge amounts last two quarters
>has a diverse fleet, unlike DRYS, and will likely go up with the Baltic Dry Index
>refinanced debt and paid off over $100 million of it since the start of 2016
>just bought two new ships
>just sold $100 mil worth of shares in a direct offering at market price
>will start paying massive dividends as soon as their finances are in order

>Check phone to see how much more I lost in afterhours
>mfw I actually made back my money
To the user that suggested HTGM I love you

Lol im jk i bought low enough i wasn't shook senpai
Fuck i miss my iphone i got a super shit tier samsung edge, never again

>he didn't buy the dip

Anyone in CEMP?

So AMD essentially hit rock bottom yesterday?
I can't imagine it getting worse after the news from Apple and Goldman-Sachs

amd closed directly below the 50 sma which means that theres probably more downside.


arguably it held up pretty well...

>muh xbox

>Will releasing more hardware without any games beat the PS4?
Is this guy retarded?

Thoughts on CMRE?

CVM pastebin: pastebin.com/fwP1px4L

So what moves should be made tomorrow morning after we go to war with Russia?

All my research was on NMM, but at a glance I see it's paying a decent dividend, which I assume means it's financially stable. Could be a good, low-risk way to capitalize on the shipping rebound.

oil to the moon

go in the fetal position and long oil

Basically it appears to be run as a holding company out of Monaco. Dividend appears stable and my main hope is for convergence to book value around $11/share.

I see that "management fees" of $18M are taken out by the owners each year but that appears to be a common trend. Agree that we're at some kind of macro shipping inflection point. Thanks.

I shorted russia today and told you guys to do as well.

Already spent all my savings shorting Japan's population

gold is spiking

Anyone know of a good broker to use to short stocks?

I'm the guy that bought 1200 JNUG at 6.75 before market close today, looks like I made an excellent call, what fer this Syria business

Alright, we just blew the shit out of an air field in Syria, who do I throw my lunch money at to become babbys first war profiteer

Gold is spiking because US launched missles at Syria.....Time to buy defense stocks...

Well the way I shorted russia was I bought russ which basically bets that the russian market goes down and for every 1% there market drops russ gains 3%

Yeah I should prolly invest in ETFs if I want to short
If I did it the manly way I would probably be 100k in debt

dow futures are down over 100 points

this is it boys

SDOW then


im fond of raytheon. I dont know if its actually a good investment, i just like the company. Good honest missile guidance systems. Cant have guided missiles with out missile guidance systems, and raytheon makes pretty much all of them.

The funny part is it'll probably pullback overnight and you make nothing
Market didn't even tank that hard and is already recovering
You should've gone long on oil

what catalysts are you guys paying attention to?

I've got a dozen or something shares I bought years back that have done very well, probably going to buy more. Maybe LMT/BA and so on. I don't think there'll be a bad bet in the bunch, granted, I'm at work so I can't really do any in-depth reading.

Oh fug, I was gonna snag more NMM tomorrow, should I be on the lookout for a rocket of some type? Perhaps a tomahawk?...

We'll see. Should be an interesting day on the market regardless!

>sees that the US bombed with Syria with 50 tomahawk missiles
>first reaction is to check the share price of Raytheon

am i a bad person?

lol I just checked my URRE holding. HARDLY related, but the markets can be so fucking irrational, you never know.

Fucking fearing for my pharmas that were in the red at end of market today. I was counting for a bit of a rebound tomorrow but with all the news, now I'm not so sure.




PTN, because when nuclear holocaust wipes out the breeding population you'll be glad to have Rekynda™


ITA (etf)

End of my first month trading and I did better than just sitting the money in my savings so I'm satisfied
good memes
bad memes
I still have $120 in buying power so I guess the play is defense stock tomorrow?

You gotta load up on CVM while it is more stable.
RNN is actually very good though


Put in giant orders for exactly half the market value of CVM and CVM+. It is /rgt/'s holy duty to cause panic in this stock and reap 100% profits.


Haven't been on in a while.
Today is the day boys

How ya been doin my man

KTOS muh nigga


I wish, but bitcoin really doesnt move like gold in this case

its not a 'safe haven' to flee to in most people's minds

What's the big joke with CVM? I was off the grid for a while and am still catching up.

It just has pretty big upside
There is a paste bin up above describing it.

its just the latest meme that left a ton of bagholders in its wake

see this for a quick rundown

Cel Sci has a tough road ahead of them. It's tantalizing to see sub-ten-cent stocks and warrants and think of them mooning, but even tiny-ass investments can take a mean shit. Be wary.

real talk who is that girl

its lana rain

cosplay porn star

buy VGZ

UEC please

i think i have a fetish for crosseyed girls

called it before it happened

Remember guys
Keep PTIE on your watch list. Its a potential high run if it breaks 1.10. If it runs to 1.42 it can gap up to the near 3s.

Volume is important, watch it tomorrow.

you can see now. futures are up and gold is going back down

Ok sure but how many months will it take? I don't want to wait all year to sell





There isn't gonna be no war.. they fucking let Russia know before they launched
this is bait for the jews

Tell it to all the panicked investors who are going to pump my defense stocks tomorrow :^)

I don't have any day trades left until the 11th, should I off myself now or wait?

Do r&d in the meantime on your strategy.

>ww3 happening tomorrow

b-but what about my amd buys...

it's all good my man defense systems use AMD :^)

Unless the economy crashes there will still be investment opportunities on the 11th, even if they aren't the same ones you're considering now. Besides, if the economy crashed you wouldn't want your money tied up in meme stocks anyway.

Just relax, and research.

Laptop broke and don't wanna be seen in public looking at Veeky Forums so yeah. Hopefully this market crash will happen soon I've been betting on it way too long

Who else CVM bag holding? 12k here.

Lol CVM is like the essence of a shitty stock. Look at the fucking graphs. Over 5 years, the company has died and they are flatlining. There is no reason to anticipate they are going to mount a big comeback.

t. I started this week, but I can read a fucking graph, lol.

post on Veeky Forums with clover from your smartphone
thats what i do

Every thread you guys come in and go huurr duurrr look at the graph, shit stock. We are banking on news, a fundamental analysis vrs your technical analysis. Tired of explaining this. Every. Fucking. Thread.

>Motley fool
Do people actually read this

It's a shitty company, you have to accept that. I'm holding a small bag of it just in case of a big trend, button have to accept that it's a shitstock

Also buy SPEX everyone

If you go by the graphs it is. If, however, the hold is lifted it will get a small bump, then if the phase 3 shows good results it will be a mars mission.

I read everything I can find then cross reference those things to try to sort out the good from the shit.

>bomb the shit out of a sovereign country
>not a war

Oh shit, how will syria affect the markets?

I put some defense companies on my list

Been thinking of shorting the ruble but it seems to have done well in the past with these types of situations...

futures are down

No, you can't read a graph.

Technical analysis really only applies to swing trading and day trading.

For example, Delta airlines (DAL).
>Bankruptcy in 2005 due to absurd oil prices; similar companies crashed as well
>Spent 2 years restructuring, returned to the NYSE in 2007 @ 20.00
>Plummets for two years to under $6.50 a share
>Oil prices crashed in late 2008
>Early 2009 DAL starts showing positive gains, from sub $7 to $10
>2012 they're seeing $20
>Now worth $45 a share, 600% increase from late 2008

He is right. Casualties are minimal. Like 1 guy. All we hit was the plane that carries the chem

Pentagon made a statement on it saying no plan for regime change

However n Korea likely

Well Russia's market got fucked today down over 3% while ours is down just .5%. Heres a good trading documentary you guys should watch. youtube.com/watch?v=tCcxr-fyF4Q

Guys remember

Before you dive balls deep into gold...

There is a significant jobs report today that will likely be positive
The syria thing seems to be less scary after a nights sleep

Dow futures are green now

The crash was cancelled

What's going to the moon today lads?

I need to make up some ground to finish the week in the green if AMD doesn't pick back up

AM looking good pre market just wish I didn't fail so hard at averaging down yesterday


> another day I have to browse stocks while on the job because CVM hasn't gone on it's mission to Mars yet