/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>FatesGUDAGUDA Order translation

>Halloween Event: Adventures of Screaming Pumpkin Castle!
October 17th 3:59 UTC to November 1st 3:59 UTC

>Halloween Pickup Summon
Date: October 17th, 7:00 UTC - November 1st 3:59 UTC
5* Tamamo No Mae
4* Carmilla, Tamamo Cat
3* Mephistopheles, Darius III
5* CE Little Halloween
4* CE Halloween Arrangement
3* CE Jack-o'-lantern

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: i.imgur.com/ufcB3OP.jpg
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=1447471767

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo

first for my husbando xD

Shuten is the sexiest thing created by type moon

I wait for another 20 AP
I kill Atalante
Silver Chest
I withdraw
I wait for another 20 AP

Do we have any idea why only some characters got their updated animations and sprites in the US version? I really want Drake and Carmilla to get updated. It seems silly to have to wait years for that. Meow.

jack every thread until she can be adopted


Fluffy Servant

The scene in front of me is surreal, as if taken from a dream
Kotomine, the black priest, keeps doing 10 rolls and getting 10 5 star heroes
There's no way this is just luck, he's got to have some sort of magic or artifact that lets him do this
He's not even looking at his phone anymore, and I see another tamamo pop up before the screen shuts off
He sighs, as if this were nothing more than a regular occurrence
"The desire sensor cannot pick anything up from me, for this sort of enjoyment is unknown to my morality. This "gacha" is not exactly "good" but not "evil" enough that I may draw joy from it"
Kirei puts his phone away and looks at me straight in the eye
"How about you, Emiya Shirou"

"Do you want some?"


>Confess my true feelings
>Resist the urge
>Get assassin to steal his account

please.... i just need one heart...

I want to grail Jeanne's armpits and nipples

How many cards did it take to go from 90 to 100? I want to grail someone but I'd rather wait until I stockpile enough cards.

That's a strange way to spell Penthesilea or Nitocris.


What to do now?

>sumanai poster

For a moment there I thought you said Paracelsus.



What is that grey thing on the right? An air purifier?

stock up on exp and then farm MP

he's prime husbando material and no girl can resist a good dragon dicking

What that porno she watching?

It's literally an artifact of the branch that Aniplex forked off from JP in order to begin localization. We may get updates sporadically, depending on how much pressure Aniplex can exert (not much) and how robust the code is to being fucked up by non-consecutive version updates.


Summer Marie

So how does a NEEThime make enough dosh for all that?

What are these onis doing?

Anyone have that picture of banana oni saying she'll do her best with Merlin and Waver in the background?

Tamano and Kiyo send her money.


is kiyohime worth ascending to her black outfit if she's my only zerker? I don't really like her, but she's an alright AoE I guess, right?

Doujins or other artwork probably

She gets orbiters to give her money from her NEETchan forums.

she's a camwhore who sells her used panties.

>worth anything

I hope she draws disgustingly erotic images like Nezumi

How do they make enough dosh to send to her and why?

>Maa-chan vists
>asks for a doujin of himself with her
>is willing to provide her with reference materials and throw in a free mana transfer
How would a neethime respond?

I bet she is a fujo, they always know the secrets to grow money.

Thanks user.

babylon when?
I want Gorgon already

I wanna take that bow off her head and put it on top of a hill with a slow, steady incline so she had to work up a sweat to get it back.

Just got the CE from atalanta last quest, keep trying


Tamano is a goddess. Other people give her money on the hourly. Kiyo is a dragon. She already has hordes of money.

They don't need money because all they want is master. And they're all friends.


stop playing

She's so nice, isn't she? It was back-to-back, too. Almost don't mind that it takes three hearts for her second ascension. Not sure if it means anything, but the original image happened to be 6.66 MB when saved as .png

Anyone else find it hard to get excited for stuff in this game when you already know what's coming?

muh nigga

a little bit, there's no mystery to it, no sense of discovery as things happen. I guess we could stop looking at things, but it's too late at this point.

It's a huge amount, each level can be three to four entire sets of 20 cards in the last couple levels. You'll definitely need a full inventory and second archive to do it all at once.

I want to caress her dumplings

Do I burn the 3 star xp cards from the event shop or should I __just__ use it?

I did it Bros!


What's the best node for Bond Experience RIGHT NOW?

Poor Jannu

enjoy your 300 extra atk

are NEETposters going to be the new cancer here?

you wouldn't fuck a semen demon, right user?
you would, don't you?


I'd much rather her than more Liz

how much longer until we get the lore?


3 days

I don't blame ya. Look at those dumplings. Ripe.

Just because someone's hot, doesn't mean you want to fuck her. in fact if you have power to make girl consent of having sex with you anywhere and anytime you wouldn't use it as often as you would think.

I don't find her attractive in the least. Even if I was going for whores I'd go for Medb first.

if she wears her nun outfit, sure

you're my fucking hero user, guess i am using a few apples after all
please fucking kill me

i burned but i'm also not autistic like some anons around here with 5k prisms and unless you are too you should probably burn the fuck out of those bois

>grinding in fgo
>grinding in destiny
>grinding in FFXIV

boy I sure do love video games

so how many CE drops did /alter/ get?
I got:
1 big cup
2 maids
1 trick or treat

There's literally nothing to grind in ffxiv except crafting.

254 matching gold cards or 305 non-matching. You're better off doing it as soon as you're able rather than all at once.

took fucking forever though

>using any EXP card less than 4*
>using any Fou card less than 3*
These are massive QP sinks. Don't waste QP, ever. All QP costs are determined by the target card's level and rarity PER EACH BURNT CARD regardless of the burnt card's level and rarity.

When does QP start being a problem? I only started recently and I've been at 50m+ for as long as I remember

So many, many servants.
Some with big tits some completely flat, there are plank butts or have them full of fat.
Some are small others are tall, but tell me anons who is the fluffiest of them all?

Do I should burn all the exp cards below 4? The 2 stars only give 10 fucking QP, how is that worth it?

Leveling skills to ten takes a fuckload more qp then ascending servants.



They're worth nothing either way. They're literally just trash.

It only gives you a bit of QP, but using it costs you the same amount of QP that a 4* card would for only a fraction of the gain.

2 cups maids and trick

>Daemon drops a Gold Chest
>EXP Card
I want to strangle whoever approved of that drop.



One skill on a 5* to lvl 10 is a cumulative total of 54.4mil QP.
NP levels have non-trivial costs. That's mostly where I notice it, because I need to ascend more than I need skill cooldowns at this point.

I too, have yet to have a Princess drop for me.

I want to do cute things with Kiara!

This is some reddit tier autism

This meter is atrocious. You don't deserve fluff. Shame. Shame.


Make sure to get plenty of exercise with your servants!

She knows this is bullshit


Is every single event CE going to have these awful rates?

Google gives me Umu if i search for "Nero Claudius".