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Remember, in 22 hours, this thread will reach radioactive toxic levels beyond even chernobyl.
Breed Nowi
Why at 12:32 specifically?
>failed to get her
last 5 rolls had no greens in them, y u do dis to me gaem?
why is Nowi wearing a straitjacket?
is she mentally ill?
And it will be glorious.
>Fukushima tier thread
My body is ready
But I'd rather cum in Nah.
the schedule for tomorrow:
12:00, release of pathogen "salt"
12:01, first contact
12:05, rapid spread of pathogen
12:30, thread overrun with tears and shit
12:32, mods have to close this general and move heroes into a separate general.
with you /fehg/fag, it will be fucking tanoshii
I can confirm, she indeed does still stutter. It's pretty cute desu.
That does not sound very promising.
That's Raul's kiddo, stop please.
My flying team will be so fucking good with Nowi!
>There will be people here luckshitting Nowis, Henrys, Jakobs, and Sakuras on their free summon
>Some people will even summon two in a single session
Do not lewd my daughter please
>that filename
She still stutters both in japanese and english.
Sorry, it has to do with a question I asked you awhile back.
That's exactly you want to be there to be part of the experience.
It really is scary. I have managed to amass 400 orbs but that still isn't enough to put me at ease.
It can still be anything from a huge success to a massive failure.
Can't wait for the endless amount of people posting their lucky free summon being all smug while I probably won't even roll a 5* with the 100 orbs I saved up
Oh. I thought you were calling Noire my wife for a second, I was about to get upset.
>there are anons who will spend their saved up orbs to roll for Halloween Jakob or Sakura, terrified that they'll be spooked by the other
>but instead they'll end up rolling standard Sakura or Jakob
It's time?
Do people actually all get good stuff from their free summons? I see people posting luckshitting all the time, but I've only ever gotten trash.
Surely I am in the majority rather than the minority right?
Oh, sorry user. I kinda meant it like she was looking at your relationship and was confused but, I'm pretty sure you get the point now.
>yfw some poor fucks get the wrong Jakobs and Sakuras with their free rolls
I finally reached 100 orbs again, but I'll spend it on the Halloween banner. It's a bittersweet feeling. To have your cake and eat it too.
Out of all the free summons i got one focus 5 star
Usually i'm like that as well, not even getting a 4* but some trash 3* i dont need.
Only exception so far has been the Axezura with middle of the road IV's on my free
Shadow Dragon has a sequel in Mystery of the Emblem
Geneology has a midquel in Thracia 776
Binding Blade has a prequel in Blazing Blade
Path of Radiance has a sequel in Radiant Dawn
Awakening has a timey wimey simulatanous sequel and prequel in Fates
What did Gaiden and Sacred Stones do weong to not deserve second games?
>Calling him user
Post BRoy beating Ayra.
You literally can't.
What would mating press impregnation with Nowi be like?
I think i'm ready to kill myself if that happens, my farewell letter will be to blame IS and hope that gets them to change the system for the better.
I'm sorry, I'm pretty fucking tired right now since it's way past 12 and I rarely get any sleep so I'm not really paying much attention to what I actually type out.
It's that retarded Henry+10 whale. He loves to suck spic dick for some reason.
Well fuck.
Out of all my free pulls, I don't even think I got any good fodders out of them, never mind 5* and focus units.
On the latest fliers banner, I wanted a Hinoka but there wasn't even any blue orbs on that roll. I went for a colourless hoping to get a 4* tittyninja or something, but got a fucking healer once again.
People who don't luckshit don't post their results. People who do luckshit do post to brag about it, so it's biased that you generally see it more.
Those two things aren't mutually exclusive
Best friend!
I've gotten 2 5* units from the freebies. Ephraim from his latest banner (genuinely surprised I wasnt PERI'd) and a +spd-def Soren from the CYL banner. The Soren being perfect IV is nice and all but considering it was for fucking CYL I was kinda peeved. He did some good fucking work in the PoR Tempest so whatever. Other than that the majority of free units are feather material aside from the odd Furyman or assorted skillfodder
He's not a +10 yet user, though he's a pretty cool guy. I really only talk to Raul since he doesn't really bother me, but of course everyone hates him.
Gaiden's a side story to Marf's games (same universe and set between Book 1 and 2), so it's kind of already a continuation.
Most of the time I also get absolute shit, but once I got a 5* Soren whose IVs I don't reember because he's a fag so he ended up as Watersweep fodder, and my free pull on Ayra's banner was a *+Spd -Atk Lucina
5% pity rate, two reds one green or two greens one red Jugdral banner?
Reverse knotting with her powerful vaginal dragon muscles so you're unable to pull out until you empty your balls into her womb!
>veronica got to tag along and play
How lovely. Utterly adorable.
Go for the red I guess.
One of each color because fuck it
Me: 1
You: 0
And this is the Lunatic one with 44 speed.
Is that alfonse ? what a fucking faggot
I want to fuck my best friend so bad
Also i want to bully vero vero with my dick
>Nowi will never clutch you tightly and leglock you in order to force every last drop of semen into her womb
>her soft dragon cervix will never suck gently on your glans in order to bully all the cum out of your dick
Open bottom left red first then the top green 2nd and base your final orb on if you get a focus from 1 of them
You're rolling for a Halloween unit when this pops up and shouts boo at you instead. What do?
Please stop my dick cant handle anymore
Immediately went green after Sigurd.
I miss Veronica. They need to expand the story again so that I'll get to see her more.
Somehow incorporating Veronica into the inevitable Christmas shenanigans somehow would be cool too though.
Good job user, I hope you get good ivs on them.
I ask myself how the fuck it happened since I ain't gonna be opening any gray orbs
I now have Physic fodder for Serra.
Remember to lock the door behind me. Can't let any of these gachashits pass if they pass judgement on every on us sinners.
>called not one but both right for you
>this shit never happens for me
T-t-thanks congrats
Can she just be released already? She hasn't even come out and is already outclassed as fuck
>no defense this week
What the fuck I always had a defense since the fucking 1st hero fest what's going on HELP.
I have spent over 100 orbs on this TT banner trying to get a 40% bonus unit but this banner just refuses to give me one. I have gotten Elincia and Tana from this banner but nt a single TT bonus unit. And now there's only 21 hours left. Now I am at 3.75 again and no orbs. Fuck this rng
They will buff her when she finally gets released
At one point I helped one user get two Deer Deers. Bad ivs, but he was still happy as shit.
>you will never wonder why she's still holding onto you after your intense orgasm finishes
>she will never massage your spent dick with her tight dragon pussy in the ensuing minutes while whispering sweet nothings into your ear, only to glance at you with a lewd, knowing smile as she feels you hardening again for a second round
Sigurd happened.
Time to go hit up some loli doujins
+res-def Deirdre and neutral Sigurd
Thank you user, hopefully you will get good stuff as well.
>Veronica never gets released
>instead a Brave version is released alongside upgraded Al, Sharena and Anna
It really is incredible how Veronica and Bruno are so sorely outclassed now. I'm sure they'll get "hero" variants now; they unironically need them just to be viable.
Make sure to think up some more of this shit once witch Nowi is out.
I want Warriors Anna in the game as an archer.
I usually have none since I'm a shitter but someone with a shitty Xander managed to fuck up against my team somehow.
That's not too bad, hope they do good!
Yeah but that'd be weird.
>a billion defenses last week
>1 this week
I'm concerned, but horsecancer breaks someone eventually.
>fire emblem heroes gets its own stage in sma5h
>periodically you get an audible quote from veronica
>it's veronica commanding her champions to attack
>they charge the stage doing final smash like attacks
For real though. Fire Emblem Switch is guaranteed to get representation in Smash. But do you think there is any chance for anything Heroes related?
I didn't used to think Nowi was sexyal and now I wish I could ho back to those days. I'm a disgusting human being now.
Just be yourself, the only one in the world
Same. It's unsettling.
Hi user. That was me. do you want to see what my Deirdre looks like now?
>Put Camilla in normal clothing
>Instantly x10 cuter
I can't wait for the Broken Armor costumes in FEW.
No no no. I want damage calculator screenshot. You killing a shit comp unit means nothing in the realm of arena.
You know how they incorporated the Sacred Seal Forge into the story with the A Power Awakens intermission?
That's now an in-story advantage the Askran kingdom has over the Emblian empire.
I unironically suspect that within the not so distant future. Veronica and or Bruno will show up with new and fancy weapons. Leading into the search and or battle for the Weapon Forge.
This is what happens when you don't come to your husbands Deirdre.
>that Ike
Is Donnel worth investing into? Was planning to make a 4* +10 since I got a few 4*s. Or would 5* be better? Or should I just use him as a fodder instead?
He's one of the best f2p units. Like nearly every f2p guide for any GHB will use him
I cannot deny this
Should I make him 4* +10 or 5* +0?
CYL Camilla with Garon's axe when?
Whew so hot¤
I didn't get any the previous weeks. But this season I got like 5 on the first day. And I don't remember having changed anything.
Socks are infinitely better