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Happy Arena edition

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literally 1(one) week until expansion announcement and not one person gives a fuck

Don't forget to be a GOOD BOY so MOMMY will let you borrow the credit card to buy more packs

I do, I want the meta to change

>free pack
Thanks, Ben!

the meta right now is okay if you aren't playing at a rank where people are grinding with jade druid

Rank 9 player here. All I see are Hunters and Jade Druids and some Keleseth decks. What happened to Raza priest. Is it finally dead?

people realised that jade druid going from tier 0 to tier 0.5 wasn't that big of a drop

its never going to change

there's nothing okay about queuing in to priests

>Anduin is in the last 5 cards

>missing face from Jade Druid, Shaman, Warrior, Warlock
>missing everything from razakus
>missing Shaku from rogue
>missing the 3/7 taunt and Finja from Paladin
What craft? Got enough for 1

>start 0-2

wow i suck at cardstone, my drafting was full retarded, i should retire, i dont have any skill at arena. i have no gold, I'll never get back to being good at arena.

>win 12 straight


If you're just missing malfurion or guldan, craft whichever one you like best. Jade druid is still going strong, and demonlock is a fun ass deck.

Suck it cuck

all razakus priests should be handicapped

they already are

>people who pick warrior hero power in arena
too bad I only see them during my first and second wins

>people here watch Thijs
I will never understand this, he's obnoxious as shit and seems to cater to 8 year olds

family friendly streams are where the money is at

trump formerly had that audience, amaz still kind of has that audience, thijs and toast inherited it

I just played a warlock who played nothing but 1 mana minions, killspells, and Defender of Argus.

He destroyed me. I don't understand.

Trump is unwatchable because he takes five hours per turn, Toast isn't as retarded. I'm always surprised how many people rank a bunch of people over Toast while there's so many terrible HS streamers.

Dog, Hafu, Kripp still top though

toast is 2017s version of 2014 amaz

It's called a zoo

I don't have enough cards to make a single meta deck and now there are gonna be even more legendaries and grinding again I have to do.
Being strictly f2p is suffering so I don't really care about new expansions cause it means its a hard reset to any decks I could make and time to keep getting shit rng packs.

Which Death Knight did you get? Especially if you got Hunter or Mage it's pretty easy to make a good "meta" deck (and you don't even need them for it).

I got warrior so one of the worst ones.


>when the paladin-mage drafts fucking frost mage jaina in their arena

c o n c e d e

>not playing shitty meme decks






Fuck off to readit, dude.

This is funnier with the snail.

In fact, here it's also animated: youtube.com/watch?v=tYjhHuY-kHY

>1 star away from reaching the safety of rank 10
>Fucking Priest opponent like fucking always
>Drak Op
>Dragonfire Potion clears my lineup
>Get another lineup sorted
>He plays a second Drak Op
>Another dragonfire poition
>Manage to get a third fucking lineup
>Got a taunt minion with divine shield and a 4/5 unit with windfury
>Maybe I can salvage this

Is there a more scumbag class than Priest? God fucking damn.

>finish my 2 free arenas
>got a 12 win
>i hate the mode with every inch of my being
>gonna have to play another one next week


why is complaining about aggro still a thing

>make a warrior deck that runs bone drake, corpse raiser and 1 deadmans hand
>completely shit on a netdecking dk warlock
>guy adds me after the game and starts complaining about how I'm destroying hearthstone by netdecking and playing 0 skill decks
What did he mean by this?

100% real story bro

Good thing we have logs now.

>have a lot of card draw
>have card generation with lyra or steal mechanics
>have great single removals
>have great board removals
>his hero power can cost 0
>can heal from 10 or lower to 30 in one turn
>have excellent burst damage and don't really need velen combo to win
>have it anyway because overkilling someone isn't enough

I really wish Raza would only count for the CURRENT hero power, it's a minor change but means they can't heal themselves like crazy first and then still get the free damage

it would make the deck balanced

can priest please be taken out of the game thanks

drafting a Priest/Paladin
what should I pick

>Bog Creeper
>Holy Nova

Can we go back to the control warrior meta? Those were better times

>priest is finally viable after 1071835 expansions
>faggots start crying
Eat shit niggers, you deserve it


priest was always and always will be cancer.unlimited viable answers that are immposible to play around all of them , auc circle, bloomage spirit link, holt nova, dragonfire, andiun, kazakus

Play dirty rat

can any richanon buy me some pax?

wew play a tech card for like 1/3 success rate

>lost 5 games today all because of the freeze bug and because blizzard's reconnecting feature is a sack of rotten shit

I wanna die.

>Play Dirty Rat
>Summon his Obsidian Guardian


god this arena is such a fucking waste of gold, the number of times ive gotten fucked over by ridiculous shit is unreal. not to mention all the fucking priests

I played against a shaman with evolve+thrall+get 'em boys in his deck. Shit's like playing ladder against meta decks expect your isn't one of them.

Excuse me, (you) are on fire.

>highlander priest with obsidian statue
And even if you pull it, you were going to lose anyway, dirty rat is your best option. You either get the right one and win the game, or wrong drop and you'll still lose regardless.




>you'll still lose regardless
you are fucking retarded, one of the best coutners to priest is to just blindly play into 1 spell and hope he doesnt have it(unless he shadow visions something)

i had a sea giant primed on the board for lethal with poly in hand for any taunt, the priest warlock played priest of the feast into mind vision stealing the poly. needless to say my desire to kill brode doubled after that game

who's that pokemon


Play Hunter with flare and hope you get the coin to avoid counterspell

> tfw playing tier 0 net deck in casual to complete my quests asap

fucking cucks which deck is the best to climb ranks


That was the most agonizing shit
>Get him down to exactly 1 hp
>Next turn he's got another secret up
>Next turn its another secret
>Another secret next turn that I just know is counterspell
>Plays Blizzard
>Next turn its another Blizzard
>More tomes
>More Blizzards
>He's got apprentices and antonidas up
>Must have fucked up his combo or just ran out of mana too early.
>He surrenders.
>Make it to rank 10

im at 11 only playing a mixture of control warlock and razakus priest without raza or kazakus

how's that warlock look?

I got to 10 using some cheapo evolve shaman deck

just kill them

>he doesnt play hemet + stealing enemies deck combo to prevent exactly this situation

how much do you play,bc i quit after 2 losses in a row

mid hunter , netdecked from metastats, u cant even misplay unless you are legit retarded

I hate myself


i got really bored of hunter after the ungoro launch,i grinded to rank 5 whit that cancerous deck

dude FUCKING PRIESTS literally fucking my ass

Not too much. I keep going if I am on a streak unless it's late and I don't want to go to bed on a loss.

If I get tilted I stop for a while

>play some mill lock
>draw Guldan late against a mage
>he has 2 pyroblasts in his deck which he drew back to back when he was out of cards
sometimes this game doesnt want you to win

im exact opposite, quit whejn im on winstreak and mash games when im losing

its this list but with two twilight drakes instead of happy ghoul and a ysera instead of lich king, but that's only because im missing the lich king and ysera was my best replacement

of course a fucking priest had to stop me
it says casual but it was ranked, tracker is bugged or something

might as well mountain giant isntead of ysera at that point

Geez, user im so sorry. I want to hug you sexually

Source please?

post things that really make u think


>lose my arena run because all three of my arcane missiles hit his egg instead of anywhere else
haha epic


>he can't make a 35 legendary deck or a golden deck

next expansion is going to be fucking cancer

priest will be just as broken because the archetype is just insanely overpowered
and the expansion will have to be easily the highest power level yet to even put a dent in the current decks

the current decks are all either deal 20+ damage every turn with no way to play around it, tempo rogue which can come back onto ANY board state and jade druid
nothing but insanely busted cards can change the meta now

do you have any homebrew or meme deck ideas /hsg/?
made it to rank 5 and looking to either have fun or hard counter some meta match-ups

why is that when i play against a snowbally tempo deck they always snowball but when i play one i never get the cards that i need

have you learned how to draw like a pro gamer?

Which of these metas was your favorite and why was it paladinstone?

Shamanstone, because it was actually minion based combat and not ridiculous combo nonsense.

I wouldn't touch the meme arena with a stick but I just wanna be sure I don't miss on a reward.

Should I make a run this week or can I safely do without it?