/feg/ - Fire Emblem general

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So Nowi is slow?

She did not double the mage in the trailer.

So she'll have high HP, 30+ attack and high Res?

She's just a flying Tomato Leo then.

nono better have trainee bonus

Flier buffs will help that though, it that make was fast, you can never tell.

Too sexy

Trailer stats are never indicative of shit. Shigure doubled in his trailer and his speed is average at vest.

>All the FE units who would look good in witch costumes
>Fucking Nowi
She's not even the best pedobait character

Midir is Verdane's cumdump

post wholesome fe art

She's a popular Fateswakening character though, and that was enough.

Is Flier Emblem secretly the true meta?



The witch outfit is pretty bad too, for all the creativity you could have in designing a witch costume hers isnt all that interesting or cool at all.



I want Miss Ayra to /ss/ me!

I can't stand Fates' and Awakening's horrible graphics. Can't wait to play Fire Emblem on a console again with FE16.


need more dark haired qts in feh

How we can expose Yura as a hack just like that FGO guy?

Worst ship in any FE game


ive solely been using fliers since i started playing

>ywn cuck Edain
feels bad, can't wait for him to get a redesign in his full fuckboy glory

Context please

I agree

Hot but you have to be over 18 to post here

Please no bully



what are her chances of being in the Thracia banner

The collective autism of /feg/ wouldn't be enough to kill his dad.

>tfw doing CC to scavenge orbs for Nono
>Lunatic 5+6
>accidentally let Serika die early
>this second team has been chugging along way past its expiry date
>map 2 all the way to map 8
>Ayra kills everything with instant astra procs and desperation
>vantage DD3 seal Hector puts in good work
>Neph provides moral support and occasional wrath kills
>planned rescue squad of Lyn, Rein, BK and Axura still unzipped

I'll probably die here. I think Deirdre can tank Azama and I can slingshot Hector over to bait Setsuna, but the Pain staff might slowly do me in.

Post HM or didn't happen

>making dinner for 1
>wife is currently trapped behind 4% pity rate
>0 orbs
God someone kill me please

I agree. Mediocre art and the costume itself isn't really interesting. I'm still rolling for her because her chibi is cute as fuck and I am in desperate need fliers.

These are so adorable.


should i leave her there?

She's pretty popular so not bad, but she'll almost guaranteed have a sword and Mareeta is a lock for the first one.

Of course they could just put them both on and drink in the tears and whale bux again.

What did SHE mean by this?

I'm liking this conversation so far

Don't half of the imoutos in the series want to fuck their brothers though?

Noted, I'll try the Lot thing, he has been decent so far, better than Wade at any rate.
Don't care desu, Don't really have a FE waifu

Who is you're waifu?

>wanting an ugly weakling.
Even by trap standards he sucks.

3% rate

hector went nuclear last thread if anyone didnt see it



Same, I hope they go full pretty boy/trap and it's just like the OG all over again where everyone thinks he's a girl.

One of servants artist got caught tracing,he is a massive hack anyway but his father died and everyone congratulated him.

Now he deleted everything from his twitter and Pixiv.

Artist draw pic related character and fate faggots started complaining
3 days after that the artist father died and nips started to say "congratulations".
Artist deleted his Twitter


what specifically makes it so bad

Top tier ship, definitely needs more fanart.


shota is also a state of mind



why would she have a trainee bonus?

>Marth and Horace are my only named units
>only on chapter 15

that autism to rival that of Rauls

Prisons are made for filthy peasants

she really should have an axe; that's pretty much her main claim to fame, being one of the first female axe users

at the very least if radney ever gets in, she should have an axe

Because she has one as a blue dragon

Dragon loli

Please do not lewd Dew, he is too young.

I would let him have my babies too if they're gonna have such beautiful hair and bodacious bodies, even the boys.
I can understand why Seliph wanted to fuck the shit out of his daughter, she was probably rocking under those robes. Take a look


Hit&Run or Brash Assault Desperation memes on Cherche?

She's a jewish whore.

If you had at least two Hectors right now and weren't planning to merge him, who would you give DC to?

>Ishtar is an amazing unit with great art and even a free event version
>Parvati is JUST incarnate

Looks like Rin won in the end

Yoshinori did the same thing in kancolle with Iowa but nobody really cared, although that was just the pose.

How do we get this to happen to Yura
The FEH playbase isn't as big as FGO's but it is significantly more autistic, considering it's made up of waifufags AND Nintendobabies

Mathilda cause my Titania is -res

Ok, Midir.

>Not Brave Axe+ Dragon Fang Heavy Blade Hit and Run + Dancer buddy meme

yura is good though

The Thracia banner is probably just going to be all FE4 characters that appeared in it, not that I want it but it's what I'm preparing for.

I just really want Othin and Asvel...

>he fell for the Cherche meme

My best candidate right now is Titania (+spd/-hp) but I haven't pulled the trigger yet.

Fuck off Yura.

God I wish I was Midir


>Implying you wouldn't do the dew

You know the funny thing is Nasu could get sue for million if some autist reported this to the photographer.

Effie probably

Flora completely hates Corrin and attempts to murder him. Takes some serious suspension of belief to even imagine them working as a couple even with Corrin forgiving her.

Fate GO thread are a full of autism place

t. No one.

Do people really want BST boost on everything now? People stopped caring about powercreep and just embraced it? I fucking hope it stops here and now.

it has a surprising amount from the Nips; it feels like the same amount as with Klein, which is surprising because you'd think that'd be more popular

but yeah, I'm really hoping for a paired ending; if the remake shows up and she only gets one with klein, I'll be really salty


>it's made up of waifufags AND Nintendobabies
You haven't meet a REAL waifufag in all your life, otherwise you wouldn't put them on the same level as nintenbabies.

should I promote the jew?
I've been fighting with myself for a long time because Anna is my from the starter trio to 5* but I really dislike her art in Heroes
I'll be rolling on the halloween banner

I'm glad I've paid no attention to anything Fate besides the original and Zero. What I'm getting from this is they took Sakura and made her a servant for no reason other than jewing shekels out of retards. The mediocre art should be the least of people's complaints here.

>Needing Desperation

Not a meme, just the power of friendship

>The FEH playbase isn't as big as FGO's but it is significantly more autistic
Damn nigga that's a good joke.

>not wanting to have the best hips in the kingdom next to Brigid
Literally homosexual

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