Hey Veeky Forums, any thoughts on this church? My gf is Adventist and wants me to convert.
Hey Veeky Forums, any thoughts on this church? My gf is Adventist and wants me to convert
Literally who, the religion
Youd be better off Mormon
>adhering to sects
Lmao enjoy getting jewed out of all your money
they have no legitimacy, so they cling to super-snowflake doctrines with no historical backing;
>muh saturday;
>muh sorta-but-noy-by-a-long-shot-Kosher;
>muh soul sleep;
Also, they added another conspiracy-tier prophet after Jesus, and consider themselves the True Church talked about in John's Apocalypse.
Oh yeah, and most of their early theologians were non-trinitarian, and they only adopted trinitarianism due to outside pressure.
So basically its shit?
They still seem like nice people. They get a lot of the important things correct.
>muh saturday
but the sabbath actually is on saturday. Christianity just adopted sunday because it was a pagan holiday
>beliving in god
>still buying in to organized relegion
well i guess some people cant outgrow their imaginary friends
Better choose Orthodoxy
I think there's no Orthodox church were I live (Argentina).
Raised an adventist, dont really like the church
Why? I really need opinions and experiences about this and would be glad to hear about yours.
not him, but don't user. entire senpai is mentally ill now. Cult/10
They're really unclear on whether they're Jews or Christians, and really unclear on whether Jesus is God or Michael the Archangel.
Or, because that's the day Jesus rose from the dead.
Kind of an important event for Christianity.
By the way?
Never convert for a woman's affections.
what if it's my kawaii imouto who wants me to convert to zoroastrianism so we can get married?
I know that lot of russians and ukranians live in Argentina, and sure they have priests, and if you really need usual christian can make you christian
When couples have kids, all of a sudden they realize their vast gulf of belief systems is a deal breaker, and they can't raise their kids with any consistency.
My family was adventist, my grandfather was a pastor in the SDA (now dead). I chose not to get involved after they stopped making me go to church when I was 6.
I would recommend against joining... they are basically a controlling fundamentalist cult.
It's a bad plan to convert for someone else, even if it's a girlfriend. If you both feel it's important to be the same faith, my recommendation would be to find a third way.
My gf and I also felt that it would be important for us to be consistent in our faith. She was raised Catholic and I Southern Baptist. I looked into converting to the Catholic Church, but there were aspects of theology that I couldn't get behind, so it seemed somehow wrong to convert formally just to be able to say I did without really believing.
We searched around and eventually found we both liked the High Episcopal Church, and we've been much happier with that choice than one of us converting to something we didn't really believe in just for its own sake.
>Not to understand that religion is priests' earning of money for stupid show in church
Lots of places in the U.S where people move from other parts of the country are like this. My dad was a northern Catholic, my mom a southern baptist, thus me and my siblings were raised Lutherans, and many of our fellow lutherans have the same story. I hazard an enormous percentage of lutherans and Episcopalian/Anglicans in the US are from such unions
My family who was raised adventist are all depressed, one committed suicide.
It seems to me to be the most logical thing for both parties to come to a mutual agreement that they both agree to. If you don't really believe, OP, but convert anyway, it seems like that would just lead to trouble down the road
That's interesting. What region of the states are you from? My gfs family is also northern Catholic but moved down to the South. Lutheran does also seem like a reasonable compromise between Baptist and Catholic
>It seems to me to be the most logical thing for both parties to come to a mutual agreement that they both agree to. If you don't really believe, OP, but convert anyway, it seems like that would just lead to trouble down the road
I want to convert, but their theology doesnt convince me very much, and wanted to know if at least its "acceptable" tier.
Thats what doesnt convince me, and others things like considering White as profet, their literal understanding of genesis, etc...
From what I understand it doesn't seem too different from general evangelical Protestantism. Trinitarian, substitutionary atonement, and scriptural inerrancy. So if you don't have a problem with conservative evangelical theology then you should be fine. Their insistence on young earth creationism is a little off-putting however.
The only problems I forsee is that, unlike more mainstream Protestants, it's far more of a "community" (to put it nicely). Worship on Saturday, insistence on conversion... they're more in the camp of the Jehovahs Witnesses or Mormons in that aspect than, say, your run of the mill Lutheran
Yeah the Ellen White stuff seems shakey to me too. And their love of YEC began after a later Adventist had a "vision" of Ellen White. Don't think I could get behind that
Hey guys.
I am trying to decide between Orthodoxy and the Lutheranism (Missouri-Synod).
What advice do you guys have for me?
My dad wrote them in when he joined the USMC, he pretty much did all he could to fuck with people during his 20 years of service.
I'd go with Lutheran. Unless you're ethnically Greek or Russian, then it's difficult to integrate into a community of them.
Personally I think High Church Protestant has the most solid community and theology
See, I don't really know too much of their theology, but I am solid on a few issues.
+I am very traditional and conservative.
+I say a Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.) and a Hail Mary (Mary is important to me) every morning. I don't know if that tells you anything.
+I don't believe in the Papacy.
+I believe that Female Ordination is prohibited by the Bible.
+I ask for the saints to pray for me.
I don't know how much that reveals about my theological thoughts, but I hope someone can put that to use and help me find the True Church for me.
All of those qualities could work for either camp really. Lutheranism doesn't seem too different from basic orthodox theology to me, so it may come down to other factors like community. For me the community of believers is also extremely important. It's very very hard to practice a religion solo. I've found that in general Protestant churches (at least where I am in the states) tend to have stronger communities than the Orthodox churches I've been to
Right now, I am also looking into Presbyterianism.
Not sure where they stand on those issues.
>being any kind of protestant.
Either Orthodox or Catholic tbqh.
They don't really care that much about Saints, and Mary is diminished in importance.
Adventist here, born and raised. I'll try and provide some insight.
The flavor of Adventism you get is going to vary from church to church, and from region to region. Some are more conservative while others are more laid back about stuff. This mostly comes into play with regard to how they take the writings of Ellen White, who is considered a kind-of-sort-of prophet but not in par with Biblical authority (the Bible basically is the ultimate authority in Adventism). She herself was insistant about throwing her words the fuck out if they contradicted scripture. She actually gave some pretty good advice for her time, but whether most of it was just that vs eternal principles is where you get most of your liberal/conservative divide. Fair warning: Adventists can be a judgemental lot amongst ourselves. I don't like it, shit's hypocritical, but it seems almost in the blood sometimes. On the other hand the community is exceptionally strong and I'm always astounded how many fellow Adventists know each other. Plus you'd be hard pressed to find a church that won't have a potluck going on every Saturday after church.
Going to bed, just thought I'd throw this out there. If the thread is still going tomorrow I can probably answer questions.
What do you think as an Adventist about Ellen White? And your position about the literal interpretation of genesis?
>going to hell
t. reddit
I've read that the community aspect can sometimes be almost too intense. Like the community is TOO close-knit. Did it ever feel cult-like? I've read similar reports from ex Jehovahs Witnesses and Mormons, did you find Adventists to be similar to them?
>going to hell for being a proto sjw
I think Ellen White got enough stuff right that at least some divine revelation was involved. Though if I understand right, she wasn't always sure what she put to pen was 100% inspired. She was only human, after all, hence the whole "throw me out" contingency. I also think that some of her advice is still very useful but other pieces are definitely built for ye olden days. The big debate in Adventism is which parts are which.
As for the Genesis thing, I still haven't nailed down my stance completely. Mostly because of the spiritual implications. Sin is bad because it equals death, and the whole point of Christ's dying on the cross bit was so that people could (ultimately) escape that consequence. But the evolutionary process demands that shit dies constantly, so apparently death must have existed before sin. In that case the whole cross thing kind of loses its point. Not sure how most other Christians get around that.
I have spent a lot of time liberal, conservative, and mid-spectrum Adventist environments. What I can tell you is that the closer you get to the conservative end, the more community judgement you will feel. "Cultish" is the wrong word; you're looking for "puritanistic." Technically, dogma is considered bad and you're encouraged to search the scriptures yourself. More often, there end up being "right" and "wrong" conclusions. If you don't live according to those very strict principles, expect to experience some level of silent disapproval. You're not ostracized from the community and people will still talk to you and invite you over for potluck, but they'll also talk behind your back.
Mid-spectrum Adventists typically live-and-let-live outside of certain odd issues, like what kind of instruments to play in church and whether or not it's okay to wear jewelry. Because more diversity of preference and opinion is allowed to happen for most issues, the odd clashes can be intense.
Liberal Adventism generally doesn't give a fuck.