Old: Eyosongive.us
/lolg/ - League of Legends general
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Shipping guide. Read carefully use with caution.
Does Naut deserve a buff? If so what would they give him?
Fun and cute.
Do people still bother tuning into Worlds?
>Doesn't matter how well you do, if your ADC is shit. You lose anyways >It's the role that involves farming and positioning the most, the thing that soloq retards do the least. How the fuck is this acceptable? Even with a bad jungler it only impacts the early-to early mid game, if you have a bad ADC every teammate is a total gamble.
I love Lissandra!
>people are still trying to force the links
Do they not realize that the Eyoson has all of those links right?
I mean I know people like Ashefag and Azirfag are stupid, but come on
Give your main/waifu/husbando a thematic buff that makes sense and is NOT OP
A slight flavourful buff if you will.
Lulu charms enemies she hits with 3 spells in a short period of time for 0.5 seconds
1. Riot destroyed all resemblance of Ezreal with Lux in the main verse, why would they suddenly do this? Why not destroy other old lore canon pairings? They were obviously setting up for a new setting.
2. It’s way more tragic this way and if you look at their new champions, riot loves tragedy lately. IE setting up the new girl with Lux
I'd just like my passive/W to apply the Hunter's Talisman drain life effect.
xth for my wife Syndra
Xth for broken Horse Archer champion
blitz main here, this is for you vi people
i love it when people post the same shitty baitfor multiple threads xD
reposting because I fucked up.
>Doesn't matter how well you do, if your ADC is shit. You lose anyways
>It's the role that involves farming and positioning the most, the thing that soloq retards do the least.
How the fuck is this acceptable? Even with a bad jungler it only impacts the early-to early mid game, if you have a bad ADC every teammate is a total gamble.
>tfw no qt petite gf
I don't know. He can cast W on enemies to get a move speed buff.
just want them to fix quinns bugs
passive and E mostly
what da fuck are you even talking about
Yea, bullshit buddy. ADC has been busted basically all of season 7. The game is a coin flip right now because if you're botlane is bad then you can't win team fights reliable.
Why do women always have to make it a battle of the sexes
Are you kidding me, first you guys hype up heal on censer sups and then the items don't even increase the heal of the spell
Which 4800 IP champ should I buy if I want to win?
I can play anything but ADC.
Her face looks fat and old in this picture
I love Camille
q no longer disables crits :^)
New champion is gay with Lux
I can not for the life of me figure out Gnar.
He just feels so weak and like he does fucking nothing.
I get bullied every time in lane and late I just jump in and die.
What the fuck is the point of this little rat?
Jinxfags are more obnoxious than midgetposters
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna
not being bad with him is the point
The face isn't the best ik but the dress and the post are too cute to not post it
Sans lulu midget posters are pretty quiet.
She's permabanned and probably won't be meta next patch.
>New champion is gay with Lux
And which ass cheek did you pull this out of or did you reach deep and pull it straight out of the ass itself?
Is my gf(male) here? swift I miss you
you forgot the pic
the one avatarfag with the CringeyFilenamesLikeThisSoRandom makes me want to shoot myself but he's unfilterable
Rito states that she didn't like Lux so the autistic shipfags reasoned that it would mean they are gay for each other
xth for being sexually teased and abused by Xayah!
>first game of the day
>second game of the day
>riven and zed into rumble and gangplank
>third game of the day
>chogath feeds urgot
must be the time of day
Added passive (and lowered bleed dmg): The more objectives/kills/towers the enemy team has destroyed, the more base AD [Darius] gets.
Only affected by the difference in objectives/kills/towers, it doesn't increase just because both teams have 34/33 kills or something.
Shit ur right
>playing on weekends
you only have yourself to blame
You should never expect reason from shippers. Gay or straight.
xth for Cute Ashe
you are stupid
Where's watsu anyway ?
Hawkshoot leaves a blue ward or
Ult has ad ratios instead
tank meta is disgusting when will it go away
3 champs
4 tags
1 doujin
sell me on your idea user
Renekton gets 0/0.2/0.3 AD per Fury for level 6/11/16
Memes aside a champ who gets power from the enemy team winning
Is this ashe or irelia?
sejuani is garbo after the nerfs
Free stuff, especially that nice ward, is way better than a Teemo-centric anything. Okay, Omega Squad is pretty enjoyable, shame that didn't get a game mode instead of Teemoing. Damned runt getting another awesome skin AND showing up in Morg's skin. I spit in its devilish direction.
>Is Orange Essence also getting the 6.5 multiplyer applied to it?
you are really bad and retarded lol
>play Jhin
>support is an iredeemable idiot
>next game decide i wont let no bot feed
>pick panth
>gank 3 times
>1 tripple kill and few assists
>ww helps them get another 4 kills
>20 minutes later i get assblasted by the kayn i almost 1shoted whenever he ganked me
>look at mf
>9/1 became 9/8
>leona was 5/14
Yeah, I was watching it and the Knight of the Third Azure Order, Sir Bronze Quintet
Lolg why is this Cupid's bow so stunning
Which ever one makes your peepee hard.
Are you looking forward to the new Knightma- Blitz skins? I think they'll be great once the floating animation is fixed.
>"M-Mercy isn't weakness, Irelia..! S-Stop it, I give up already..!"
>just fapped
>see this
nope, dick hurtin, cant fap more
Because you're weak-minded enough to be charmed by a monster that doesn't even have a spell just for that purpose. Betasapien.
I want to impregnate Zyra
>azir E's right into urgot
you can't carry that kind of stupidity
azir's range is so fucking long I don't understand why you would ever want to jump straight into an urgot with him
Ashe can't form ice arrows without her bow, right? A nightmarish scene where this was a real fight and she could flashed before my eyes. N- no thanks.
don't you mean pollinate?
What is the first league related meme you remember?
For me it's "Confirmed on Saintvicious stream"
holy shit man
and it was promos too
>enemy gets baron
>enemy uses rift mid from base since its running out
>this isnt enough time for plat euw shitters to group and def mid and they kill use 3 v 5 under tower
hmmmmmmmmm outplayed
I used to play xerath using only a mouse and clicking his abilities
probably some shit from a dunkey video
i'm pretty sure she'll impregnate you before you fertilize her. you know, feel the thorn's embrace and all.
Im gonna hit Vladimir with a volley ball at terminal velocity
why the fuck can't i queue up with a well balanced team why is everyone always picking the dumbest shit
Should I main top or jungle /lolg/?
TSM v m5 was a pretty good meme
He doesn't need a spell. He just needs to be near you for your bodice to bust and your male companions to turn gay.
Ya boi Brand
I want to impregnate Lulu.
do you want to impregnate someone lolg? tell me about them
meant for
fuck 00f she mine
I'm not a girl. And you can admire without being attracted or approving. Again, weak-minded, you are.
I want to impregnate (you)
ashe is shit anyway, take her
ill take the real prize
HAHAHA MSM faggot, kys
Get ready for top-jungle hybrid players who psuedo-duo with the jungle thanks to that switch-out rune. In other words, it will be your responsibility to dominate lane, swap out for smite and steal from the enemy jungle.
Ashe is really cute
Vlad can't dodge a volleyball lol
>Real prize
>Mentally ill crackwhore yordlefucker
Alright then
What if Lulu doesn't want to?
I want to lick gooey hot cum off Jinx's toes!
>two vayne maynes on both my team and the enemy
>vayne mayne actually dodged when they didnt get vayne
I was in a game against bots but I had to leave because my tea was ready
it said I'd be banned for a little while, will I be in trouble?
mordekaiser deals damage in a cone
better than a basic bitch
Jinx, you'll never be with Jayce, Vi and Caitlyn, stop posting.
should I buy death sworn kata or just keep my slay belle kat shard?
They're both legacy so I am on a fence right now
Should I be disenchanting skin shards I don't want as well as my champ shards?
Is Orange Essence also getting the 6.5 multiplyer applied to it?