What causes countries to balkanize?
What causes countries to balkanize?
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Growing differing goals
>Republic of Desseret
>Republic of Aztlan
Collapse of central authority.
Desseret is rightful Mormon clay.
Oh that. The double s confused me. That's one's understandable at least, but the Republic of Aztlan is fairy tale shit. There's no way the majority of the population of NM and AZ even know what the fuck Aztlan was, and even if they found out they definitely wouldn't name their country after it.
Disparate peoples with not much in common who do not see each other as a part of the in-group being forced by political economy to act in concert with one another in the name of an artificial nationhood.
Good answer.
This is also acceptable.
I wish for another dissolution of the Union solely to witness and participate in another rush of Manifest Destiny.
Magical Injuns.
Is that from... shadowrun?
did the filename give it away?
Not a nation?
Read the file name, chummer.
>UN occupation zones
I wonder when the average American is going to realize that the UN is a tool of the US, and who serves as its military teeth. This would pretty much be the US occupying itself.
Economic troubles and politicians trying to gain power by promoting nationalism in their targeted group.
Let's say the USA goes through an economic crisis that would make 2008 and the great depression seem like good time.
You'd have Texas, California, The agricultural heartland in the South and Midwest, and East coast, all become their own groups.
Artificially set borders that vastly undermine ethnic composition, American foreign policy and the Berlin Congress.
Culture differences + lack of faith in the centralized government
For example the culture of PA is damn near alien to every other state
Elaborate on the Berlin Congress.
Are you referring to the Austrian occupation of Bosnia, or other decisions?
Coming from a 'balkanized' country, the answer is foreign geopolitical interests. The USA cauzed the lates 'balkanization', especially in the case of Yugoslavia. Just follow the trail of money, it will lead to your former/present masters.
he probably means africa being divided according to map painting autists instead along ethnic or tribal lines.
Berlin Congress 1878 and Berlin Conference 1885 are two different events.
Tbqh, lack of faith in religion is a great signifier.
Gallup did a poll on Quebec, and they found that if you were a lapsed Catholic you were 10 times more likely to be a nationalist separatist.
I've meant to mention the Conference as well.
that's not where Hawai'i goes
Three Things:
>Lack of strong centralized political control
>An over abundance of military force spread among different leaders
>Cultural divisions between large groups of the original nation's population
Once you have all three, you have a strong likelihood of Balkanization.
>one presidents of the UCAS was a dragon who hosted a popular talk radio show
>he died in a car bombing not a day after he was elected
wew lad, Shadowrun is some wacky shit
usually a collapse in central authority and reassertion of regional identities that had been suppressed/subsumed into a national one. Or regional differences developing for whatever reason and eventually leading to the two sides being so different they consider themselves distinct cultures ie Dixie versus Yankees
>For example the culture of PA is damn near alien to every other state
what exactly are you smoking? We're just where several different cultural areas have their fault lines which wind up being quite blurry. Philly and it's suburbs are are part of the North East corridor blob, Western PA is part of the Great Lakes/Rust Belt blob, and the rest is a mixture of generic Appalachian hillbilly and either affinity with Upstate NY or West Virginia. If the US fell apart PA would be a major flash point in that sense.
>mormons not separate
It would obviously be called Deseret.
Queen of the North
(Because the game of empire requires constant vigilance)
can i source on this?
I'm writing an essay on Africa's borders right now
Okay lads I have a question
If the US was to shatter in every which way, would southern Florida have a culture that would warrant its independence from the confederate states?
Also, is there a name for southern florida? Tampa and Miami and such. Asking because I'm very slowly brainstorming a complete alt history map, and thinking that Florida is iconic enough not to belong to the Confederate states
>Independant Republic of Texas
I could really imagine them making this their official name
Now? Absolutely. IN an alt history? They might not be populous enough or different enough.
Your map is a bit outdated there, chummer.
If the southern half of Florida were to break off, it would still need allies, and for better or worse, the southern US is probably it's closest culture. The same is true for Texas, if it left the union, it'd still wind up being friends with the US just because there's no one else they'd want to hang with in the world either.
Well, the sketch right now certainly allows for some minor states.
Also forgot to add Deseret, hehe
Fuck Deseret.
I like all the mental and verbal gymnastics the lore had to go through to justify a new Confederacy when really it's obvious that any balkanized alternate North American continent HAS to have a Confederacy because it's the one thing that actually happened and everyone wants it to happen again just because it's so dang neat that it did.
Change in global balance of power and a country either losing its patron or its own power.
How did the natives hold onto such large holdings?
When the new age happens and magic wakes up again the Native become much more powerful because they're more in tune with nature, I would think.
Gotta love all these future maps that create these massive Native American nations when there are barely enough left to fit in a school bus. It's like those Greek Revanchists who want to annex Istanbul/Constantinople when doing so would mean there were more Turks in Greece than Greeks. All those areas have so many more White people than Native Americans that all tribes combined are LESS than 1% of the population.
Natives would obviously become a ruling minority enforcing its will through Indian magic.
Diversity. It decays social cohesion which was the bulwark to balkanization.
>How did the natives hold onto such large holdings?
Literally meme magic. Look it up. It's nuts.
>barely enough left to fit in a school bus
They addressed that in the source books. A lot of non-Natives chose to stay and become assimilated, subject to varying degrees of social and political prejudice depending on the nation, and a lot of whites, blacks and Latinos claimed citizenship from their 1/16th Cherokee or Chickasaw or Cheyenne great-great-grandmother or what have you. It's nice when an RPG setting takes the time to think this out even if the premise is dude elves dude hackers lmao
>Commonwealth of Rhodesia
Fuck the US under warlords, i wanna know more about that
It's what happens when you live in a meme country.
Now, don't get me wrong, America is a meme country, perhaps even THE meme country, but luckily this is not a problem, as it is a meme country inhabited by meme people, if any actual people lived in America, then you might have had a problem.
>Appalachia is it's own thing
Finally, someone got it right,
Divide and conquer
>implying the Comanche wouldn't own the majority of the Great Plains & a lot of the Rocky Mountains region.
they fucked up a lot of tribes shit IRL, there's no way the Sioux would hold that much land, and the southeastern tribes would be massacred.
>an artificial nationhood
As opposed to natural nationhood?
>if any actual people lived in America, then you might have had a problem.
Praise Kek, it won't happen. Meme magic will transform them.
Nationalism. The idea that an ethnicity has a right to a plot of land. Empires succeed by suppressing this idea. Luckily for the Romans, this idea didn't exist. Unluckily for former Yugoslavia, this idea was much more commonly felt by the time the 20th century drew to a close.
>Louisiana independent
I mean, awesome, but... how?
>Capitol: Baton Rouge
Hell no
>Huey Long
Colonialists generally, but also random nationalism.
Being in the Balkans