old thread:
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm a better nami main than nami main
>Finally saved up enough money to buy skins for the ardent supports
>They're now apparently gutted
rate this man
i only play her top
succ meme / 10
>buying skins for champions because of an item
top lmao user
top lmao
B-but you can still be a healslut so it doesn't matter
AP Galio got nerfed (or rather fixed), yay, now he is worse than before the "fix"
Finally I can keep the banspot for someone like Yasuo or Riven
Dolphin pussy best waifu
>team surrenders game out from under me
>look at enemy builds
>veigar lost to zz'rot anivia
>brand with first item ROA
man fuck my elo sucks
im gonna go play division
>tfw no qt petite gf
>when youre playing aram and ult into the enemy nexus as pantheon, and they dont even notice
I've won two different pantheon roll games in a single day by doing this.
>new thread just to repost the same exact pictures again
Looking for a teacher or duoq partner, I main support in NA. :3
Your Goddess#2404 in Discord
>Sona, Janna, Lulu
>your goddess
we dont do trannies here
When I see that enemies are worse than shit and teammates don't wanna push I build ZZ too. Nothing wrong with that, especially on Anivia who has 0 push potential (only good waveclear)
>it's a loss streak day
why can't i stop queueing
>it's another ''Botlane never dewards or kill control wards and cries for ganks'' episode
I literally had my ADC tell me it was my job as a jungler to kill the enemy botlanes wards. Yeah let me just waste time, let everyone know i'm bot and get counterjungled real quick.
go to sleep user
He's right y'know
What makes Dolphinpussy different from human ones?
please commit suicide
How do I get a double kill? No luck lux sniping
>Eve invisibility delay from taking damage being reduced from 4 seconds to 1.5 seconds
Excuse the fuck out of me?
>guarantee the win within 3 minutes
>enemy adc afks so they can force a remake
This is my wife. She is cute and perfect.
But i have classes this afternoon, its the only thing saving me from dropping. I still have 2 hours left and am trying really hard not to queue
I want to ENSLAVE Xayah! Sexually.
>That buff
People in plat are unironically saying the current evelynn is broken and must be permabanned. I'm at loss of words.
>low elo shitters belive in that
just sleep, skip classes today
They're still terminal cancer.
>Hard cc on an invisible champion
sure shes hot garbage but she can get all the lanes winning easily and plats are extremely prone to tilt
>Righteous Glory Hecarim
Would you want your Nami to dom you, user?
Describe what each skin on your main tells other players
>Snow Day: skilled all-rounder
>Bardbard: knowledgeable but metaslave
>Elderwood: wears rose tinted goggles, plays like its season 3-4
>Classic: F2P bab, gamble on skill but might get lucky
>Chroma Marigold: Shitter, likely to blow the game
>Chroma Ivy: Meta slave, easy to tilt
>Chroma Bloom: Will take full advantage of your fuckups, hard carries consistently
I finally came back to league and heard Nautilus got nerfed, it kind of shocked me. Is he shit now?
tfw when you're a Bard Bull
Dumb sissy healcuck shielding supports.
he will always be a tank pocket pick
i would want any girl to dom me
>righteous glory singed with ghost, his passive, rylais slow, and stoneborn
Why aren't you an Azir main yet?
Played 3 games of Mundo and decided that he was a Mundo OTP.
Unusually cheerful, like they're fishing for Honors. Will max E every game no matter the circumstances. The skin most likely to rush Phantom Dancer.
>Pool Party/El Macho
True Mundo autists, they don't realize you can select different champions. If they start talking in third person clench your anus.
>Literally any of the Legacy skins
Reddit memers who saw the skin available and wanted to try Mundo again. Unlikely to have played him within the last 3 years and have no idea what his abilities do. Feeding almost guaranteed.
I just want to play him top and jungle until ardent gets removed from the game
I played many games on him until he got gutted. Now when he is good again I don't have the nerve yet to learn how to play him again properly.
>be one of the few people to build zephyr and ohmwrecker
>zephyr on 50% of my matches
>ohmwrecker maybe 10%
>zephyr gets removed
im still fucking mad
>people are paying 1350 for ugly blue recolors
>King: OK
>Chroma: OK
>Freljord: OK
>Molten: OK
>Ninja: OK
>Full Metal: OK
>Guardian of the sands: OK
I want to impregnate lulu without consent!
xth for my wife Syndra
Vasille did nothing wrong. He asserted dominance and showed the bitch to remember her place and not speak out of turn.
turns out his gf lied to police too
not that beating your girl is wrong because its not, but she lied
t. Rivenfag
Testing the waters. Probably can't choose whether to get Popstar with Pearl Chroma or SG
Got it since it's cheap. Will most likely get fed but throw
They exist?
Full-on tryhard mode and an old ass Ahri OTP that knows what they're doing
Plays for the waifu, not the game
>Popstar with Pearl
Knows what they're doing and can hard carry when push comes to shove. Usually keeps their mouths shut
The ones that most likely will feed their asses off and complain with a small chance to afk and spams their mastery alot
Quite literally kids, can miss a charm point blank. Ults balls deep into the enemy
The most normal and average.
>Star Guardian
Has a ton of experience getting camped so he knows what to do. Prone to tilt but if not tilted, can get fed and help his entire team get fed by roaming.
Fighting the corrupt facist government with Caitlyn
is there any better feeling than shitting down these retards gaping necks?
If you dont recognize sg as the shitter skin then you clearly dont know what youre talking about
>TFW there is no 3rd reich skin in LOL, the one that come closest to the theme is Red Baron Corki but he's from WW1
You Rammus mains are alright.
Forgot to add "Will either be a waifufag, gamer grill or an actual Ahri OTP that knows what they're doing but most likely the waifufags"
ranks were close enough to where i dont think muh normals excuse counts. the kalista who was shit talking the most was d1
Back when I started league in Season 1 and had about 40 more normal losses than wins my team won 4v5s all the time. It's alot harder now
this is hyper cute
it all really depends on team comp
>tfw challenger mechanics
>stuck in bronze because the icon is better
>honor 3 and 4 ward skins are better than 5
>call people niggers and tell them to kill themselves frequently
>still honor 5
>Talking shit about Mundo Mundo
fite me
Careful with that, knowing rito either nothing happens or you will demoted straight to 0 and get nothing.
Honor system is still a joke. They shall give you H5 not like a normal level progress but only if you keep your good boy quota right. Getting honored less than X times in Y games will make you demote or something like that.
This would mean brainafk playing wouldn't get you past honor 3.
Best girl.
Best swimmer.
Best wife.
Does anyone know why my honor border randomly doesn't show up in some matches?
i remember the first iteration of the honor system
>250 honorable opponent
>finally get my icon banner thing
>within 24 hours they rework the system and never get it back
How the fuck do you guys even get honor levels? I'm still level 2.
I play aram and babysit my team as tanks or ardent cancer healsluts and get multiple honors every game. I reached honor 5 in a month.
you have to have been honored in the previous game to get the border
carry or spam smiley faces in chat every time you talk
be a support slut
play female champ
Be the best role. Adc. Say honor or feed
If you have to save up money for that, save it for something useful ya dumb bastard.
*unsheathes frozen mallet*
*heh nuthin personnel kid*
>3 shitty skins that don't even look like halloween skins
>old event recycled
>no teemoing shop
why the FUCK?