What's a way I can amass money without ever having to deal with another human being ever again, so I can make enough money to buy land and homestead so I never have to deal with another human being ever again?
What's a way I can amass money without ever having to deal with another human being ever again...
>Buy bitcoin
>Buy cheap drugs on darknet
>Sell anonymously yourself on darknet at marked % increase
>People buy your drugs over their drugs thinking they will be better because rhe cost is higher
>profit from middle class drug taker
I'd have to agree.
The reason #1 drug dealers get caught is not keeping their mouth shut and bragging.
This risk is absent for OP who doesn't like people.
However consider legal research chemicals first.
Smaller profit, but still possible, and no jail time, no money laundering.
Laundering money well is difficult and illegal in many countries. Fun fact: Laundering your OWN money (alone) is not illegal in Germany. The OECD criticizes Germany for this regularly.
Revenue vs savings question. Selling drugs is all fine and well to keep a modest existence afloat, but how much would a man need to save up and bail?
Everyone's expenses differ, and even if you imagine all the dyi, self-sustaining, what about medical? It's a total crapshoot. Or are we to just accept genetic/fate's roll of the dice and accept whatever comes post 50 years of age?
>legal research chemicals
Nani?? What's this about? Like newer chemicals that come on the market like nutriceuticals?
>Laundering money
Money laundering really only works for the rich, who, of course, do it constantly.
>what about medical
I've seen no evidence for this "medical care" in America.
How do you ship drugs? Don't they havedrug sniffing dogs at post offices a lot?
>Nani?? What's this about? Like newer chemicals that come on the market like nutriceuticals?
Lysergamides (LSD analogs) like AL-LAD, 1P-LSD, ETH-LAD
Some of them are legit good. AL-LAD in particular is an amazing one.
Synthetic Cannabinoids mostly suck, can be even harmful.
Some of the new amphetamines seemed to be quite decent even though I don't partake.
Opioids seem to have decent analogues too.
Remember EVERY classical synthetic drug was a research chemical once.
Dogs are not trained to sniff out psychedelics
Oh, so degenerate drugs.
Get money. Buy a secluded spot. Did you really need to ask a japanese image board?
What are non-degenerate drugs?
Medical drugs. Things that make people well.
Well, if OP hates humans, it doesn't matter much, does it?
I hate humans for THESE reasons. You're filth. Preferably I would like to make money whittling the population down in a significant way, but I'm not sure that's possible. Or just not having to conduct trade of any kind with filthy monkeys.
Sell Fentanyl or other ultra-potent opioids then.
These substances kill people all the time.
Drug dealing will inevitably lead to prison, where I'd have to put up with the second worst humans.
Are you all such filthy degenerates that your only answer is "Dude weed lmao"?
It's the perfect profession for hyper-autists like us. Just wagecuck for a while until you have sufficient starting capital and teach yourself with a dummy account.
That's why you sell research drugs that are still legal
Personally I'm 100% sober most of the time by the way. I don't even drink.
Where can i learn more about this
Tried that. Didn't really work. You need a LOT of cash to start with to live off of day trading.
I recently won $17k in a state lottery and have been wondering what to do with it. Is it enough to get into daytrading?
(Fuck off coinfags reading this, I'm not spending a single penny on cryptocurrency)
70% of professional fund managers fail to outperform the market.
Unless you're in the top 30%, it's simpler to just buy S&P 500 or similar indexes and let the money grow. In that case you need about 1,000,000 USD to live off it, minimally.
Mhm. There's also the fact that almost nobody actually day trades. They let programs do it for them. Generally the advice is, if you're poor, just getting a min wage job will net more cash. And I can say from first-hand experience that's true.
Well, what are you good at, OP, besides bitching?
can confirm
AL-LAD is fucking incredible
It goes out of production soon.
Lysergi already restricts orders to 100 blotters.
Apparently it's very expensive to synthesize, and more difficult than LSD.
Heh.. maybe I'll get on this train while I still can
>I'm a sociopath, but an uncreative shitty one. How do I into real sociopathy, forchan?
You're shit just like us. Kys.