Best upset ever?
Best upset ever?
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no, leicester being crowned champions was
this one caused many butthurt back in the day
Yeah. I hope the media learn a lesson not to racebait, genderbait, 'muh stocks fall' shill. etc. and use scaremongering tactics.
That'll do America, that'll do.
that was absurd desu. 1999 Rams are up there as well. but thats not Veeky Forums
>'muh stocks fall' shill
>being this retarded
equity being wiped off on trading exchanges that rapidly means that people's pensions and 401ks are in serious peril, not to mention their future employment and the economy in general
No, it was extremely close. What's 4 years (less if he gets impeached) this just delays us by 5 years.
Maybe we will get a congressional majority out of this.
Stop being retarded and racist and we will :^)
Why does the winning side say this shit every election? Both sides use fear tactics every time because they're effective and emotional dumbfucks like you will buy into it every time without realizing it.
>candidate openly calls for banning an entire religious group, putting them in internment camps and/or deporting them
>media calls this bigotry (which it is)
>supporters chimp out and claim 'racebait'
>candidate openly brags about groping women for the keks
>media calls this sexism (which it is)
>supporters chimp out and claim 'genderbait'
Fuck off, (((Bloomberg News))). You said the same thing with Brexit and look what happened. You aren't fooling anyone now. Even the blacks are waking up.
>muh raycist muh retard voters
Yeah, no. Maybe you don't have any heart nor connection anymore to your kin because of your getting used to the """international""" """"diverse"""" communities, right? Just because you are a self-hating white doesn't mean everyone else must do the same. Globalist leftist cabals BTFO, your time will end.
>wanting to have a safe country from terrorism
>secludes a particular group not because its identity
>bigotry raaaycsim
>makes a joke and provokes some people
>retards got baited and mad
Go shoot yourself. Your soul will certainly please KEK Almighty.
>You said the same thing with Brexit and look what happened.
Yes, look what happened indeed you stupid cuck.
Pic related.
>trying to explain economics or finance to Trumptards
these idiots don't even understand basic concepts, like how the interest rate affects inflation
it's why the idiot they elected actually promised to cut the interest rate (not that he actually has the power to do that)
After he audits the fed, he will
You don't even try to hide anything now, do you?
republican president AND house AND congress
i bet they're panicking over there
Financial audit =/= policy setting
The president doesn't have the authority to direct the Fed to set specific interest rates you stupid nigger.
>too stupid to understand
>resorts to memeing
Celebrations in Riyadh OTOH
Literally no arguments here.
>The president doesn't have the authority
But he will. Your last bastion of profiting from the whole nation will be undone. He'll burn down the Fed. Can't stump the Trump.
Damn right. Look at all these butthurt leftists. (((Economists and think-tanks))) are panicking because they'll lost their job soon, as nobody will get shilled anymore. We are waking up.
trump is already surrounding himself with mainstream republicans - chris christie, john bolton(Bushboo), newt gingriech
BUSH 2.0 incoming, every branch of government will be republican, even the supreme court
obamacare will die, iran deal will die
prepare your anus
I love watching retards mock leftists while making less eloquent versions of MUH PROLETARIAT VS BURGOISIE statements. Retarded blue collar drones will never learn.
>I hope the media learn
Yeah right.
I literally don't care abuot anything besides getting immigrants out
nothing will remain viable in america if we have millions of muslims and a 40% mexican population
socialist medecine, pro business, I literally dont give a FUCK.
get 'em out if they're darker than a tortilla
Doggies winning the premiership was better t b h.
>letting your currency take a shotgun blast to the face just to send a message of how shit the EU is
Britain once again putting themselves in harms way to save Europe.
Will we ever get the thanks we deserve or will the French keep crying for all eternity?
hmmm do you know what this word means?
>getting immigrants out
kek, you wish
what will happen though is white birth rates will drop due to the shittier economy, not to mention the increase in popularity for liberalism because muh opposition cred
you fucking retard
Muslims are all here legally, blacks are all here legally, and most Latinos are here legally too.
And they all have higher birth rates than whites.
Even if Trump deports 11 million illegal Mexicans, America will still be majority non-white in the near future thanks to birth rates.
He doesn't have the authority to deport actual citizens (Muslims, blacks, legal Hispanics, Asians, etc.) btw.
This is really a benefit for the dems, the right will fuck up everything as usual and come bawling to the good guys.
if obama can bring in 700k muslim terrorists in a year without any vetting, by executive fiat, without support from congress, I'm pretty sure trump can handily remove double that by executive fiat per year, and more with congress
you're underestimating how much we despise brown people
their opinion doesn't matter if they're living in an open sewer on the other side of the wall, and police are given orders to immediately arrest and throw into solitary, any brown person without ID
not to mention sme 20% of all mexicans are literally criminals, and their families are accessories to crime. instant-deportation.
literally more than 60% of the working age mexicans in this country don't have a job
if we merely take away welfare, they will all starve to death if they don't move back to mexico of thei own accord
we'll get 'em out either in a bus, or a hearse. they can choose.
>literally more than 60% of the working age mexicans in this country don't have a job
I'm laughing so hard at you now. None of what you posted was the reason trump won. You pseudo-left wing shills are going to get your comeuppance.
Maybe you will actually go and read das kapital after this.
>if obama can bring in 700k muslim terrorists in a year without any vetting, by executive fiat
>if obama can bring in 700k muslim terrorists in a year without any vetting,
a fucking lie
a white person without ID should be thrown into solitary also, until their ID is delivered
you better have your papers please
Mexicans aren't going anywhere
This actually hurts German exporters you retard
your image negates your point—the GBP was already on a downward trend before brexit, and the peak before the referendum was artificial incentive.
what are you trying to say here?
No, he won because most Americans hate Muslims and other assorted foreigners to the point that they will vote against their actual interests as long as a candidate will get rid of them and Trump capitalized on those feelings. He is a very astute and smart politician.
amnesty for illegals who haven't committed crimes other than being here illegally AND contribute in some way is the best solution
you have literally no argument against that other than "MUH BROWN PEOPLE"
Trump derives his support solely from the fact he's going to get rid of them. Power is finally back in the hands of the people. We will not easily relinquish it.
are you a betting man?
Iranian refugees