/tesg/ - The Elder Scrolls General

Is Skyrim Special Edition worth it?
Soon™. SKSE is in Alpha and not intended for all users, but SkyUI 5.1 is working without bugs and more mods will come with SKSE.

>Should I play Skyrim Special Edition or Legendary Edition?
Legendary Edition for mods now, but SE is the focus of future mods (Beyond Skyrim among others)

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be nice

tfw wrassle dead forever

Reminder that niko is behind all the shitposting and the one true cancer of /tesg/

Reminder that this user is lying and trying to start drama.

wtf i hate Niko now

wtf i hate this user now

Harmony? Harmony.

>tfw alone at fredas night

Tell me about your character's achievements.
>inb4 she's sucked at least 700 dicks

>roleplaying in a single player game


>role playing in a role playing game
I seriously hope you guys don't do this


Since there are so few voiced followers and even less that are not dogshit which vanilla npcs are best to take along? I've heard good things about that mercenary from Raven's Rock. Any other npc that has unique dialogue and feels a little bit more alive than "Hi. Let me carry your items. Bye"?

drove off alduin, leader of the darkbrotherhood/thieves/companion/mages guild
delivered the golden claw back to its owner
bought breezehome
successfully avoided being asked about a dog outside of falkreath
walked around mountains instead of jumping through them

my character is S tier incarnate

Woke up nude in a the wilderness from a blackout, and having to fight off a pack of wolves with only his fur coat and his bare fists.

He's only lvl2.

I don't have any weapons favorited and Living Takes Time stops you from opening the inventory while in combat. Thank God I had healing potions favorited

Wow me too

Inigo, and Hoth are 2 not-so-bad Nexus companions. I like Erik vanilla-wise. Erik's my boy.

>Any other npc that has unique dialogue and feels a little bit more alive than "Hi. Let me carry your items. Bye"?
Lydia and Marcurio.

everyone be nice, post waifus, discuss lore and act in harmony

Oh and Mjoll too.

Download Relationship Dialogue Overhaul. Feels like how the game should have been.

uhm so whats ur opinion on dragons??

Isn't Inigo overpowered? Does he have his own quests?

And tell me more about Hoth, I've never checked him out.

How about no. I hate her for some reason.
He actually has unique dialogue? I never took him, thinking he's an empty shell.

He talks about ruins when you explore them, at least dwemer and nordic ruins.

>He actually has unique dialogue?
Yep. He even mention Yagrum when exploring a dwemer ruins.

Just download RDO, it makes every NPC in the game feel alive with context-sensitive comments etc. It's based on voice types though, so bear that in mind if you plan on forming a party with a follower mod.

So RDO would make tesg followers actually talk about shit?

As long as they use one of the vanilla voice types, yeah. You may or may not have to enter the MCM to enable/disable for a specific NPC, haven't actually messed around with custom followers. It's super easy though and only takes a second if so, it's a great mod.

Now the real question: can RDO make tesg followers shittalk other waifus for the real experience?

Yes, I use /tesg/ followers and RDO. They will talk more and use the custom mashup voice lines RDO adds.

And by this I mean if it's necessary at all, you just move your crosshair over the target NPC, enter the MCM and select "Allow Actor to use RDO dialogue".

So no one tried to do a fully voiced /tesg/ follower?

Does rattling count as "fully voiced?"

How do I fix these trees loading weirdly? they fix themselves at nearby ranges

Yeah. It's also the best way to make beast race followers work, so it's basically a requirement for certain /tesg/ followers.

Bad LODs.

I did but it was too much work

>tfw every decent house mod i find has one or two flaws that break it for me

why is it so hard to find one when it'll probably just end up an item dump

Bhruce by Trainwiz.

i'm pretty new to modding, would this: nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3333/?

maybe fix it

Learn how to fix the little flaws then you'll have those gems all to yourself.

why not just build one with hearthfire

because the location is usually the most common issue and it's probably a huge pain in the ass to move a house

The Hearthfire houses are bland as fuck

Any older regular that posts Nexus images or has a tumblr and would shitpost against 'negative' posts. Made tesg a safe haven for autism.

This is a lie. The vast majority of Morrowind and Oblivion players modded in and posted lore friendly stuff and didn't indulge in waifu shit.

Th ligthning is shit.

Could always find a house mod in a location you like, delete it's interior references then combine and link it to an interior that you do like.


yeah knew it

Is your waifu ready for halloween?

I don't know, are you?

what mods are you using that affect trees?

How does your current character die and how does that effect the people closest to them?

i think only nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5281/?

I already did some costume stuff as Yarti earlier in the week. Been looking for some cute costumes for the kids for a couple days now but can't find anything interesting.

.315 binaries guy here again. Downloading the new 319 binaries borked my ENB and made it look barely better than the vanilla game, so for NLVA users stay away until the mod itself updates. Unless I did something wrong somehow.

google issues regarding Tree LODs and Simply Bigger trees, if you've run SMCO or Ordenador on your textures and they touched your LOD texture for trees they could have mucked it up, try reading the mod description thoroughly and looking through the mods forum thread to see if anyone else has encountered your issue
and stop using SE

you probably overwrote the edited files from the NVLA preset with the default ENB files like a doofus you literally just need the new d3d9.dll and nothing else when updating binaries

I have a few things in mind, I'll post them on Tumblr on Halloween

Do town mods hurt frames?

>create "special" edition
>it's worse than the regular edition in every way

What did they mean by this?

shekel dekel doos

He hasn't died yet.

me btw

>press wrong key accidentally bathe in front of the kahjit camp at the stables
>stable boy turns his head in my direction from across the road
>trader just staring at me from his tent
>no one actually cares
We'll be emptying our chamberpots into the streets at this rate

she once punched a troll
in the face

They can if they add a ton of clutter and npcs and your computer can't handle them.

The suits wanted to sell the game again to the next generation of consolefags and could easily do so due to bethesda haven't more or less finished SE as a test for Fo4. Then the CC happened because Sony was dicks about console mods and paid mods, i mean ""mini dlc"" were the only ways to get custom content onto the PS4 and because it would just print money because consolefags are retraded.

but LE crashes for me like crazy for some reason, even on a clean install

thanks m8

Oh shoot. Thanks, never updated ENBs before.


more like sucked 7,000 dicks

Most of the time yes. Town mods like JKs and ETaC are famous for killing frames for people. But most town mods will, really depends on how strong your computer is. I got a mid-tier computere and town mods can drop me to 20 frames, sometimes even lower. Well, mostly Whiterun and Solitude drop lower.

I was talking about the PC version, the console version of Skyrim SE actually is better than the vanilla console version.

Survival Mode is pretty much on par with Hearthfire in terms of content

It really really isn't.

HF wasn't that bad.

It really is. Hearthfire was a meme cash-in mod that barely did anything of interest that mods weren't already doing. Buggy as shit, too.

Dead thread, dead game, dead everything.

Why so dead

It's Halloween. We're zombies.

>tfw only home near darkwater crossing has fucked up lighting and can't figure out how to fix it in ck

Expect for lusting after brains its dicks?

What are some good Khajiit textures? The Feminine Khajiit Textures listed on OP site are pretty nice, but none of other ones I saw searching "khajiit" on the nexus looked very interesting.


That's all you got, nothing else better exists anyway.

Sadness. I was hoping for some more patterns with brighter colors and higher contrast.

How do I enable auto-ghosting in Wrye Bash?

What the hell even is that
If you need to ask it probably isn't important desu

will I ever be happy with an enb?

no, time to learn how to configure them yourself

I try and it aggravates me every time my character swings his weapon as I click on settings. I know there's a way around that but I haven't figured it out

>he fell for the enb meme

open the console before you start editing

I do need it, I have too many mods enabled in Skyrim.

But Mod Organizer makes that redundant. You aren't using WB as a mod manager, are you user? These aren't the Oblivion days anymore.

Wrye works fine.

Mod Organizer works much better.

It's only useful for Bashed Patches these days, MO does everything it does and much better I might add. WB is the best manager for Oblivion, sure, but not for Skyrim.

how do i transfer all these mods from the shitty NMM program to MO? NMM say I have a total of 269 plugins.

>try sgtm 0
>game turns blue and the music cuts out with a loud audio distortion
>have to manually shut down my computer to close the game