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No pedophiles below this line

nowi has a cute tummy

How do I stop imagining doing things to Nowi?

At least the top comments pretty much bashes the sensitive people.

One job.

normies getting btfo

Which unit should I upgrade? All of them have optimal IV's (Kagero, Camilla, Titania and A!Tikihave their best).

Seliph killed TT!Julia

Blow on Nowi's tummy.

>400 orbs spent sniping reds on the Holy War banner
>only a -Atk/+Res Sigurd to show for it

sunday is my last chance to get one with a non-horrible nature

I'm scared


Objectively speaking, life would just be simpler if pedophiles didn't exist

Anyone who doesn't roll on this banner will be guaranteed a -Atk/+HP 5* for the rest of their days
T. Not an IntSys representative who has knowledge over summoning units

Life would be easier if a lot of things didn't exist.

>More fates/awakening shit
>Some stupid shit fujo piece of shit is the first armor mage instead of Arvis.
>First armor Archer
>ANOTHER flying mage, and another hone fliers locked behind 5 stars.
Fucking ISIS are a bunch of kike jews, god damn.

Gotcha, only fully legal adults.

>nowi's tome has cat ears


>more nuFE
>and they all look like shit
I'll spend my free roll trying for Nowi (hoping I get a Furyman instead) and then quit comfortably. Thank you nuFE for being shit as expected and allowing me to save for the actual good banners.

Posting superior Manakete!

Anyone upset by how nowi looks is a repressed pedophile trying to make themselves feel normal.

pretty shit, even with optimal IV's, unless you whale her/give her a better axe
better, but still not great
good if you need a bulky red
objectively the best dagger, also the only dagger worth using alongside olivia

The biggest problem is Ryo is still being allowed to draw.

I feel sorry for the few Jakobfags, they either have angery face Jakob, or they have the Ryo Sameface Armour Archer Jakob.

I'm glad I'm normal to be honest, don't have to justify my fetish to everyone and there's a lot more porn and media catering to me.

Grandpas need their rest.

Will Fae ever be an event unit?

The absolute state of American children, yet they complain about fictional characters in a mobile game? Pathetic.

Watch as every orb you hold right now will be wasted on 3* merrics/raighs

>fujo/gayfags get the actually decent meta units
>everyone else gets dagger trash and hone fliers fodder

this is the real problem, but normies just wont shut up about how much nowi's bellybutton triggers them

trip back on, drill

I wanna nuzzle.

I wished they added undead generics for this Halloween, it was the perfect occasion and missed the opportunity.

Nowi is by default good due to be flying red mage, retard.
Literally, L I T E R A L L Y only two seasonal units are not fates/awakening.

>Limited events units that don't get added to the pool are appearing every months now.

Soon they will be more events units that normal ones. (lol

Stop posting, Euro-hamed

You didn't play FE4.
Neck yourself, wikifag.

Currently writing a cryfic where Luthier dies in Delthea's recruitment chapter and Alm doesn't mention he died.

5 of my last 6 5* have been -atk/+hp anyway. What a big change that would be...

Not everyone on the internet are from the US.

Also fun fact, age of consent is 13 in Japan and 15 in Sweden.

So what'S the verdict on FEW?
Is it good and should I buy it or not?
Why?/Why not?

I unironically like Henry, and am glad that he got a decent looking limited unit.

Nowi is automatically good due to
>flying mage
but being a red mage is pretty shit

>NEED to roll for Nowi
>but also still NEED Olivia
This is cruel.

do all these people that complain not know you can literally fuck Nowi in-game and have kids with her?

easily the best fe title they've released all month

Anna's next week's bonus unit

>Implying you wouldn't call Arvis with his new art fujobait if he was an armor mage on a seasonal banner

>Flying green tome for spring
>Flying blue tome for summer
>Flying red tome for fall
Flying staff Tharja for winter?

>flying red mage
Sneaky pebbles say hi

Why? Are you a child?

uhh Nowi is making me really horny can you delete her from the game please?

Smell the tiki!

I'm doing pretty okay with it, didn't need to be made aware of your shit taste though.

I want to fuck Saber

If you like Musou and Fire Emblem, it is good.

If you don't like either Musou or Fire Emblem, it isn't.
I've sink 60 hours in the english version and about 80 on the japanese. So I like it.

That's not a fanfic user. That actually happens.

Emperor Arvis was an armored unit in FE4, my man
though his base class, which most units in this game are based on, is not. It's kind of retarded to expect him to be armored since nobody else goes by the standard of their promoted class, except Eliwood/Hector I guess

>Reinhardt is the stealth rock of FE

well I'll be

>the city of fortress res

>People unironically defending unique type units as limited units.

What makes you think they didn't complain about that too?

Well, duh
It's the only fe title they released this month

It's shit.

Fuck off, shill. FEW barely focuses on the series.

I dunno, I don't go on reddit

First reply ending with the same number as this post decides if I promote a +Atk -HP Cherche or a +Atk -Spd Fae


Shit, even for musou games.

The costumes are kind of weak imo, most of them are so close to what the characters already wear normally

>Wanting to be scammed as hard as fateswankening fans by the Japanese jew

the hag


Fuck should I wait for Halloween reds or gamble on Hinoka Blue?

I want to put my broomstick in Nowi's cauldron.

>-HP Cherche
Why the heck would you promote that shit, she wants -Res

>armor march seal
>infantry pulse seal
>vantage seal
All of these will come for the next tenpest, but only if everyone spends at least 5 orbs on halloween

>easy to play around
>everyone uses him even though they don't need it
>shitters complain that he's broken
>some units are automatically a little shit by him existing
yeah I see it

FE:W is fun if you like warriors games or like the fire emblem characters in any way, but it gets old pretty fast. I feel like I got my money's worth out of what I played so far, and I'm planning on doing more of the history mode shit. I wouldn't say it's bad, it's actually pretty fun

>FEW barely focuses on the series.
Just because a lot of the characters comes from awakening and fates doesn't mean it isn't focusing on the series.
And I won't fuck off, I'm just telling my own opinions. I don't even understand how you call it a shill when I tell him if he doesn't like musou, he won't like it.
Are you completely backwards?

Technically speaking you fuck her in the future

>age of consent is 13 in Japan
No it's not, fuck this stupid meme. Each of Japan's prefectures have their own age of consent, all between 16 to 18. 13 is just the minimum age for their Romeo and Juliet law.

Basically in skill
-Have a weapon with Decent Mt, effective against all magical units (Infantry, Horse, Flier and armor tomes)
-The magic version of steady stance
-Panic smoke in his bow
-First bow armor
-Panic smoke in his tome
-Armor march for armor teams
-First green tome armor
-Pref Tome with Guidance2
-New A skill that give you atk and res if unit have a adjacent ally
-Second unit with hone fliers
-First Red Flier


do you think i'll be put on a list if i whale for nowi
like aside from the list of shit taste

>in a medieval setting


Ride the bike!

>Nowi alt has a fuckable looking belly button
Great, now I have to roll for her

You forgot
>flies in a broom instead of pegasi/wyvern, which is cute as fuck

Nowi's tome is built in WoM, I'm pretty sure.

She wants -spd in non flier teams and -res in flier teams.

The new units look like shit. The only decent looking one is Nowi and she'll face heavy competition from Elincia for flier teams.

You browse Veeky Forums, you're already on a list

It's more like semen princess's flier formation, except without the flier part

It's pretty nice and also my first musou. The roster and clones make me unhappy, but it's a fun game for now.
I'm loving how intense some of the story maps are, but I'm playing on Hard mode and the game is still mostly easy.

If you get it because you like musou you'll be fine. Othrwise I'd wait for FEW2 if it happens so they could rep more FE games, and hopefully get a new director. From what I've seen in interviews, I don't like this guy.


>doesn't mean it isn't focusing on the series.
80% of the game being Fateswakening isn't focusing on the series. Jugdral, Elibe (outside of the marketing slut), Tellius and Magvel don't even exist. Not to mention 3 Archanea characters unless you're a good goy and buy the DLC.
The funny thing about this rosterfagging in particular is that it actually affects the game because there's NO fucking gameplay variety. What even happened to armours?
Warriors is trash.

I'll always appreciate some people's dedication. Even if questionable.

Who wins?

>dude haha if you like a loli you are a pedo haha look the FBI are here now wtf
Fucking kill yourself, reddit. You stupid fuc

>age of consent is 13 in Japan
>Each of Japan's prefectures have their own age of consent
While this is true, the legal lowest age of consent is 13.
16 and 18 is for marriage.
I don't know if they changed the laws since I moved back home, though.

why are normies so hostile about nowi
you dont see lolifags whining that summer xander needs a shirt or that inigo should cover up his tummy, so why cant they extend the same courtesy and just live and let live