/owg/ - Overwatch General

Season 7 Resolutions edition

>The HALLOWEEN TERROR event is live
>The Event runs until November 1st

>Halloween Tale

>Event item checklist

>Brand new Dev update
>We made 600 skins and reworked spectator mode while you were dealing with 100% pickrate Mercy

>South Korea roasts everyone

>Junkertown is Overwatch's newest map (Old news)

>Latest cinematic

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/21013135
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Hana posting is actively discouraged on /owg/
>Olivia and Orisa are far better waifus

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

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Please don't do this. I want to rank up to diamond.

Tracer is best waifu.

Proud member of the Torbjorn Initiative, reporting in.

Tracer is for _____

God, I genuinely not had as much fun as joining the Torbjorn initiative in a very long fucking time

Tongue punching

What happened to teleporteur posters?

xth for bullying widow mains


Muhammad. Enjoy being a slave to the muslim cock.


Tracer's coming to town!

Was just wondering because I remember the arcade rewards resetting in the middle of the day so maybe ranked was like that as well

I wonder who's behind this post

Torbjorn is literally the single most dangerous character in Mystery Heroes besides Mercy, yet nobody focuses him ever.

Yeah, apparently they are reworking rez itself so it isn't too OP.
Still doesn't address the fact that she has a 20 second long, hypermobile, nigh immortal, tiny hitbox simultaneous 50m range Transcendence and Supercharger for her ult. Or the fact that in her normal form she is easily the hardest to kill hero in the game with the speed of a Rein charge up to 30m away on a 2 second cooldown-but hey it's a small indie dev team we are working with here. What do you expect?

is deathmatch always filled with mcreeeeeee? just played my first match of it.


Junkratspam, Genji killstealing and Soldier sniping is much more prevalent, but yes most of the DPS heroes excel in a mode which is based on DPSing anything that moves

well, I got to third with fathog but there wasn't a reaper, so I guess I was lucky

His kit is very duel oriented and works at all but extreme ranges. You'll run into him a lot. It's Junks and Hogs that are retarded in FFA, but that's the nature of FFA.

Don't forget that one retard in 7th playing roadhog who you just have to ignore because he isn't worth your time.

ze enemi haz a telepörtör

How viable is Chinese war criminal (Mei) on FFA?

>Ignoring Hogs
>Ignoring literal ult charge served with a fine wine and a dessert
If nobody esle is around, doing some trash damage to a Hog is always useful

Mid tier.

They should remove Ults desu
And add more POTG intros
Tired of seeing D.va taking selfies of >her Robot..thing, blowing up

Depends. Most of the time your freezes will get killstolen. She also does horribly for cc and her ult is stolen by other players taking her freezes again.

She's alright, I guess, but characters with better range and hitscan will at the least force her to wall off/retreat. Her defenses are easily baited, so unless she gets a good jump on someone the worst she can do is try to hit you with those laggy icicles. Most people don't have the timing for projectile + windup. She's not BAD in that mode but there are better options if your aim is half decent.

Sombra's the sleeper in FFA. You speed up the match by denying everyone health packs, so deaths come faster. You have good mobility, escapes, and stealth to bide your time. All weakened foes are shown to you, so you can freely KS cripples (who can't use health packs) and duelists. She's not Tracer, she's an opportunist. Play her like one. Enjoy the salt.

Bnet /owg/ group invites :
blizzard.com/invite/kVwBCEEn EU
blizzard.com/invite/dJLlxsxMm NA

>people complaining about KS in FFA

the salt and anger feed me.

just freeze people and leave
you won't win but you might actually have fun

> 13k healing on lucio

I dunno. I like the healing/damage beam since I played medic in TF2. Never cared for Res since faggots whine about it all the fucking time. New changes just make it more of a pain in the ass.

that's nothing, noob. i get 20k on mercy every game

>on mercy

for lucio it's doing pretty well my man

Is this some Cliffy B Lawbreakers scheme?


playing, because she is a hero in a video game; in other words, she is not real.

I don't get it

Overwatch is, without exaggeration, the most broken piece of shit game I've seen in my life.

>Mystery heroes
>Switch when die
>If they never die they never switch
>3 Mercy's and 2 Tanks just don't seem to die
Well colour me surprised

what are the chances that south korea wins it all without even using mercy in a single game?

>it's another "I get a team full of diamonds who've never ever so much as sniffed Master despite being 3900" episode
Fucking love this episode.

i can feel the salt from here

u retards just got trolled so hard lel

>d.va has 2 lives
>roadhog is unkillable
>zen has a get out of jail free ult
>mercy has a get out of jail free ult
>infinite second lives if someone manages to die

>people who doesn't want to stay on the point

50%, either they will or they won't

>literally just read you can have action taken against you for using voice lines in "harassing or threatening ways"
what the FUCK

if I could refund this fucking garbage I would

death is too hardcore for this game

They'll start off with their standard Torb/Symm/Orisa/Doom/Bastion/Ana insultcomp, but if they ever see a scenario where they lose more than 5% on first point they'll switch to Mercy

No doubt Blizz will use a SKorean Mercyless win as justification to say that Mercy is balanced fine in plebplay

>vs 6 dps meme comp
>push A cos theyre fucking about at our spawn
>actually cant push B because bitchmade snipers who cant make any picks even with a mercy on them 24/7

uninstalling see you when F2P.

What's season 7 going to be bros?

>in 3-stack with friends
>having fun even though the QP games tend to be more tryhard since we're put against Masters and GM's
>other friend wants to join but also wants to invite their friend
>their friend is nice but is Silver as a Mercy main and isn't very good at her, let alone other heroes
>games become unenjoyable because Silver-bro constantly feeds/resurrects one person when the teamfight is lost/has poor positioning in general

Makes me feel like shit for not wanting to play with them, but my other 2 friends felt the same way and we all bounced after a handful of games. Anyone else experienced this? I don't wanna tell them how to play but at the same time, they make games harder than they need to be because of their bad decision making.



SKorean stomping will soon be a highlight of Blizzcon, to the tier of redshirtguy

Real question is, who is going to come second?

Post you season 6 high and season 6 final

Platinum scrub here

High SR 2901
Final SR 2504

I’ve been platinum for every season except season 1 when I was rank 60 diamond

>put voicelines in the game
>limit amount that someone can use their voiceline
>threaten to ban people for using them in a way the game allows
this is some next level shit

>Junkrat deals more burst damage at close range than Reaper
>Junkrat has better mobility than Reaper

I want to give Angela a nice relaxing back rub after her long day at work!

I want to cook her favorite meal for her and then tuck her into bed so she's rested for the next day!

Probs going to be another Mercy, but it could just be the 4th Dive in a row depending on how harsh the '''upcoming Mercy '''''''''''''''''''''''''nerfs'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' are and how much the new hero hits the meta. Any healer will shake the meta up a bit, a decently thought out Tank might change somethings around, a DPS will do fuck all to the meta.

As a bong myself I'd say
>UK W Sweden L
>Canada W Auzzie L
>France W China L (Chinese VISA's are fucked so they have a new team)

>UK W Canada L

And finally, the inevitable

If you lose games, you'll get easy games as you climb back up. Don't sweat losing a few now, forced 50% will help you later

Matchmaking is broken when you have too wide of skill gaps in groups. I can't play with my QP friends on my main account otherwise we have a 90% loss rate. Not kidding. I lose 10 games in a row and still don't see the "finding a more balanced game" message. Instead they put two GM DPS mains on the enemy team against my team of golds and silvers.

My friends ended up buying me a third Overwatch account, this one exclusively for playing with them.

Read the OP image. Join the initiative

I've been a diamond surfer since the beginning, but I finally got info Masters this season, even though people call this the worst season no I don't main mercy or any other support

>high 3622
>final 2480

Here's your 3 stack for tonight!

>absolutely shitter as sniper
Why can't I be a good sniper so I can main my waifu?

>Match loading
>Match doesn't load
>Gets stuck on this screen
>Can literally do nothing, not even leave
>Suddenly, "You will be kicked if you remain inactive"

Good game.

>2 dive heroes and a stat hero
>Literal waifufags
Well looks like it's time to drop some SR

Is this some rare Widow x Reaper shipping I see?

>attempt to start reading this
>'guise in 10 years you'll see OW is pretty good, you'll understand'
>closes tab

I've been at 3499 SR for most of my Overwatch career. Finally got the promotion and ended at Master last season. This season, without the -200 SR adjustment on placement I was able to get a career high.


Murdered by Kaplan

Is it even possible to be consistent with Hanzo? Sometimes I'm like a god, I look like Wraxu, go 15-1, every arrow is a crit, Scatter murders anyone in my line of sight every 10 seconds, my ult always finds 3 guys, etc.
Then other days I can't even kill reliably with Scatter.

>Watch developer update
>"We're here to talk about e-sports"

Yeah fuck off.


I noticed a slight error in this image. I fixed it.


would getting rid of jeff help? i mean you cant call that balanced and its frankly embarassing even by league standards of balancing

Where are the bulges? I don't think you've fixed it at all

almost GMasters and when I'm playing a healer everyone is still doing the "too pussy to push/dive/engage meta" until overtime, r u srs I mean this is basically a glorified dress up game but c'mon aren't we all suicidal why is everyone afraid of fighting ffs... if I'm on DPS/tank only the tanks and Mercy go in while idiot DPS off on the flank of their life as well? well we still won alot of games today actually just an observation I noticed. Sorry if it applies to anyone here.

>would getting rid of jeff help?

I dunno but I just want him gone. He is clearly not right for Overwatch. Also if we want to go into League comparisons, LoL has like a hundred fucking characters and they manage to do a balance patch, for everybody, like bi-weekly. Overwatch has 25 and they can only do 2-3 characters every month.

It's just pathetic.

>Junkrat is teabag proof because the kids that pick him would get mad at such a thing

all makes sense now

>Hana posting is actively discouraged on /owg/

I mean you can. You won't because you're a fucking pussy.

best girl can

Ana LOVES taking pictures of her boys.

>Tell Zarya to bubble you
>Teabag Junkrat while bubbled

Everybody wins.

I really doubt UK would win against much of those other teams they are kinda lucky. USA would normally make it to finals if they weren't playing SK straight away.

I main Bloo to git gud at sniping I don't give a fuck if fillbois mind.

old man soldier looks like he has a tumor on his face

Only enough to buy one skin:
Van Helsing Mcree or Dragon Symmetra /owg/?