Based on history and the design of the office, how powerful is the US president, really?
Based on history and the design of the office, how powerful is the US president, really?
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Are you kidding?
He's the leader of the arguably most power military in the world and has direct access to thousands of Hydrogen Bombs
but does he really?
I mean really?
there are a lot of links in the chain behind the process of launching a nuke, he can't really do it in a wanton manner as many people like to think
Up until the New Deal, not all that much
Even nowadays, the President is technically weaker than Congress, but he has more power than most likely was originally intended
In terms of coming up with laws they aren't that powerful. They can stop things that they don't like but in order to get any sort of lasting change they need congress since Executive Orders can be stricken down fairly easily. The big power of the President is in diplomacy/foreign policy where they negotiate on behalf of the nation and can deploy troops/weapons wherever they want for a while before congress can do anything about it.
Domestically, the president is weaker than Congress.
Internationally, the president has a lot of sway. They're the commander in chief of the strongest military on the planet and the global economy hinges on US policy.
You are fucking retarded. The president has unilateral nuclear authority.
Domestic not that powerful.
Internationally he has power.
in theory yes.
do you really think all the middle men along the way would obey if POTUS just rolled out bed one morning and decided to incinerate France?
things aren't always a straight shot in any setting with more than three people, friendo.
Probably. The US military and France aren't exactly best buds. You'd have a better point if you said someone scary or relevant like Russia and Britain respectively.
>inb4 assblasted Frankwanks
let's just say if you have a billion dollars but nothing is for sale you have as much spending power as a hobo
For the record, there is a whole one person between POTUS and the key turners.
but if they also have control of congress and supreme court like they will now then things could change
any good past examples for that?
FDR. He pummeled every bill that he wanted through... except the one that let him pack SCOTUS legally (ultimately didn't matter, he bullied members until they retired and then replaced them).
He has the power to dictate his nations Navy, which can only be rivaled by every other nation on earth combining together.
If the Congress cucks him, there's not much he can do.
>Anglos thinking they're still relevant
France has higher chances of retaliating too.
>if POTUS just rolled out bed one morning and decided to incinerate France
we can only dream
t. anglo
As did LBJ
There was a time when the Democrats were actually a force to be reckoned with compared to the modern day useless impotent fucks that only serve as a speed bump against the Republicans.
no by far r putin is the most powerful military leader on earth
the us president need congress to mobilize declare war etc
xi and putin dont he just do what they please
The nuclear code for most fast response systems was 00000000 for a long time in case communication was ever cut off.
Tbh, now it's probably 00000001
the delusion is strong
nah theya rent that stupid
its 999999999
France is our autistic uncle. Even though they hate us, we'll always protect them.
They are relevant enough. They sent 45,000 riflemen to iraq during it's invasion.
kys ameritrump
Settle down Lindybeige.
More powerful than the founders intended.
He has absolute command and control over the entire US Marine Corps for 90 days without having anyone gainsay his actions.
Any idea what the Corps can do in 90 days?
again people overestimate what absolute control really means, there needs to be a certain consensus behind it in the chain of command, in practical terms it would be very difficult for a POTUS to go completely batshit and actually have Marines invade Iceland for no reason
As president you can't do much without considering several influencial powers.
Unless you want to end like Kennedy.
You don't get it.
POTUS says invade Iceland, the USMC invades Iceland.
You don't get it.
Insane POTUS says invade Iceland and the commandant tells him to fuck off and start taking meds.
>Any idea what the Corps can do in 90 days?
call in airstrikes and then blown up by IEDs?
People like to think politicians who are elected for one or two terms run the country when the reality is that the bureaucrats who have over 20+ years experience in their departments are the ones who run nation and if those bureaucrats receive orders they don't like, they'll find away to ignore it or slow the process to a slugs pace until the next election season.