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YGO General #2633
Junk Collector When Edition

Last thread: ● YGOPro is an automated simulator. There is NO ETA for Links on Percy.
>YGOPro (Windows): mediafire.com/file/nlcz47swc8bl4af/ygopro-1.033.D-Percy.exe
>YGOPro (Mac): mediafire.com/file/6vvclua195urlb9/ygopro-1.033.D-Percy.dmg
>YGOPro (Linux): github.com/cromerc/ygopro
>High Quality YGOPro Images: mega.nz/#F!v9Q2HRLQ!uml9auMK9hu8m9gwdyMufA
● G2pro is also an automated simulator that currently has Links. You will have to download images separately, and will have to re-download for updates.
>G2pro (Windows): mediafire.com/file/dvzkn3ya9bs4fmy/g2pro.zip
>Image folder (contains CaC)mediafire.com/file/b85jlyfssbyna4m/images.zip
● Duelingbook is a manual simulator with no judges or databased rulings

Useful Websites:
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: yugioh.party/
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: yugiohprices.com/

>OCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:
Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 2 (November 11th)
●OCG: LINK VRAINS PACK (November 25th)
●OCG: Structure Deck: Powercode Link (December 9th)
●OCG: LINK VRAINS Box (December 23rd)
●OCG: Flames of Destruction (January 13th)
●OCG: Rarity Collection (February 10th)

●TCG: Structure Deck: Cyberse Link (November 3rd)
●TCG: Spirit Warriors (November 17th)
●TCG: Wave of Light Structure Deck (January 19th)
●TCG: Extreme Force (February 2nd)
●TCG: Legendary Duelists 2 (February 23rd)
Traditional banlist and Duel Links discussion as well as Tag Force also allowed.

Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 waifu faggotry

It wasn't links that killed yugioh it was me.

Threadly reminder to run Dark Law in all DARK decks, including Blackwings to consistently stay relevant

not worth my you

>Mask change 2 on a gofu token

>hitting graveyard
Not only are you responding to a tripfag, but you are being wrong too.

reported for bullshit thread generals numbers and purposely fucking up generals. We know it's you Blue, you made the trip with your name on last time.

Good job, now we wait for the thread to die randomly and we have 4 retards make em all at the same time.


I hate what Tewart did to the deck. I haven't had fun with a deck in years as much as True Draco. I don't even care about Master Peace, I liked the 4 tribute monsters. Fuck me.

Fate of the TCG mate, they like to be contrarian and do what the OCG doesn't.
>Gofu still alive
>Level Eater still alive
>Stratos still dead
>Denglong completely dead
>Zoo axed quicker
>DDD untouched
>Omega still alive
>Card Destruction, Monster Reborn, Morphing Jar still hit

Same. But I realize why it needed to be hit.

All the deck needed hit was Master Peace to 0 along with Litho. Instead, let's keep the secret rare at 3 goy but shred every other part of the deck.

Do people still use Kaiju engine or has it been powercreeped?

some bans i still get but some other ones are just absurd
like every deck has 40 ways to mill themselves, summon from graveyard and negate every possible avenue of attack
yet fucking monster reborn is banned. even red-eyes can summon their entire graveyard with a normal goddamn trap card and a few effects. but no dude fuck monster reborn

No, the rest was pretty fucking stronk too. Drawing 4 each turn just for playing normally was insane.

You draw 3 cards then what? You can't xyz with the tribute monsters and VFD is kaiju bait. The deck has no other play.

>You can't xyz with the tribute monsters
Yes you can? And why are you summoning VFD in True Draco? The Dracos and Kangz work best as separate decks.

denglong is getting killed as soon as link vrains pack drops

Home come Junk Collector (8 years) and Shuttleroid (10 years) STILL haven't been imported into the TCG? They're the oldest OCG-exclusive cards that actually have an effect.

Can we go back to the topic of the poor sales being confirmed? I feel like it would enlighten more people here and have some eyes opened, and actually spark discussion in this dead game

>Running Denko in Magical Musketeers

I think they waited too long and now they just don't know when to do it.

Mobage is the future

We JUST got roid support holy shit. Is Kevin Tewart an idiot?

Grand Mole is limited.
What does this tell you?

That Magma Neos should get a reprint anyday now

>Grandmole at 3
>Kaijus become alot more splashable

I mean it wasn't?

>Implying Kaijus aren't already as splashable as Twin Twisters or Raigeki.
>Implying people would waste their NS on Grand Mole to bounce 1 card and have no backup in 2017.

Are heroes good? Would they become Tier 1 if Stratos comes back?

No and no

Ignore the tripfag shill

Oh god guys, it was on reddit too.

Claim your ace.


who is this scrub?


This should've been the cover card of EXFO instead of Excode Talker, anime be dammed.

Isnt September 2016 when Rat was released

Revealed not released


We still have denialfags, such as Pic related
I agree, vrains is garbage


Yugioh will never die faggot, no matter how much you hate it.

See you in a couple years, possibly 1

Until the nukes drop, they will never stop printing cards.

Now you're moving the goalposts. Thanks for saving me the time to do that myself

The world will end before Yugioh does. That's not moving goalposts retard.

You did it again user. You said yugioh will never die and now you are giving a time of death for it

If its any consolation, it means you will die the same time as Yugioh.

So what's the final verdict on this card?

That is perfectly fine. I still win

>Playing Desires when everyone runs 3 Ash Blossom

No. You'll be dead, and I'll be dueling.

It is ok. Ash blossom just ruins 70% of the game
Nuh uh. Dead man can still win. Just look at Michael Jackson

it's -1 then, it still good because you thinned 10 useless cards from your deck

I don't remember them burying MJ with a harem of children.

>Ash blossom just ruins 70% of the game
Maybe 70% of the game shouldn't be searching

Just maindeck Thunder King

h-how is it a -1 if the opponent is dropping his ghost ash, its a 0

Holy kek
Sure let's just play topdeck.dek for 40 turns
Its actually -$75 since he discarded a $75 card


Sure let's just play all 40 cards in my deck execute the same combo for 1-2 turns.


In all my years of Veeky Forums(I joined in 2004) i have never seen someone with this much autism. I send prayers to everyone you meet and you.

How and why and for what purpose

Enlighten me on these techs

That's not Marzipan.


naruto is alright trip.

why would I run crystrons in blue-eyes? Dump tripposter.

3+9 is 13 so no dice.

What's your favorite equip card?

Yugituber ChateauChat got arrested.


Both Ace and Cardfu

fuck off trip

any infernoid players here? what's the best build right now? is hydralancer ass?


literally who?

Some autistic Madolche yugituber who makes hate comments and is hated by the yugituber community.

From what I can tell, the easiest way to make this happen is to summon Gofu, use Gofu and a Token to make Needlefiber, use Needlefiber to summon a Stone, Special Summon Alternative by revealing stock Blue-Eyes, Sync with the Stone for Spirit Dragon, Set Overdrive, pass, banish Needlefiber sometime during your opponent's turn for Tatsunoko, then use Limit Overdrive to summon Blazar.
At best that's a 4 card combo. But as unreliable as this sounds, it's dank enough to make me want to try it.

Empolo is a yugituber

When is dpygo going to jail?

He and rank10ygo are the only good "yugitubers" though

You're absolutely right, although dpygo can be pretentious as fuck.

>Liking reddit10

Fuck off Rata.

rata here

Not getting my you lad
Welcome to burgerland, where a shooting occurs once a month
That's not me, and dont hate northwemko fag
Nobody hates Empole
It's just an option I want
Dont insult rata or I will kick your butt

>mfw topdecking desires and then topdecking the only 2 cards I needed to win

Not even a trip and rude.
>jannu is an infernoid player
I dont know how to feel about this.

>rank10 was trip all along
Really made me unsub.

Man you faggots are paranoid and think anyone relevant is me, its like Im on /pol/

You wish you were as cool as based trainman.

Who the fuck is trainman

rata here

I wish I was as cool as based trainman.

>wake up
>locals is in another country
How do I play yugioh now?

Go to that country?

It's a warzone outside.

Put on a coat and bring an umbrella.