So is meme magic real?
So is meme magic real?
I guess that's settled, then.
>say she is gonna intervene in Syria
>might lose election to a literal meme
When are people gonna learn that you can't stop him? Almost 7 years now and he is still running the show.
Nigga is blessed by some crazy ass deity.
wew lass
>torn between my hate for Trump and my love for Assad
It sucks fucking dick being the only liberal in America who doesn't like seeing Salafi jihadists try and take over a secular country. Fuck the New York Times. Fuck CNN. Fuck MSNBC. Fuck the WaPo. I hope the faggots in their ivory towers wake the fuck up and stop being stooges for the establishment.
>wake the fuck up
They have, and they've realized it's much more profitable to take establishment cock for shekels
Unfortunately for them, the people still have some power.
yeah but trump isn't an example. that germanwings flight was an example of meme magic
>trump isn't an example.
Literally everyone thought Hillary was going to win.
True, they have no shame.
I don't like Trump at all, but good on his supporters for getting out there and making their voices heard. Break the fucking false reality these fuckers tried to set up for us.
Has he won yet?
and Veeky Forums didn't convince age 35+ uneducated whites to vote trump
Pretty much
the point is there is some other explanation for why trump won. no one can explain why there were so many similarities between the germanwings flight and baneposting, thus meme magic
>and Veeky Forums didn't convince age 35+ uneducated whites to vote trump
this doesn't tell me anything
I'm going to sleep.
When I wake up, everything will be fire.
No no, the first one
still explainable, thus not meme magic
The collective unconscious exists, yes.
/pol/ can be actually quite influential and dangerous.
People are dumb. They don't like reading books so a lot of them base their knowledge on simple infographics and conspiracy theories.
Meme magic was that crashed German airplane by a suicidal faggot. The stars really aligned on that one.
Trump is some cunt who talked shit and did outrageous things in public thereby earning the cancerous love of Veeky Forums. Except some of you were fucking serious.
>Americans literally elect a reality show cunt.
At least now, my country is more of a model democracy than the USA. We never choose only between too people and the lowest lifeform we chose was a former child actor who went to college. COngrats, losers.
The next decade is going to be a shitshow.
We did it boys
and the current hasnt been?
We've entered Fantasia, boys.
How much longer until anime is real?
2016 has been, and I mean this unironically, the meme year of the decade.
>Cubs win
Not that much longer, friend
What else could happen in 2 months?
South Korean memes
Bowie didn't die for this.
South Korea doesn't have the meme capital to make any that would spread to the West.
The way I see it, only Europe, Japan, and America have the requisite meme capital for truly global memes.
I think he's talking about North Korea attaching the South
Turns out THIS protest movement is the movement the Norks have been waiting for since Syngman Rhee. Best Korea annexes the RoK without firing a shot, becomes one of the largest economies in the world.
I thought Hillary was gonna win due to the anti Trump propaganda since the start of the elections but him winning is pretty amazing based on how fucked over he was.
The Web is more powerful than any media. People don't believe members of the establishment anymore. Bloggers, Youtubers, Reddit and Veeky Forums are their authorities now.
>merkel and the EU, minus based hungary, poland and estonia
>the queen of UK
>"muh jews"
>even the fuckin GOP were considering bringing back Romney to stop him
>one man managed to gather so much unified corporate and globalist hatred against him and still vanquish it
Truly, no better story of good vs evil.
Shut up, Homeland, you're a shitty game.
Since this thread is already off topic, something has always been in my mind. How the fuck was Bush jr. elected? Especially a second time.
Whatever, I just hope Putin won't start some shit in the Baltic States now.
Being elected a second time isn't as unbelievable. Incumbents tend to have an advantage especially in times of "war."
>Trump wants to start opening conversations with Putin as soon as he become president
First time: neck and neck, Bush lost the popular vote to Gore.
Second time: nyan eleven nevar furget.
Yeah...about ISIS and the Turrrists.
Trump is eventually all about Muh Domestic Focus. So once the radical doner kebabs are out of the way, USA and Russia will be back at each other's throats.
Reminder for the future of American politics:
>the GOP is now dead
>anti-establishment is highest its been perhaps ever
>Trump will be a fairly moderate president
this year keeps getting worse
These people are the reason why Hillary is loosing.
Thanks for ruining it for everyone sjw's and pc culture.
>but him winning is pretty amazing based on how fucked over he was
You act surprised that he was able to ride the wave of radical populism spreading over the West.
WW 3 when?
Countries all over the West are becoming more nationalistic and right wing.
The seeds are being planted for some major shit happening.
never, stop buying into media autism
A poor corrupted shithole ruled by the oligarchs somewhat convinced people it's the last bastion of tradition values. It's really impressive.
I hope I will live long enough to see Russia balkanized or partitioned.
Nigga, the American president is the most powerless person who ever holds the title. Your Oligarchy of a Congress does everything and as far as I am concerned, they havent changed a bit.
t. country where presidents word can be literal law and parties do not exist.
Anybody else think the email leaks that happened this last week was a little too convenient?
>disregard the actual democratically elected nominee and his followers cause of "mommy said it's my turn to run the gubernmend" autism from hillary
really makes you think
You forgot Gawker being fucked up by Hulk Hogan.
No, you don't understand the Memes.
Best Korea wins, annexes RoK, becomes one of the world's largest economies. It's Jeju policy satisfied, it no longer needs to maintain a military posture, and establishes peacable relations with the US.
our supreme court also is damn strong
Even though I hate his guts, I kind of want to see him win. Just to see what would happen.
It's like if I'm standing a the edge of a skyscraper and then that thought comes into my mind that I can jump at any moment. The anticipation is killing me.
An anime forum just memed a candidate into the presidency, so make of that what you will
I wonder if bernie is secretly happy.
KEK is an ancient egyptian choas god after all.
so if a white male businessman under suspicion of being a rapist and sexual predator who makes fun of minorities can become president, was /pol/ wrong about the power of SJWs after all this time? was /pol/ wrong about the jews?
>, was /pol/ wrong about the power of SJWs after all this time?
And since right now a right-leaning Candidate is likely to win, be prepared for the next 4 years of an atheist, slightly lefty /pol/.
You heard it here first. Save this post.
No jews are always in control fool, they control AIPAC which controls all of Congress they make you think you are controlling your laws via this democracy scam. To the jews Trump is just a new puppet.
David Bowie was a low-key fascist, my dude. He probably would approve.
No, the alternative was just that much fucking worse with the leaks, the stolen DNC nomination and in general soulless attitude relying entirely on media bias and hollywood stars.
Literally anyone else but her would have won the election against Trump.
>Low key
That's an odd term for it.
Singularity is real.
You have to be a hypocrite to deny things just because they're too "unrealistic" but still believe in incredible things that happen in our world.