Id always had a habit to give people some money, and help them. Even to strangers. Im not rich, even i got broke sometimes (im still young). But i always wondered what do i get from this. I wanted to stop it because these sometimes backfires to me , (make me tired, broke etc.) but its like i never feel fine after leaving any people who need help. Can someone explain to me what did i get from this, aside from rewards from god or whatever.
Whats the point of doing good deeds if im an atheist?
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no point...
unless you want something from them
virtue points
it feels good
that is the glory of giving!
you must always think to yourself, some place somewhere, there is a comrade is a worse position of me
look beyond your own nose
Evolution. Humans evolved as pack animals, therefor we evolved to create bonds and work with other humans. Generosity is an effective way of forming trust with others.
That's why you like doing good deeds. Because we evolved to like it.
How many times has someone come through for you unexpected and it has helped you out. Outside of "do good deed for good rewards" the rewards is the good deed itself, not expectation of gain.
Basically, it will change someone's mood when you do something nice for them. It doesn't matter if you are atheist, you can still make people happier and their lives a little easier.
Well, virtue is its own reward.
Why be atheist though? You think you 5% of atheists are right, and all of the rest of humanity is wrong?
you could impact the world in a way. Plus what goes around comes back around. You don't know how your deeds could effect anyone, in the long run it could save your life.
You're only existent for a short while, so why not make it something that is filled with friends and happiness?
He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
Making somebody feel good feels good
Feeling good.
It's the only reason you do anything, you've just kind of removed all the layers of separation in this case.
Other people know you do them, and are more likely to idolize/remember you, and less likely to fuck you up.
In addition, humans have (to an extent) a genetic obligation to aid a clique/pact/guild of friends/family.
You can go watch any video featuring chimps and they have full political systems, and they remember whos a faggot and a bro very well. Sometimes if a chimp lets his son die and still oggles women, they'll straight up lynch him for being a bitch.
Which part of the other 95% is right? Should I become a Christian, since it currently has the most adherents after the legacy of European colonialism, or should I become a Muslim, given that Islam will become the dominant faith in about fifty years? Should I become a Buddhist, since it's one of the oldest extant religions? Or maybe I should become a Jew, given that they're the most successful people on average, clearly showing that they have the favour of God. Maybe I'll adopt some shitty tribal animism from the middle of Africa, just for kicks.
At one point, 99.9% of humanity thought the sun revolved around the earth or believed in some other celestial arrangement; if we consider all the people who ever lived that considered space at all, that number might still be true up till today. Shockingly enough, all those people are/were wrong.
I'm trying to figure out if what you said is the same as the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
A society that has a system of mutual support is stronger than one without. You directly benefit from such a society.
But he can benefit from the system without contributing to it. He's asking why he should contribute.
The point of atheism is telling you that you don't need some meme religion to tell you to be good.
Dopamine, thread over.
You don't.
Tautologies like "goodness is it's own reward" and "it feels good(so does a bottle of Porto)" are just bullshit non-answers.
It's honestly meaningless and may bite you in the ass, as the Ecclesiast said.
You had people like this guy literally going insane and killing themselves trying and failling to find real human altruism:
yeah, but in that case, being a good, moral person is retarded and disadvantageous to you, since adopting the dark triad would make you a much more successful person.
>Can someone explain to me what did i get from this, aside from rewards from god or whatever.
It's who you are. Do you really think you need a reward for being true to yourself?
If you don't feel compelled to do good deeds on an intuitive, emotional level, don't bother.
Morals and conscience matter a lot more to whether or not you do good deeds than religion does.
>do good deed
>feel good
>do no need
>feel nothing
There you go.
just simply have empathy, if you needed help what would you want people to do for you?