Guys, Points of Interest about Czechoslovakia?
That country doesn't even exist
literally no such thing
This is a history board you mongrels
I don't know much, i know that it's was the best communist country (oxymoron, i know, you know what i mean by that). It was either on top or in some categories neck and neck with Yugoslavia when it came to quality of life.
I know that the Czechoslovak legion held the railroad
That's about it.
I really like the Czechs, i find Bohemia fascinating, and Prague is imo the best looking city in Europe bar Florence.
I know the eastern block crushed them when they tried to be free.
well you gotta be more specific OP
i find the First Republic period most interesting - fledgling democracy, top industry, ideals of the legions and post-monarchistic republicans... but also darker hints of market capitalism, old-boy networks around masaryk, and the looming threat of germany
the socialist era was twice as long but only half as interesting imo, sure there was ebb and flow and ups and downs - compare the nothing short of stalinist fifties to the socialism with a human face of the 60s - but the backdrop of godless gommies permeates it 2much4me
Man, fuck communists. Seriously, they have destroyed this (my) country. Not in economical terms, but morally.
Nobody cares about anything but himself and his own well-being. Everybody steals as much as he can, because "if you don't stal from the state you're robbing your family" - this is literally an adage over here - nobody goes to elections aside from old people that wish communism would come back.
The first republice way by no means perfect, but it sure as fuck way Vetter. The people here are ruined, no values, no pride, no belief. It's sort of cool because you will have a hard time finding a nationalist here (aside from few retards - the loudest anti-immigrant politician is Tomio Okamura, I swear to good I am not lying).
History is tun though, especially the Hussites.
hussities were gay xD
>fuck communists
t. butthurt catholic that got BTFO multiple times by peasants
Literally the best time of Czech history desu
Communists. There were local communists, too, you know? Trying to blame it all at Russians is just denying own responsibility.
>Nobody cares...
> Everybody steals...
>The people here are ruined, no values, no pride, no belief.
Please speak for yourself. Also does it not strike you as funny that the one person displaying no pride or belief in this thread is you?
>There were local communists, too, you know?
Who couldn't have done much if not for Russian tanks unless I am mistaken.
>Literally the best time of Czech history desu
t. Lojza Jirásek
But he's right.
>Free from pope in Rome
>Glorious at the field of battle
Okič je napůl Čech, umí česky, kde je problém?
A nechápu proč je divný, že je ostražitej vůči muslimům a céčkům.
Spíš problém je, že všichni jako on jsou kokoti, kteří neumí postavit pořádnou politickou platformu.
Riches were plundered by the civil war
As much as ISIS is nowadays
>Free from pope in Rome
being edgy is not exactely the best foreign policy
>Glorious at the field of battle
What good is military tactic, good enough to defeat hundred thousand men strong crusade without taking a single casulty, when not employed in conquest?
ve vetsine evropy rasi renesance, kvete umeni a poznani
a u nas radi obcanska valka, polo-lapkove husiti a rozvoj jde do kytek
par stoleti nato je zneuzijou komunisti a vtloukaj lidem do hlavy, jak byli husite uzasni
a do dneska jim to lidi nekriticky zerou
>ve vetsine evropy rasi renesance, kvete umeni a poznani
Květena umění a poznání měla na svědomí reformaci, včetně Mgr. Jana Husa a později knihtiskem disponujícího M. Luthera.
>par stoleti nato je zneuzijou komunisti a vtloukaj lidem do hlavy, jak byli husite uzasni
Romantizace Husitství je věcí nacionalismu, komunistům se nepodařilo vtlouct lidem do hlav více než bylo vtlučeno v 19. století.
>Riches were plundered by the civil war
Nations tend to recover from war.
>As much as ISIS is nowadays
Which is quite relevant, no?
>being edgy is not exactely the best foreign policy
They still deserve praise for it, like individuals standing up against Tyranny at the risk of their own well being.
>What good is military tactic, good enough to defeat hundred thousand men strong crusade without taking a single casulty, when not employed in conquest?
Good if all you wish to do is to live in peace and not force your way onto others unlike what the Catholics wanted.
Can you please talk in English?
oh not that
>muh socialism with human face
again. Just because two communist fractions are arguing and the regime is - as was most of the time, aside from few wtf moments in the 50s - quite free (compared to rest of the eastern block) doesn't mean that the commies had small support or anything like that. Aside from those very well-known authors and disidents, most of the country agreed with how things were going. Had Russians (in this case it was the Russians indeed, the others joined them because they had to) realized that no matter how our little internal dispute would end we wouldn't have seceded from the communism and the East it would have been much worse for us desu, this way we "realized" how bad that thing actually is.
t. student of history
Even though the people had hard times (as they allways do in tiems of war) it is, without a doubt, the most interesting time period in our history. It is arguable how big effect this "little shit-tier country fighting off literally everyone" had on future protestants and their respective movements (and generally any anti-establishment movements) but even if none, it was still really interesting and the battles are among the most unique (as someone else has pointed out in a different thread) Europe has seen.
The problem is that his arguments are simply wrong. There are ways of arguing against immigration logically and ways that use emotion and frustration of the people - he's using the latter and doesn't even seem to comprehend that the first one is a valid course of action.
>Riches were plundered by the civil war
Yeah, that's what happens when you have a civil war
>As much as ISIS is nowadays
Do you even know where the country lies? Being part of the HRE and generally of "Europe" is a bit different position than being a sandnigger terrorist somewhere in Syria where nobody really gives a shit about you.
>when not employed in conquest?
"The Glourious rides" - Spanilé jízdy.
>Nations tend to recover from war.
But it takes time and leaves you vulnerable.
>Which is quite relevant, no?
It's the boogeyman everyone hates. Not a good thing.
>They still deserve praise for it, like individuals standing up against Tyranny at the risk of their own well being
Communist did the same, but I would not praise them.
>Good if all you wish to do is to live in peace and not force your way onto others unlike what the Catholics wanted.
Ain't nobody giving shit about peace, we are talking about medieval Europe. Such spooky concepts like non-aggression principle will only lead to your downfall.
šůr fink bad
I am anything but non-critical towards the Hussites, but that doesn't mean it wasn't the best shit this country has ever produced in terms of actually interesting history desu
And about communists >being edgy is not exactely the best foreign policy
Well they didn't really have many options, did they. And in the end it proved quite a valid tactic after all. Just considering how long it took Europe to deal with such a small problem should prove that they did something right.
>The problem is that his arguments are simply wrong. There are ways of arguing against immigration logically and ways that use emotion and frustration of the people - he's using the latter and doesn't even seem to comprehend that the first one is a valid course of action.
That's what I meant by Okič and others like he being unable to create a proper political platform.
ounli lůzrs jůz ingliš
Exactly. Which means they are not the ones who should lead us - their idea is "all the muslims are bad hurr durr" while it is (just like with literally any group of humans) more like "yo some of them are bad"
If they were able of presenting a reasonable arguments they would in the right place. The can not do so and thus don't belong there.
We lack any sort of conservative party that would provide platform for those that are cautius, but that doesn't mean we should elect idiots into public functions.
Have you seen the candidates for their party on regional level? There are so many literal nazis it is surprising they aren't in jail. In my region (Carlsbad) they had three candidates: Ukrainian emigrant (Sergey Zaripov), a nazi (don't know the name, he's really stupid though) and a Rasputin wannabe. What a nice party.
>without a doubt, the most interesting time period in our history.
Not denying that, but Fall of Rome is an interesting part of History too if you get my point.
>Yeah, that's what happens when you have a civil war
And that's one of the reason why civil wars are bad. Remember half the century back we wuz Kaisers and shit, then came Václav IV, the decrees of Kutná Hora, the Konstans Barbecue and the best part of HRE turned into war-torn shithole hated by everyone in Europe.
>Do you even know where the country lies?
Under my fockin' arse.
>Being part of the HRE and generally of "Europe" is a bit different position than being a sandnigger terrorist somewhere in Syria where nobody really gives a shit about you.
And? I am not the first one to compare IS to hussites
>Spanilé jízdy
Mere raids, that happened because the country was so devastated that it could no longer supply the armies.
you are butthurt because you got assfucked by hussites xD (because hussites were gay) xD
Hussites nonetheless are very intriguing topic to study in local history, had it only not affected the future of czech monarchy later on.
>Convert from Catholicism once
>Get a crusade on you forcing you to compromise
>Convert from Catholicism again
>Get outstraight forced to become Catholics
And people wonder why the Czech are so atheist.
Literally only existed so Britian could maintain hegemony over Europe by keeping Europe chopped up in to little bits instead of united.
Its like if Britian took California and Baja and Vancouverde them a new country just because they won a war against the US. Wouldn't make any god damn sense unless you realize It was only to weaken the US.