Is language our true fatherland?
Is language our true fatherland?
I speak 3 languages, does that mean i have 3 fatherlands?
Shouldn't English be green?
No, but it certainly is part of our cultural identity and gives or takes the opportunity to communicate with different groups of people.
That's a shit map. Low German is missing completely.
Nice meme
Would great fluency be enough to consider it your fatherland our does the language need to be the most dominantly used?
Lel, isnt it Galician?
Ethnicity is. Language is simply an integral part of it.
Way too much representation for a dead language
>that cute serbo-croatian in the north and west of macedonia
>tfw no makedonsko devojce to cuddle with
Why live senpai?
It is
Fucking estranxeiros
When did language become such an important part of nationalism? Back in the day many languages were spoken in the same territory but these days language is one of the pillars of modern day separatisms. Enlighten me Veeky Forums
Language is vital part of an ethnic identity. Why do you think every country in the former Yugoslavia made it's own "language" that is almost the same as other such languages.
Language dictates the way in which we express ideas. It is easier to form a common identity within a nation and to make a clear separation between that one and others if each nation has its own language and the language is regulated by the state. That's why Low German and tons of other "minority" languages were essentially driven to extinction in the course of nationalist movements.
>That's why Low German and tons of other "minority" languages were essentially driven to extinction in the course of nationalist movements.
Some were even supressed, such was the case in France and the UK. In North-America the (Amer)Indians were also punished for speaking their own language.
Not just the indians. US government put heavy penalties on German speakers during World War 1. The German language went from the second most spoken to virtually non-existant in a very short amount of time.
>that's all italian
this thread neglects how much the dash for standardization in the 18th and 19th centuries along with mass literacy united various disparate and sometimes unintelligible dialects under the umbrella of one language tho desu
t. Switzerland
It is still happening everywhere around the world. I met a young Kurdish man from Syria who said he was forbidden to use Kurdish in his homeland, hence he was much more proficient in Arabic.
great meme map m8
UK did the same with Welsh, although they eventually stopped
Yes. Any language is an ordering of concepts and prejudices by certain signifies, and while some languages are superficially translatable, they're always translated within the terms of the "collective unconscious" of the language itself.
The truly great project that must be undertaken by today's states, at least those that want to become great nations, is that of consciously shaping their language, and thus making the unconscious an authentic reflection of the will of the state.
Fuck off, Big Brother
>all that k*rdish in iraq/syria
>no assyrian
>eventhough armenian is included in areas that got wiped out of any armenians almost a century ago by k*rds
guess the map makers are covering up the inevitable extermination of christian assyrians by the k*rds to make it seem like they never lived there in the first place
They also did that with Italian in Matla and memed the Maltese language into existence.
Except the British government now spends millions trying to preserve Welsh, Scots Gaelic and Irish, etc.
Didn't know Danzig still spoke German
great post there emil cioran
White Russian is just Belarusian no? Not true Russian
Welsh is nice and alive by comparison with Irish or Scots Gaelic
Not really senpai. It's civilisational ethos and race.
True. Welsh blows every other Celtic language out the water.
Scots Gaelic is surprisingly alive too.
The one you dream in
>dumb roachposter speaking of genocide. Kurdish is the 57 most spoken language, the map is accurate.
A language is a dialect with an army and a navy, after all.