Why isn't this me?
Why aren't you like this?
Why isn't this me?
Why aren't you like this?
he looks like a fag
For you.
I don't have quite that much class
And also I wouldn't waste my money on a Ferrari
>why don't I look like a gay spic with a puberty tash
Because I have better genetics than him
His pants are hemmed about 1 foot too high. Dat ankle.
Well hard work is possible for anyone, but you can't do anything about bone structure.
>a pic of the neon panda, the icon
Delete this
Working on it
as I make bigger trades, the urge to wear tighter and tighter clothes grows. what is happening to me Veeky Forums? does money cause this? Help
I don't care what fashion trends say, showing that much ankle as a man looks super gay unless you're wearing shorts.
Why is having the appearance of not wearing socks even considered fashionable.
it's not me because despite my much-higher-than-average intellect, general ability, and big dreams, I have crippling anxiety and low self esteem that has led me to not attempt anything ever that could cause me to fail and be embarrassed in front of my peers, whose opinions I care endlessly about despite not really respecting them
he looks like a fuccboi that looks like he cant make any decisions, has the temperment of a 12 year old, likely an insufferable cunt that thinks hes always the best and/or correct.
Likely never got into a fight in their lives since they grew up sheltered and despite how suave they think they are they'll pussy out and back down when a real alpha male steps into the room.
i gamble too much...at least i get hotel rooms and free chips every month.
seriously though, fuck gambling
This lol
I'm a manlet so unfortunately I can't really wear clothing like that or I'll look like a clown
is that riffraff?
Don't worry a poor faggot like you and that guy will never be in the same room
Because i'm not a materialistic faggot
Does he even lift though?
Why not become pic related to tell faggots like that to just walk away .
jelly manlet poorfags detected
enjoy being on the bottom of the food chain, incels
Because I'm the sleeper and the sleeper rocks.
>Shitty work truck
>Walmart clothes
There's almost never a reason to show your power level. If I want to impress someone I take them on vacation with me.
What's the sleeper?
Stop bieng like that. Fuck what they think. You need to re-organize your mind. trust me it can be done. Just force yourself to scramble your thoughts whenever you think about what others think.
Wearing a suit is for people who are unsuccessful
The sleeper is the 90 pound weakling that beats 5 large men in a fair fight.
The ugly rust bucket that wins the drag race. The little boy that wins the dunking contest, the millionaire that dresses in thrift store clothes.
The one you underestimate because of its looks but turns out to be the baddest of the bunch.
Those shoes are handmade by a famous designer i forgot his name, but its wortg2 more thn biz cryptobank
Looks like a monkey.
All of them look like monkeys.
I don't have rich parents, no trust fund.
>being born rich is the only way to have money
Me too. I work in a dead end job for 3 years but I've not even applied for anything else because I'm scared the people at the new job might not like me.
a car salesman?
This is normal. Once you have ascended enough commas you can join the rest of us in the spandex only club.
You will have to shave all body hair tho
It's the most common way
And his hair is combed with a $200,000 comb. OMG he just soooooo to die for. So cute.
You guys do understand these people are models and don't own these vehicles, right?
Ultimate goal.
Why would you want everyone to know who you are?
You don't. There's no point to being rich if you can't show your head in public without being recognized.
gayest thread on Veeky Forums rn
>waggie thinks he's on his way to get rich
This is often a confusion: people think that "successful" people are genius. Genius is rarely successful, because the deep insight also shows the genius all the limitations of a possible creation, refraining him from going ahead. A successful person has a bright idea with limited understanding, over-estimates his view on things, and hence doesn't realize that his creation has serious flaws. This allows him to focus all his energy on his half-failed idea, which, with sufficient luck, becomes a temporary success.
This is also why the elite is not very bright, but has had some successful ideas and mainly a lot of luck. It is why they are arrogant, and mess up things: because of their limited understanding of things, and their confusion between the fact that they were just lucky to be successful, thinking erroneously that it is caused by their "genius" they are in fact totally lacking.
The successful elite are lottery winners that think that they know better than anyone else how to win at lotteries. True genius is not like that.
This, to a degree.
Some of the smartest people I know live like poor people.
It's a common precept in studies of wisdom or life philosophy. People have known this is the best way to live for millennia.
holy fuck you're like an uber-beta.
The wealthy people I know inherited or otherwise are all fairly intelligent, no doubt there are not so bright ones out there, just can't think of any that I've met.
cause i need to get in shape first before im going to drop $$$ on a suit.
What's sad is that it looks like normal shoes....
Because I want to actually have money not rent exotic cars to look rich.
What would you say counts as a true genius then?
only faggots drive around in ferraris
the elite are not geniuses like some of the people you see in medicine and engineering fields, but you don't need to be genius level to succeed. You need ambition, leverage and business acumen. Of course wealthy connections help set you on your path.
Cherry red, what a hunk