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Weapon recoil overhaul
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The ping abusers are still in every game. Seems worse at this point

goddamn what i wouldnt give to be that recruit

i fucking knew this update wouldnt fix shit

what region do you play in? Because I only get them 1 out of every 10 games or so, and even then only a couple of my deaths per match feel like they're bullshit due to ping abuse in the first place.


What's this gay shit

us and it seems every game im getting multiple 200+ ms

auto kick past 120 when?

I want to impregnate Yings elven womb!

there's more than one us server region dumbass, which one?
eus doesn't seem to have the issue nearly as much as people complain about it, so either it's a region-specific problem or people are blowing it out of proportion like the drama queens they all are. I'd like to know which it is.


Ying-skin for Ying when?

literally just tried out the new blitz, shot 12 times and then my gun stopped fucking working, couldn't ads or shoot it at all. ended up getting fucked because of it

started playing about a month ago how bad did I do

jesus christ

placements are a crap shoot and ive never seen anyone place higher then gold 3 so not too bad.

>ive never seen anyone place higher then gold 3
I've placed plat 2 last season

>invisible guns
UN or someone said this should never be allowed because itd be impossible for any soldier to tell who is and who isnt a combatant

Got Gold 1 before operation HEALTHED. Havent bothered with ranked when that disaster hit the game though.



Don't worry you could be me


or me

>I'm jamming their meridian

seriously what the fuck did he mean by this?

Means to mess up someone's balance or chi.


so we all universally agree that the kapkan trap change is abject shit?

it alright

he's 2/2 which is already infinitely better than the old kapkan

For the people who are playing kapkan, do you see yourself getting more kills with them? Or at the very least, see them trigger more often? Or is it to soon to tell for you guys?

This guy has mentioned that there might be a problem with the traps?

I meant just the trap changes, 2/2 is a good change


I didn't play Kapkan much after the update, but his traps are definitely exploding much more often now.
Also when you hit sumultaneously by kaptrap and Ela's trap you may not even realise you just lost half of your hp.

>do you see yourself getting more kills with them
Fuck yes, I already got 3 kills with them today
People just aren't used to the fact that there's no laser and you have 5 of them

Kapkan before I'd be lucky to get 1 set off in 2 games
Now I can generally get 1 per round off, while it doesn't kill just doing the extra damage is nice but I do get kills with it quite often despite that. More so than before

I do wish they'd up the speed on installing them now though since you have so many it's impossible to plant them all before the round starts and I like to place 2 or 3 at entry points and the other 2 or 3 guarding the objective.

So is the high ping advantage gone now?

Is it? seems about the same in terms of getting shot by invisible people and from around corners


Nah. If your ping is absurdly high you get kicked though.

How high is "absurdly high"?


that's a close one

>Trying PC Siege after playing Xbone Siege
>Know all the maps, but aim is garbage (always been too twitchy with a mouse to be consistent) and play with no headphones
>Get carried in ranked placements to gold 1, one match win away from platinum 3

Fuck, I wanted to be in the silvers. At least then everyone else would be as shit as me.

Have they removed the forced antialising from temporal filtering?


So this new netcode update did nothing but introduce the battlefield dying behind walls after a few seconds, right?
Not punish ping abusers?

you are like little baby
watch THIS

Where the fuck is Cav's pistol recoil rework?


spotted the controllerfag


Does Thermite have the worst weapons in the game?

He used to. His new rifle is actually really nice, not as good as Hibana's for sure but you're not shooting down satellites anymore.

Then who is the new worst weapon op?

Fuck you and fuck off.


Holy shit Jager’s elite is a Pepe but that Red Devil skin is reaaaaaaal nice

I'd say Ying, but her shotgun is miles above Thermites and her gun evens out, so idk

Probably Capitao. Shit tier recoil and low fire rate on both of his weapons.

is mute able to cover two wide sized reinforced walls at once?
I've seen some people do that and I'm wondering if there's anything shock wires are better at, since mute can also cover windows

Mute can cover one and a half of a wall. Bandit is arguably better because his ability can actually destroy Hibana's pellets and Thermite's charge through bandit tricking.
Mute isn't a bad op but he's a lot better at stopping drones than he is at stopping people from getting in.

I STILL do not understand why Ubi nerfed him so hard
Do they just hate BRs?

I think it's more likely Ubi just hates black people since Castle isn't that great either.

I guess they think the fact that he has access to the only completely uncounterable vision/area denial abilities in the game evens him out.

Did this patch actually make anything better?

>Reddit complaining that Kapkan traps are too strong now

On their own? Nah. With 3 ela mines, 7 lesion and 3 frost traps?
You're fucking right they are. Trap meta is cancerous as fuck right now.


What about Smoke?

>have to stop and drone every single door way and corner to find traps while people are trying to kill you and any reaction to enemy actions can result in your almost guaranteed death
Enjoy your crutch while you can silvie, I guarantee pro league will get all your trappers nerfed.

When they have more servers in each continent

Cool af! Who made this?

Yeah I was thinking that yesterday
reddit spacing
Barely managed to set up 3 and when I was planting the forth one I heard an Ash rushing so yeah

Plus ages long reload time

The grenades can technically be shot, and they have a delay.

Smoke's smokes doesn't have the new smoke tech so you can see through them

And unlike cap bolts, they don't emit a loud-ass pssh sound when you throw them

i find the new traps much better than the old traps, simply because they get triggered a lot more. He may not kill enemies outright, but as a round goes down they dont have chances to check doorways for traps each time they get to one and sometimes just have to take the damage.

Who is the most useless operator and why is it Ying?
>ALWAYS flashes teammates
>NEVER pushes, expects teammates to (While they're flashed to shit), negating any fucking positive effect
>Cant aim their 80 rnd mag chicom garbage

What is the fucking point?

The worst is always the Glaz who sits outside until the last 15 seconds

I get 180ms to the closests and only server I can play, guess I can't play the game anymore, thanks Ubi.

Theres a yellow plug icon popping up time and time again on my screen.

>puts turret and shield in dumb places thinking he's doing the team a favor
>get's grenaded, twitch'd, burned, glaz'd body shooted on his feet or gets his shield dropped with half a mag, with the following bullet popping his head.
>his standy by turret's shield blocks some of my bullets when the enemy comes in

New patch, when it's yellow your ping is mildly high and the server will refuse some of your shots so you don't ping abuse. If it's normally yellow and you aren't ping abussing, Ubi just gave you a handicap because they can't netcode for an FPS

Theres also an occasional yellow icon of what seems to be a paper page fragmenting.
What does that mean?

Haven't played the new patch yet. Did they take out the lethality of kapkan's trap?


Network Improvements

>3rd worlders getting BTFO for the ping
Thank Christ

They very much did

>level 40 with random numbers in his name
>owns all dlc operators
>no attachments on any weapons
>only uses hipfire and gets headshots
>knows where everyone is 24/7 without droning
I swear I've ran into at least ten cheaters the last week. Is there a new hack out?

well rip

>plats + 1 diamond against diamonds and 1 plat
>3 games in a row
I'm fairly convinced someone at ubisoft has flagged my account for eternal torment.

>tfw no more goku ash

That's what you get for solo queueing

I honestly haven't noticed any differences in the renown pay
except for sometimes getting like 200 instead of the standard 100 because we were playing one of those dumb yellow smoke missions or our team was significantly retarded and couldnt find the hostage for two minutes after killing every """terrorist"""

I've also noticed a lot less bullshit latency kills and invisible peekers too, so that's been nice.

The new Blitz, I've heard, is good, but I still mostly see Montagues. New Kapkan is definitely picked more, although his effectiveness is questionable.

It does 60 damage now, and I have seen it get kills on injured enemies.